Monday, July 6, 2009

President Barack Obama: Negotiate with Israel to release the "Gaza-21"

How ironic is it that as America celebrated its 233rd Anniversary of Independence and Freedom on this past July 4th, four U.S. citizens, including Cynthia McKinney, former House of Representatives member from Georgia, along with others called the “Gaza-21” are being held illegally in an Israeli prison. Ms. McKinney was part of a human rights delegation delivering much needed humanitarian aide to Palestinians living in the war- torn and occupied territories of the Gaza Strip. The boat she was on was seized by the Israeli Navy while in International Waters; much like tankers, cargo and passenger ships are seized in open waters by marauding bands of Somali pirates.

So far, the Obama Administration and the State Department under Hilary Rodham Clinton have been silent on this clear act that is in violation of International and Maritime laws. President Barack Obama’s eloquent speech from Cairo, Egypt about a month ago must not have gotten through to the people of Israel; or at least to the military and political leadership. It will be interesting to see what action the United Nations will take on the matter, and although President Obama hasn’t gotten that phone call at 3AM yet, he had better learn to be a “light” sleeper because it is getting close to 2AM, and the clock is still ticking.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 6, 2009