Tuesday, February 1, 2011

President Obama’s advice to Hosni Mubarak just might be his own

An unidentified spokesman for the Obama Administration has asked Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak not to seek reelection amid the turmoil and demonstrations by many of the citizens’ disapproval of the government’s growing policy on restricting freedom and access to technology. The gathering of one million protesters is an indication of a no-confidence vote for him to continue in power and lead Egypt into the future after forty years as head of one of the largest secular Arab countries in the world. It is interesting that The White House and State Department would weigh in on the internal affairs of another country who is an ally in the fight against terrorism and is one of the few Arab countries at peace with Israel. Be that as it may, Barack Obama may find that the Tea Party just might decide to hold a rally of their own, with a gathering of one million supporters and their spokesperson, namely, Sarah Palin, will demand that he not seek reelection.

After all, the Democrats took quite a shellacking in the November elections, losing over sixty Congressional seats and leaving Republicans in the Majority in the House, and were just a few short of taking over the Senate; not to mention the seven Governorships in states that switched into the hands of the GOP. Under President Obama’s leadership, the bailout or “TARP” has mainly benefitted Wall Street and not main street as unemployment is still at record levels, and his much touted health Care bill had been repealed in the House of Representatives and doubtless the lawsuits by several states who opposed it in the first place as excessive power of the Executive Branch to regulate Commerce will finally be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court as “unconstitutional.” Even the State of the Union address has been given the acronym “WTF” and for some, the high speed rail that the president wants so badly should be the one that he rides out of town.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 1, 2011