Monday, April 19, 2010

President Obama and the Members of Congress may need to reread "The Constitution."

One of the things that most Americans can reasonably agree on is their distrust of “Big government,” and according to the latest poll numbers from the Pew Research Institute, that seems to be just about right. In survey after survey, whether it is one conducted by MSNBC or some independent research firm, there is growing animosity among citizens as to the role, or rather, intrusion of government into the public and private sector of American society. With a stagnant economy, high unemployment, record foreclosures and unprecedented personal and business bankruptcies, along with the difficulty in obtaining a bank loan and families who cannot afford to pay for Healthcare or medical prescriptions, its no wonder people feel the way they do; but what is the “solution” to the confusion? The first thing just might be for the legislators in Washington, D.C. to take a refresher course in CONSTITUTION 101.

One of the things that almost prevented the US Constitution from finally being adopted and ratified was the very real concern about the growing power and influence of the federal government (“Federalism”). The statutes under the Articles of Confederation, which protected and upheld State Rights to be independent and autonomous from federal intrusion was championed because it was deemed that the individual State governments [in the South, particularly] were in a better position to address the needs of their citizens [people] than a national legislature in Philadelphia or elsewhere. The thing is, with all the proposals that President Barack Obama has made, and of which a few have passed into Law, with Congress [The Hose of Representatives and U.S. Senate], seemingly acting like the little kitten that plays with a ball of yarn only to become entangled in it, only does the bidding of America’s CEO [Czar Executive Officer-in-Chief] through Democratic partisanship and majority representation in both Legislative Houses.

Be that as it may, a quick review of ARTICLE 1, Section 8. says: Congress [NOT the President] shall have power . . . To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes. Congress [NOT the President] shall have power To establish uniform Laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States. Congress [NOT the President] shall have power To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.

ARTICLE 1, Section 7 & Section 8 says: All Bills for raising Revenue [taxes] shall originate in the House of Representatives [NOT the Oval Office]; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequences of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money [taxes??] shall be published from time to time.

It is all about fiscal responsibility and when the President of the United States has his heavy hand in the financial markets and Commerce (Wall Street, The Big Three Automakers bankruptcy filings, Fortune 500 CEO compensation, The Banking Industry Mortgage foreclosure crisis, NASA exploits to land on an asteroid, mandating Federal or State-run Healthcare Insurance holding company coverage on individual Americans, Clean-Energy initiatives, etc.), this is a little troubling; to say the least. Also, the term “Commerce” is very broad and includes all business, trade, industry, transportation, manufacturing, goods, and services. This is not to indict President Obama as having some sort of Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde alter-ego nor accusing him of succumbing to the adage, “Absolute Power corrupts absolutely,” because considering the ineptitude of Congress nowadays, what he is attempting is more than they are doing; which is to say all these Legislators seem to care about are being wined and dined by lobbyists and voting to give themselves a big raise at the next session of Congress. And, although President Obama may have good intentions during this present economic downturn, but as the old saying goes, “The road to HELL is paved with good intentions.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
April 19, 2010