Pop Super-Star performer and “Material Girl” MADONNA is probably the first well-known celebrity to adopt a non-White child, followed by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman [when they were together]. After them, it is Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (“Bradgelina”). Following their lead are: Hugh Jackman (aka “Wolverine”), Katherine Heigl (“Grey's Anatomy”), Jean Smart (“Samantha Who”), Sandra Bullock, and even Julia Roberts (“Pretty Woman”) wants to adopt a little Indian girl; not such a surprise since she is a practicing Buddhist, by the way. With Sandra Bullock, it just might be ‘Art imitating Life’ because of her starring role in the movie, “The Blindside.”
The issue is not to criticize or demonize Whites who want to adopt a Black child, and it is doubtful that the adoption agencies and Foster Homes will suddenly find that all their children of color have mysteriously disappeared (“raptured”) to suddenly reappear in all the available White households. Based on the latest adoption statistics, of all the Black children in the foster care system, 32% of the 510,000 children in foster care are now Black. According to the New York Times, 26% of adopted black children in 2004 were adopted by mostly white parents and in a 2000 census, 16,000 households had adopted black children. This may not be all that surprising because the records of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers of Disease Control (CDC), 2008 Vital Health Statistics Series indicate that 84% of white adoption seekers would prefer or accept a Black child.
One could ask the question as to why not adopt another white child and provide him/her with a good home, education, financial security, affluent lifestyle, happiness and all the rest? Of course, one cannot dismiss the psychological implications and difficulty of being in an environment surrounded by people, no matter how loving, who don’t look like you do; which is the concern expressed in a 2008 study by the Evan B Donaldson Adoption Institute. In an earlier opinion posited in the early 1970’s by the National Association of Black Social Workers, it branded trans-racial adoption as “cultural genocide.” They further state: “We affirm the inviolable placement [right] of black children in black families where they belong physically, psychologically and culturally in order that they receive ‘the total sense of themselves’ and develop a sound projection of their future.” Can a non African-American parent raise a Black man-child into manhood, and will they be able to explain things that they are [should be] accustomed to on a personal level?
As a final point, since the main concern is adoption by the “RICH & FAMOUS,” what has not been considered is when, say, someone like Ellen DeGeneres & Portia DeRossi, Melissa Ethridge or Rosie O’Donnell should want to follow suit in the same manner, what then? Perhaps before either a celebrity or average person decides on such a personal commitment they should watch the movie, “Losing Isaiah” to introduce them to some things they might want to consider beforehand.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What life was like in America before 9-1-1 had happened?
It is hard to imagine what America was like before September 11, 2001 because this single act of terrorism on our native soil has been the defining moment for the United States in the modern age. It is a “new reality” and surreal moment that will be forever etched in our national consciousness; much like the rallying cry of the frontier Texan patriots, “Remember the Alamo” in memory of the sacrifice of their brave comrades at the hands of the Mexican army under General Santa Ana. Surely there must have been other significant events in the country before the attack on the World Trade Center(WTC), Pentagon and when the Twin Towers came crashing down while the news outlets broadcast the tragedy ‘Live’ and in ‘Living Color’ right in front of our very eyes on every television set.
According to the Washington, D.C.-based Pew Research Center, during the first eight months of 2001, the rising price of gas and China’s release of a detained American air crew in April were the only stories followed closely by the majority of Americans. The biggest story of the summer was the media-driven obsession with the scandal involving California’s Congressman Gary Condit and the disappearance of Washington, D.C., intern Chandra Levy. Also, there was the execution of Timothy McVeigh for bombing the federal building in Oklahoma; U.S. Sen. Jim Jeffords of Vermont quits Republican Party and becomes an independent, tilting control of the Senate to the Democrats; the power crisis in California; Europe is hit by mad cow and foot-and-mouth diseases; the rising power of the European Union and introduction of a common currency (the EURO); the United States withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM); the collapse of ENRON, and saving the best for last, the controversial first term election of President George W. Bush, which resulted in the intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court amid lawsuits alleging ballot improprieties and violation of federal law.
It is interesting to note that within eight months after President Bush took the oath of office that the awful terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 helped inaugurate modern warfare and redefine American nationalistic and ethnocentric ideology. The nation cannot go back to the former times of innocence or perhaps naïveté is a better word, and we must be forever vigilant and be on guard against any suspicious set of circumstances, abandoned vehicle or package which may be a deadly booby-trap set by a terrorist. That the Bush Administration and officials within the Armed Forces Intelligence communities, the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, or CIA could not have connected the dots from a trail of clues that could have circumvented this tragedy is an open-ended question that might not ever be answered honestly. One thing is certain, which is, the on-going anger over the election of George W. Bush as President when Al Gore won the ‘Popular’ vote was consuming the energy of the nation and “THE PEOPLE” felt cheated and were so outspoken that it was dubbed “THE STOLEN ELECTION.” The ability of President Bush to lead the nation was in question as he was caricatured with the honorarium as either, “HAIL TO THE THIEF,” or the “COMMANDER-IN-THIEF” as the legitimacy of his presidency was at odds with the majority of the American people. THEN 9-1-1 HAPPENED AND THAT WAS THAT; coincidence you say, “I think not!”
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 29, 2010
According to the Washington, D.C.-based Pew Research Center, during the first eight months of 2001, the rising price of gas and China’s release of a detained American air crew in April were the only stories followed closely by the majority of Americans. The biggest story of the summer was the media-driven obsession with the scandal involving California’s Congressman Gary Condit and the disappearance of Washington, D.C., intern Chandra Levy. Also, there was the execution of Timothy McVeigh for bombing the federal building in Oklahoma; U.S. Sen. Jim Jeffords of Vermont quits Republican Party and becomes an independent, tilting control of the Senate to the Democrats; the power crisis in California; Europe is hit by mad cow and foot-and-mouth diseases; the rising power of the European Union and introduction of a common currency (the EURO); the United States withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM); the collapse of ENRON, and saving the best for last, the controversial first term election of President George W. Bush, which resulted in the intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court amid lawsuits alleging ballot improprieties and violation of federal law.
It is interesting to note that within eight months after President Bush took the oath of office that the awful terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 helped inaugurate modern warfare and redefine American nationalistic and ethnocentric ideology. The nation cannot go back to the former times of innocence or perhaps naïveté is a better word, and we must be forever vigilant and be on guard against any suspicious set of circumstances, abandoned vehicle or package which may be a deadly booby-trap set by a terrorist. That the Bush Administration and officials within the Armed Forces Intelligence communities, the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, or CIA could not have connected the dots from a trail of clues that could have circumvented this tragedy is an open-ended question that might not ever be answered honestly. One thing is certain, which is, the on-going anger over the election of George W. Bush as President when Al Gore won the ‘Popular’ vote was consuming the energy of the nation and “THE PEOPLE” felt cheated and were so outspoken that it was dubbed “THE STOLEN ELECTION.” The ability of President Bush to lead the nation was in question as he was caricatured with the honorarium as either, “HAIL TO THE THIEF,” or the “COMMANDER-IN-THIEF” as the legitimacy of his presidency was at odds with the majority of the American people. THEN 9-1-1 HAPPENED AND THAT WAS THAT; coincidence you say, “I think not!”
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Some Straight Talk about Gays serving in the Military
It is time for people to finally get a grip and come to their senses on this contentious issue. There is a sort of irrationality and mental disconnect that lead people to contend that having gays serving in the Armed Forces of the United States will somehow threaten the effectiveness and unit cohesion of our fighting forces, posing a grave national security risk; such concerns are unwarranted and utter foolishness. Attorney and retired Army Major, Jeff Cleghorn, who is gay, quotes Armed Services Committee member, Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss, as saying: “Allowing gays to serve openly might somehow lead to alcohol use, adultery, fraternization [with whom??] and body art [tattoos??].” That statement makes about as much sense as the one made by Christine O’Donnell, the East-Coast Sarah Palin, who once said that “Masturbation is Adultery.”
Former President Bill Clinton, in an effort to gain the support of gay and lesbian voters, was instrumental in the passage of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” which is a dumb and unnecessary law because after gays have finally come out of the closet in the larger society, are they now to go back into the closet and their sexual orientation hidden during deployment in one of the branches of the Armed Services? Some will contend, as does retired U.S. Air Force Major General, Rich Goddard, enlistment into the military by gay Americans is not an act of patriotism and duty but part of their larger agenda to infiltrate the branches of the Armed Forces with a lifestyle that is objectionable to most Americans.
Another concern, which is relevant to the issue is, Section 654 of U.S. Code Title 10, which states that gays are not eligible for military service, and that the military is a “specialized society” that is different from the rest of American society, requiring a code of conduct and discipline that is more restrictive than for the average citizen. Also, gay men are thought to have anonymous sex with multiple partners and frequent places such as libraries, theatres, bowling alleys and movies, targeting and preying upon impressionable, more vulnerable younger children. However, similar claims can be made for the many male heterosexual predators and pedophiles who lurk at these places, also. It is true that the “special culture” within the military has no parallel in American society; still, it is not separate and apart from the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which guarantees all citizens the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
That the presence of gays in the military will in some mysterious way lower morale, weaken the bond of discipline and retard the readiness and training of our troops is not based upon any credible scientific evidence or study but rather on prejudice, fear, hysteria and should not be tolerated one bit. If these brave and patriotic men and women are willing to give their last full measure of devotion to the nation that they love, then we should honor them with the respect and dignity that they so richly deserve.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 24, 2010
Former President Bill Clinton, in an effort to gain the support of gay and lesbian voters, was instrumental in the passage of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” which is a dumb and unnecessary law because after gays have finally come out of the closet in the larger society, are they now to go back into the closet and their sexual orientation hidden during deployment in one of the branches of the Armed Services? Some will contend, as does retired U.S. Air Force Major General, Rich Goddard, enlistment into the military by gay Americans is not an act of patriotism and duty but part of their larger agenda to infiltrate the branches of the Armed Forces with a lifestyle that is objectionable to most Americans.
Another concern, which is relevant to the issue is, Section 654 of U.S. Code Title 10, which states that gays are not eligible for military service, and that the military is a “specialized society” that is different from the rest of American society, requiring a code of conduct and discipline that is more restrictive than for the average citizen. Also, gay men are thought to have anonymous sex with multiple partners and frequent places such as libraries, theatres, bowling alleys and movies, targeting and preying upon impressionable, more vulnerable younger children. However, similar claims can be made for the many male heterosexual predators and pedophiles who lurk at these places, also. It is true that the “special culture” within the military has no parallel in American society; still, it is not separate and apart from the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which guarantees all citizens the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
That the presence of gays in the military will in some mysterious way lower morale, weaken the bond of discipline and retard the readiness and training of our troops is not based upon any credible scientific evidence or study but rather on prejudice, fear, hysteria and should not be tolerated one bit. If these brave and patriotic men and women are willing to give their last full measure of devotion to the nation that they love, then we should honor them with the respect and dignity that they so richly deserve.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It’s time for a clean sweep in the Nation’s Capitol
The Democrats cannot say that the rumors of their death is premature because the way things look now, it is likely to be a day that undertakers would turn green with envy; and it seems that there is only one person who mostly gets the blame. President Obama missed the incredible opportunity he had then to unite the country. It was also a time of great disenchantment over the 8 years of George W. Bush, and people were looking for a ray of HOPE, so here cometh the MESSIAH; politically speaking, of course. Well, now we know that he cannot create jobs out of nothing nor can he make the deep waters of partisan, political division come back together again.
Now what is needed in Washington D.C. is a clean sweep. Presidential candidate Barack Obama's famous quote of "EIGHT IS ENOUGH" should apply, in principal, to those "lifers" now serving in Congress. All the incumbents who have been in office more than, say, four terms, should be voted out of office and replaced by someone else; hopefully, a person of integrity who is willing to really work in a bi-partisan fashion to solve the problems facing all Americans. Give these four the HEAVE-HO: Nancy Pelosi, Sam Reid, Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner; and for president Obama: “WE SAY NO TO FOUR MORE.”
Perhaps the lament of Cassius in the quote from Shakespeare is appropriate at this stage: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 15, 2010
Now what is needed in Washington D.C. is a clean sweep. Presidential candidate Barack Obama's famous quote of "EIGHT IS ENOUGH" should apply, in principal, to those "lifers" now serving in Congress. All the incumbents who have been in office more than, say, four terms, should be voted out of office and replaced by someone else; hopefully, a person of integrity who is willing to really work in a bi-partisan fashion to solve the problems facing all Americans. Give these four the HEAVE-HO: Nancy Pelosi, Sam Reid, Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner; and for president Obama: “WE SAY NO TO FOUR MORE.”
Perhaps the lament of Cassius in the quote from Shakespeare is appropriate at this stage: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 15, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Death Penalty is established by the ordinance of God
Protesters held a silent vigil outside the State Capitol in Olympia, WA in opposition to the execution of Cal Brown, who brutally raped and murder a young woman who had not even reached her twenty-first birthday, nearly twenty years ago. Opponents of this form of capital punishment carried signs which read: that it is state-sponsored execution, it doesn’t deter crime, it doesn’t provide healing and closure for the victim’s loved ones, and it leaves other families [besides the victim’s] grieving, too. While this type of response might be expected from some citizens, it is a little surprising to see Christians among the group because God ordained it in the very Bible they read from each Sunday.
In fact, when God did not personally punish someone for a serious crime [sin], the people were commanded by God to carry out the death sentence themselves. This principal is actually at the heart of the matter because any sin or offense [criminal act] was not a judgment upon just the individual, but upon the entire community or nation. There were instances where an offender paid financial restitution, sacrificed a peace offering to God, or paid the ultimate penalty, “Their very life!” It would be interesting to find out how many people would be against the Death Penalty for the commission of a capital offense if everyone had to suffer, because the punishment for it was not carried out speedily, or it was delayed for years due to the judicial appeals process.
NOTE: Read in the Bible Exodus 31: 14; Numbers 15: 32-36; Romans 13: 1-2, 5 for further consideration.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 10, 2010
In fact, when God did not personally punish someone for a serious crime [sin], the people were commanded by God to carry out the death sentence themselves. This principal is actually at the heart of the matter because any sin or offense [criminal act] was not a judgment upon just the individual, but upon the entire community or nation. There were instances where an offender paid financial restitution, sacrificed a peace offering to God, or paid the ultimate penalty, “Their very life!” It would be interesting to find out how many people would be against the Death Penalty for the commission of a capital offense if everyone had to suffer, because the punishment for it was not carried out speedily, or it was delayed for years due to the judicial appeals process.
NOTE: Read in the Bible Exodus 31: 14; Numbers 15: 32-36; Romans 13: 1-2, 5 for further consideration.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Dove World Outreach Church offers bonfire instead of Olive branch
In commemoration of the ninth Anniversary of terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon by Middle Eastern suicide bombers on September 11, 2001, Evangelist Terry Jones and his Gainesville, FLA congregation are planning to light a bonfire in a field outside the Church with several hundred copies of Muslim sacred book, the Holy Koran. The Church website says that it wants to show Islam as a violent and oppressive religion, but isn’t a public display of heaps of religious sacred literature set ablaze also an act of “violence’? Somehow the leaders and parishioners want to split hairs over the ‘act’ of burning copies of the Koran as hating the ideology and teaching of Islam but not hating the people who practice it, because after-all, as they say, “WE LOVE, AS GOD LOVES.” It is interesting how they can make the fine distinction between desecrating someone’s holy book, but yet feel as though they have not harmed anyone. If there is a person who believes that logic then I have some oceanfront property to sell them in arid Arizona.
Also, Pastor Terry Jones has a hate Manifesto called TEN REASONS TO BURN A KORAN, but it appears that he must not have studied too diligently at Theological Seminary or Bible College, as his propositions will be refuted in order, as in below:
MAJOR PREMISE: Islam is a danger and is of the Devil
FACT: America is not threatened by the ritualistic practice and belief system of any religion, and it was not Islam that destroyed the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon nine years ago, but by gullible men who were part of a conspiracy devised by some Middle Eastern religious fanatics operating under the guise of Islam to gain worldwide attention by striking a blow against Western Imperialism through their martyrdom.
I. Islam teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God.
FACT: Other religions, including Judaism teaches that Jesus was not the Son of God and not only that, but the divinity of Jesus has been debated within Christianity for centuries.
II. The Koran is not the word of God but is written by man.
FACT: There are theologians and Bible scholars who do not believe that every single book in the Bible and every passage were written solely by the directive of God, nor are they convinced that every book was actually written by the ascribed author. Not only that, but most if not all religious and secular Jews reject the inspiration of the Christian New Testament.
III. The Koran has teachings about idolatry, paganism rites and rituals.
FACT: The Jewish Bible [TANACH; Old Testament] especially, has pagan rituals, incest, murder, deceit, rape, nudity, X-rated sexual connotations and language, cannibalism, genocide, animal cruelty, greed, and even more that are contained within what is considered holy and sacred text.
IV. The earliest writings attributed to the prophet Mohammed appeared 120 years or so after his death.
FACT: The dating of the books in the Bible are only arbitrary and guesswork at best because there is very scant or contradictory historical and archaeological evidence [in some instances] to substantiate its claims. The reason that even some of the people the Bible mentions are believed to have existed is that some of them are chronicled in the histories of other civilizations in the Mesopotamian region. Even the earliest gospels about the life of Jesus of Nazareth appearing in writing on parchment or papyrus aren’t even found to have existed until nearly a century after His death and resurrection. There were historians throughout the Roman Empire before, during, and after His time on Earth and there was no mention of Him in their writings.
V. Mohammed’s life and message cannot be respected because of all the assassinations, massacres, worldly ambitions and power.
FACT: The same thing can be said about all the massacres of families and rival kin in the Jewish Old Testament, especially reading the books of JUDGES thru CHRONICLES. Also, in the times of Jesus of Nazareth the family of the Jewish High priest, the Pharisees, probably Herodians, and King Herod secured their positions of power through bribery, intrigue, murder, betrayal, etc.
VI. Islamic Laws are Totalitarian [not Democratic] in nature; no separation of CHURCH and STATE and not consistent with American life and values in a Representative Democracy.
FACT: Ancient Israel was to live under God’s rule and even the secular government was under subjection, and it was a THEOCRACY where it was God’s way or the highway. In reality, it was more limiting than that because the Law [Torah] of God was religious/spiritual in nature and covered all aspects of society. The penalty for violating the commandments of God was not administered by the civil authorities but by the religious leaders and the people as authorized by the LORD Himself. So the Islamic “Shria Law” is really no different in principal than what the ancient Israelites lived under.
VII. Islam not compatible with Democracy and human rights, especially with regards to its attitude, subordination and treatment of women.
FACT: In spite of America being a Christian nation founded upon Bible principles by offering freedom, equality, and Democracy to all who walk upon her shores, yet, this country has subjugated, mistreated, and discriminated against women and people of color throughout most of its history.
VIII. A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion and apostasy is punishable by death.
FACT: The ancient Israelites certainly were not allowed to apostatize [reject the LORD God for one of the pagan gods] without dire consequences. Even throughout the early history of Christendom, apostates were dealt with harshly [banishment, torture, confiscation of personal property] and even some put to death if they did not recant their treasonous blasphemy and pledge their loyalty to the True Faith and Mother Church.
XIX. Deep is Islamic teaching and culture is an irrational fear and loathing of the West [America and other Western nation’s cultural values, freedoms, independence]
FACT: Where is this found in the Koran [Sura. . .]?
X. Islam is a weapon of Arab Imperialism and Colonialism.
FACT: American has more military bases in more countries or geographical regions than any other nation or all nations on the planet. America has exploited the wealth of Third World and Middle Eastern countries than any other nation and just because it says it is a Christian nation and has the holy Word of God does not make it God-like. In fact, in the short history of this Republic, American has probably been involved in more wars than many nations who are centuries older than it is.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2010
Also, Pastor Terry Jones has a hate Manifesto called TEN REASONS TO BURN A KORAN, but it appears that he must not have studied too diligently at Theological Seminary or Bible College, as his propositions will be refuted in order, as in below:
MAJOR PREMISE: Islam is a danger and is of the Devil
FACT: America is not threatened by the ritualistic practice and belief system of any religion, and it was not Islam that destroyed the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon nine years ago, but by gullible men who were part of a conspiracy devised by some Middle Eastern religious fanatics operating under the guise of Islam to gain worldwide attention by striking a blow against Western Imperialism through their martyrdom.
I. Islam teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God.
FACT: Other religions, including Judaism teaches that Jesus was not the Son of God and not only that, but the divinity of Jesus has been debated within Christianity for centuries.
II. The Koran is not the word of God but is written by man.
FACT: There are theologians and Bible scholars who do not believe that every single book in the Bible and every passage were written solely by the directive of God, nor are they convinced that every book was actually written by the ascribed author. Not only that, but most if not all religious and secular Jews reject the inspiration of the Christian New Testament.
III. The Koran has teachings about idolatry, paganism rites and rituals.
FACT: The Jewish Bible [TANACH; Old Testament] especially, has pagan rituals, incest, murder, deceit, rape, nudity, X-rated sexual connotations and language, cannibalism, genocide, animal cruelty, greed, and even more that are contained within what is considered holy and sacred text.
IV. The earliest writings attributed to the prophet Mohammed appeared 120 years or so after his death.
FACT: The dating of the books in the Bible are only arbitrary and guesswork at best because there is very scant or contradictory historical and archaeological evidence [in some instances] to substantiate its claims. The reason that even some of the people the Bible mentions are believed to have existed is that some of them are chronicled in the histories of other civilizations in the Mesopotamian region. Even the earliest gospels about the life of Jesus of Nazareth appearing in writing on parchment or papyrus aren’t even found to have existed until nearly a century after His death and resurrection. There were historians throughout the Roman Empire before, during, and after His time on Earth and there was no mention of Him in their writings.
V. Mohammed’s life and message cannot be respected because of all the assassinations, massacres, worldly ambitions and power.
FACT: The same thing can be said about all the massacres of families and rival kin in the Jewish Old Testament, especially reading the books of JUDGES thru CHRONICLES. Also, in the times of Jesus of Nazareth the family of the Jewish High priest, the Pharisees, probably Herodians, and King Herod secured their positions of power through bribery, intrigue, murder, betrayal, etc.
VI. Islamic Laws are Totalitarian [not Democratic] in nature; no separation of CHURCH and STATE and not consistent with American life and values in a Representative Democracy.
FACT: Ancient Israel was to live under God’s rule and even the secular government was under subjection, and it was a THEOCRACY where it was God’s way or the highway. In reality, it was more limiting than that because the Law [Torah] of God was religious/spiritual in nature and covered all aspects of society. The penalty for violating the commandments of God was not administered by the civil authorities but by the religious leaders and the people as authorized by the LORD Himself. So the Islamic “Shria Law” is really no different in principal than what the ancient Israelites lived under.
VII. Islam not compatible with Democracy and human rights, especially with regards to its attitude, subordination and treatment of women.
FACT: In spite of America being a Christian nation founded upon Bible principles by offering freedom, equality, and Democracy to all who walk upon her shores, yet, this country has subjugated, mistreated, and discriminated against women and people of color throughout most of its history.
VIII. A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion and apostasy is punishable by death.
FACT: The ancient Israelites certainly were not allowed to apostatize [reject the LORD God for one of the pagan gods] without dire consequences. Even throughout the early history of Christendom, apostates were dealt with harshly [banishment, torture, confiscation of personal property] and even some put to death if they did not recant their treasonous blasphemy and pledge their loyalty to the True Faith and Mother Church.
XIX. Deep is Islamic teaching and culture is an irrational fear and loathing of the West [America and other Western nation’s cultural values, freedoms, independence]
FACT: Where is this found in the Koran [Sura. . .]?
X. Islam is a weapon of Arab Imperialism and Colonialism.
FACT: American has more military bases in more countries or geographical regions than any other nation or all nations on the planet. America has exploited the wealth of Third World and Middle Eastern countries than any other nation and just because it says it is a Christian nation and has the holy Word of God does not make it God-like. In fact, in the short history of this Republic, American has probably been involved in more wars than many nations who are centuries older than it is.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Seattle Police involved in fatal shooting of deaf man
A 50 year-old Native American man, John T. Williams, who was deaf in one ear was shot and killed by Seattle Police Officer, Ian D. Birk on August 30, 2010 at the corner of Howell Street and Boren Avenue near Pike Place Park in Seattle, WA. The fatal incident [not confrontation as portrayed in the news] occurred when Officer Birk spotted the suspect displaying a small knife that he was cutting into a block of wood, from looking from his patrol car. Although Officer Bilk stopped his car and activated emergency lights, the audio recorded his verbal commands to Mr. Williams but interestingly the video inside the squad car did not show what really happened. Not only that but the officer was not equipped with a Taser [or pepper spray apparently]. Mr. Williams died from wounds inflicted by 4 bullets discharged from Officer Birk’s service revolver. Seattle Police Chief John Diaz has some questions about this third incident this year where police have had to discharge their weapons; as well he should along with the public, news reporters and possibly the Justice Department.
According to Mr. Williams’ siblings, John lost hearing in his left ear eight years ago due to an ear infection and usually wore headphones but there is no evident that he was wearing them at the time he was fatally shot. John was a seventh-generation wood carver and learned the trade around the age of five or six, along with the rest of his eleven brothers and sisters. The question which could be asked is: “How did the deceased Mr. Williams come to the attention of Officer Birk in the first place, while on patrol in his police cruiser in the neighborhood. And as for the three inch knife that was used to whittle wood carvings and totems which posed a grave threat to the officer’s safety, it meets the legal requirement for carrying a concealed or unconcealed weapon, according to the Seattle Municipal Code. Isn’t it just possible that when Mr. Williams approached Officer Bilk that he was doing so because he couldn’t hear the officer’s commands and wanted to communicate that he was deaf in one ear instead of wanting to harm him? Ironically, as part of training, Seattle police officers go through potentially lethal scenarios and one of the possible scenarios is approaching a deaf individual.
Oftentimes, a person’s past criminal record is introduced as a sort of mitigating evidence to justify the use of deadly force by the police to show their conduct as an ever-present danger to society that warrants this kind of tactical response. The only thing is, the police in most cases have no knowledge of prior criminality, and even if they did, not all situations justify them to be judge, jury, and as it seems in this case, executioner, too.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 2, 2010
According to Mr. Williams’ siblings, John lost hearing in his left ear eight years ago due to an ear infection and usually wore headphones but there is no evident that he was wearing them at the time he was fatally shot. John was a seventh-generation wood carver and learned the trade around the age of five or six, along with the rest of his eleven brothers and sisters. The question which could be asked is: “How did the deceased Mr. Williams come to the attention of Officer Birk in the first place, while on patrol in his police cruiser in the neighborhood. And as for the three inch knife that was used to whittle wood carvings and totems which posed a grave threat to the officer’s safety, it meets the legal requirement for carrying a concealed or unconcealed weapon, according to the Seattle Municipal Code. Isn’t it just possible that when Mr. Williams approached Officer Bilk that he was doing so because he couldn’t hear the officer’s commands and wanted to communicate that he was deaf in one ear instead of wanting to harm him? Ironically, as part of training, Seattle police officers go through potentially lethal scenarios and one of the possible scenarios is approaching a deaf individual.
Oftentimes, a person’s past criminal record is introduced as a sort of mitigating evidence to justify the use of deadly force by the police to show their conduct as an ever-present danger to society that warrants this kind of tactical response. The only thing is, the police in most cases have no knowledge of prior criminality, and even if they did, not all situations justify them to be judge, jury, and as it seems in this case, executioner, too.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Think You Really Know What Freedom Is, Guess Again!
Filmmaker Ken Burns made a PBS documentary film in 1995 by the title, America: The Statue of Liberty, in which the question was asked to several notable American citizens; namely, former Texas Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and writers James Baldwin and Jerry Kosinski. The question was this: “What is Freedom?” One would think the answer would be easy and so simple as to not even merit giving it much thought at all, but such was not the case. American history and cultural tradition is steeped in lofty words as freedom, liberty, independence, but its meaning or definition is determined by the contextual framework of what one has experienced and whether the person is a natural-born citizen or an immigrant. Almost every one of us has a ‘feel’ for what we think freedom is or what it means to be free, but is an emotional or intuitive response sufficient to act as the determining qualifier for something that all of us yearn for and experience in American society; even if we cannot adequately put it into words. So, in order to help solve this possible dilemma, WEBSTER’S will be an invaluable tool for defining “Freedom,” and its cognate words, “Liberty” and “Free.”
Liberty (noun)- The quality or state of being free; the power to do as one pleases. The enjoyment of various social, political or economic rights and privileges; a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant.
Freedom (noun)- The quality or state of being free; the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. (syn)- The power or condition of acting without compulsion or constraint [which encompasses the broad range of a total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered].
Free (adj)- Not subject to the control or domination of another; not determined by anything beyond its [ones] own nature or being; not bound, defined, or determined by force; not subject to [any] restriction, government regulations or official control; having no obligations or commitments.
It would seem that the most cherished and sought after of our Constitutional rights can be dangerous and harmful in its most absolute and extreme set of circumstances; bringing about what WEBSTER defines as “Anarchy.”
Anarchy (noun)- The state of lawlessness or political [and social] disorder due to the absence of governmental authority; the enjoyment of complete freedom without rules and regulations.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce ST. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 30, 2010
Liberty (noun)- The quality or state of being free; the power to do as one pleases. The enjoyment of various social, political or economic rights and privileges; a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant.
Freedom (noun)- The quality or state of being free; the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. (syn)- The power or condition of acting without compulsion or constraint [which encompasses the broad range of a total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered].
Free (adj)- Not subject to the control or domination of another; not determined by anything beyond its [ones] own nature or being; not bound, defined, or determined by force; not subject to [any] restriction, government regulations or official control; having no obligations or commitments.
It would seem that the most cherished and sought after of our Constitutional rights can be dangerous and harmful in its most absolute and extreme set of circumstances; bringing about what WEBSTER defines as “Anarchy.”
Anarchy (noun)- The state of lawlessness or political [and social] disorder due to the absence of governmental authority; the enjoyment of complete freedom without rules and regulations.
Robert Randle
776 Commerce ST. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 30, 2010
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