Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oprah Winfrey Barely Visible at Barack Obama’s Historic Presidential Inauguration

Unlike Cinderella, who at precisely the stroke of 12 midnight, the magical glass slippers and the beautiful horse-drawn carriage turns back into a ragged giant pumpkin, and her magically stitched clothing turns into rags, where was Miss "O" at 12 noon (9 A.M. EST) when the Ebony Prince charming that she had introduced onto the world stage by publicly backing him and launching his campaign, Her Senator from Chicago, IL, Oprah appears to have gone, either MIA or BV (“barely visible”) when Barack Obama was crowned; becoming the forty-fourth President of the United States, the Nation's first African-American and non-White man, and leader of the Free World. Also conspicuously keeping a low-profile was Oprah's entourage to include best friend and Girl Friday, Gayle King as well as her Beau, Stedman Graham.

It is unconceivable to think that Oprah would not have had a ring side seat to the coronation that she helped bring about by endorsing Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, not to mention Oprah's sense of relishing in this once-in-a-lifetime historic moment. It seems unlikely if Miss "O" were at the Washington D.C. Mall that some media source would not put a camera and microphone in front of her face to get her reaction to this almost surreal, if not epic event. Strangely, there was barely any mention of the Queen of the Daytime Confessionals and America's unofficial Royalty at the Presidential Inauguration or at any of the ten Inaugural Balls which commenced later on late into the night on yesterday. Whatever the reason for Oprah's gracious humility and her almost unannounced and barely recognizable presence in that record-breaking sea of humanity, it is a shame because she had just as much to do with this victory celebration than any one of the millions of voters who made the decision to choose CHANGE over FEAR.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
January 21, 2009

How will History Remember George W. Bush?

President George ("Dubya") Bush may go down in the annals of American History as the first President to end the domination of White males to singularly occupy the White House. Although for most people George Bush will be blamed for the financial crisis, employment crisis, mortgage crisis, the confidence crisis, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, MISSION("Not")ACCOMPLISHED, the Hurricane Katrina and FEMA nightmare, as well as the 2000 ELECTION, which he stole from Al Gore. Ex-President George Bush's blow to the status-quo is like the White baseball pitcher, Al Downing of the "DODGERS" who slugger Hank Aaron of the "BRAVES" hit that homerun off of on April 8, 1974, which beat the here-to-fore unthinkable feat in baseball that a 'negro' [at that time] player would have the audacity break BABE RUTH'S ("the Great Bambino's") record. That pitcher as well as Hank Aaron received death threats from disgruntled Whites because it shattered a stereotype that always held the Black man to be inferior to any White man. Conversely,George Bush was supposed to maintain and to pass along the hierarchy of power and prestige of the office of President to the next White man to come along, not to a descendant of African slaves who built the very steps where Barack Obama walked up to take the presidential oath of office.

Also, a lot has been made about President Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves, but Lincoln was not moved by compassion for the plight of the slaves or pressure from the abolitionists, but rather it was by, in his own memoir, "To Preserve the Union." The Founding Fathers may not be too happy at this inconceivable historic event because the freedoms that they extolled in all of their numerous writings and lofty ideals did not apply to people whom they considered property in the least and three-fifths of a person at the most. So, while we as a country celebrate the ascendancy of Barack Hussein Obama to the pinnacle of power as the leader of the Free World and "The Man," let's not forget to send a shout out to Bush 43 because without him there would not be a President Barack Obama. Thank You, George “Dubya” Bush.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
January 22, 2009