Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rielle breaks silence, but is anyone really listening or even care?

After nearly two years since her affair with North Carolina Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate, femme fatale and sometime photojournalist, Rielle Hunter has decided to seek public absolution in her tell-all interview and confessional with writer Lisa DePaulo of GQ Magazine. According to Ms. Hunter, the attraction between she and John Edwards was, in her words, “Lust at First Sight,” and within a span of several hours, the illicit affair was in full effect. Never mind that Edwards was a married man with a family and a wife suffering from the most virulent and non-curable form of cancer, but hey, she isn’t such a horrible person or a money-grubbing opportunist who could have sold her story for big bucks.

Of course, Rielle didn’t have to worry about things financially because she was already receiving money secretly from “Johnny,” as she likes to call him, including the purchase of a house in North Carolina not too far from the Edwards’ Estate. Former White House Intern Monica Lewinsky could also say that what she did wasn’t so bad either, and also didn’t try to capitalize monetarily on the scandal and paparazzi over her affair with former President Bill Clinton; although the “Cali Girl” did have to leave the United States from all the intense and mostly negative media attention and go live in Europe (The UK) and start a business selling women’s purses/handbags.

Ms. Hunter says that she and John Edwards “love each other very much” and that, also, according to the interview with DePaulo, instead of the affair resulting in Edwards “Falling from Grace,” he has in her words, “Fallen into Grace” because he is ‘Living a Life of Truth' now. There was no shame in her game and an unapologetic as well as unrepentant Ms. Hunter probably feels that it isn't her fault if the bond between Elizabeth and John wasn't strong enough to keep him from being seduced by her. It seems that Rielle also seeks to portray Elizabeth Edwards in a less than stellar light; as overly controlling, and as a woman who has stripped John of his ‘manhood’ (emasculated him) and pushed him into running for President when he wasn't sure he really wanted to.

In her eyes, John is the real victim in their marriage and like most fairy tales, Ms. Hunter truly believes that she and ‘Johnny’ will Live Happily Ever After; but she may come to find that instead, that her life with John is a tragic Shakespearean drama and the final act will be one filled with betrayal, lust, anger, revenge, pain, and sorrow. Right now, Rielle is feeling satisfied and can exult and celebrate as the ‘other’ woman who finally snatched her Price Charming from the clutches of Elizabeth, but perhaps in about a few years from now, she may find as true that old adage: “What he will do with you he will do to You;" and both of them might come to find out that "Having [someone] is not necessarily so pleasant a thing as Wanting."

As a last point: John repeatedly professed his love for his wfe and family and how much he was so devoted to them and how happy they were, but it did not prevent him from betraying those to whom he pledged his unfailing love, support, and fidelity; so why does Rielle think it is going to be any different in her case, considering the fact that John dishonored his marital vows and abandoned a terminally sick wife just to have sex with her [in secret, no less]?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
March 15, 2010