Thursday, April 2, 2009

Michelle 'O' is no Jackie "O"

On her first entrance onto the major International stage, First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama seemed as though she did a Texas Two-Step before the descendant of the House of Tudor than a graceful Fox Trot. Michelle Obama has been compared to former First Lady of Camelot, Jackie 'O' Kennedy, but that might be a wee bit premature. Notwithstanding Michelle Obama's fashion style where she wore a sleeveless ensemble on at least one occasion at this august gathering of dignitaries and their spouses from the most powerful Industrial nations (The G-20) on planet Earth, but she made the almost unthinkable breach in etiquette and tradition when she met Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom [England].

The first thing: she shook the Queen's extended and outstretched hand, instead of taking her hand and respectfully bowing slightly with a curtsey. The second thing was that she was seen later putting her arm around the Queen Mother’s shoulder and patting her on the back, like some other ordinary acquaintance, or wife of the usual political leader. And to top it all off, the gift from the President and First Lady of the United States to the royal-blooded Queen of England was an 'iPod;' an iPod! Talk about being "Ghetto," courtesy of the lower Southside of Chicago (Amen). President Obama was so angry with GM that he wanted the CEO fired, well; he should also fire whoever advised him and Mrs. Obama in particular, on how to be introduced to royalty. Let's just hope when the President and First Lady attend all those lavish dinner parties that they will know how to use the flatware, because it seems that for them, being highly educated and a cultural sophisticate are not necessarily the same thing.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
April 3, 2009