Friday, June 11, 2010

Local professional sports teams continue to disappoint fans

Will somebody please stop all the bloodletting about our local professional sports teams, it is excruciatingly painful. The Seattle Mariners should be named the "Marionettes" because they play like puppets on a string and the Seattle and King County council should contact comedian/actor Drew Carey and tell him they will pay him money to relocate the Seattle Sounders out of Washington State because this 'joke' ain't so funny. As for the Seahawks, maybe Billionaire owner Paul Allen should just sell then now and cut his losses.

Oh, wait! Isn't there another team that Sportswriters seemed to have forgotten about, namely, Lauren Jackson, Sue Bird and the quiet "Seattle Storm?" The only thing worse than hearing about the economy and unemployment rate is the dismal performance of the male-dominated sports franchises in the State. Even UW Senior girl's softball pitching and phenom Danielle Lawrie was a breath of fresh air to cover up the embarrassment of another losing season for avid and supportive sports fans. It seems that the highly-paid professional male athletes of the state's major sports teams play as though they are indeed, 'Sleepless in Seattle.'

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 11, 2010