Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Dove World Outreach Church offers bonfire instead of Olive branch

In commemoration of the ninth Anniversary of terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon by Middle Eastern suicide bombers on September 11, 2001, Evangelist Terry Jones and his Gainesville, FLA congregation are planning to light a bonfire in a field outside the Church with several hundred copies of Muslim sacred book, the Holy Koran. The Church website says that it wants to show Islam as a violent and oppressive religion, but isn’t a public display of heaps of religious sacred literature set ablaze also an act of “violence’? Somehow the leaders and parishioners want to split hairs over the ‘act’ of burning copies of the Koran as hating the ideology and teaching of Islam but not hating the people who practice it, because after-all, as they say, “WE LOVE, AS GOD LOVES.” It is interesting how they can make the fine distinction between desecrating someone’s holy book, but yet feel as though they have not harmed anyone. If there is a person who believes that logic then I have some oceanfront property to sell them in arid Arizona.

Also, Pastor Terry Jones has a hate Manifesto called TEN REASONS TO BURN A KORAN, but it appears that he must not have studied too diligently at Theological Seminary or Bible College, as his propositions will be refuted in order, as in below:

MAJOR PREMISE: Islam is a danger and is of the Devil
FACT: America is not threatened by the ritualistic practice and belief system of any religion, and it was not Islam that destroyed the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon nine years ago, but by gullible men who were part of a conspiracy devised by some Middle Eastern religious fanatics operating under the guise of Islam to gain worldwide attention by striking a blow against Western Imperialism through their martyrdom.

I. Islam teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God.
FACT: Other religions, including Judaism teaches that Jesus was not the Son of God and not only that, but the divinity of Jesus has been debated within Christianity for centuries.

II. The Koran is not the word of God but is written by man.
FACT: There are theologians and Bible scholars who do not believe that every single book in the Bible and every passage were written solely by the directive of God, nor are they convinced that every book was actually written by the ascribed author. Not only that, but most if not all religious and secular Jews reject the inspiration of the Christian New Testament.

III. The Koran has teachings about idolatry, paganism rites and rituals.
FACT: The Jewish Bible [TANACH; Old Testament] especially, has pagan rituals, incest, murder, deceit, rape, nudity, X-rated sexual connotations and language, cannibalism, genocide, animal cruelty, greed, and even more that are contained within what is considered holy and sacred text.

IV. The earliest writings attributed to the prophet Mohammed appeared 120 years or so after his death.
FACT: The dating of the books in the Bible are only arbitrary and guesswork at best because there is very scant or contradictory historical and archaeological evidence [in some instances] to substantiate its claims. The reason that even some of the people the Bible mentions are believed to have existed is that some of them are chronicled in the histories of other civilizations in the Mesopotamian region. Even the earliest gospels about the life of Jesus of Nazareth appearing in writing on parchment or papyrus aren’t even found to have existed until nearly a century after His death and resurrection. There were historians throughout the Roman Empire before, during, and after His time on Earth and there was no mention of Him in their writings.

V. Mohammed’s life and message cannot be respected because of all the assassinations, massacres, worldly ambitions and power.
FACT: The same thing can be said about all the massacres of families and rival kin in the Jewish Old Testament, especially reading the books of JUDGES thru CHRONICLES. Also, in the times of Jesus of Nazareth the family of the Jewish High priest, the Pharisees, probably Herodians, and King Herod secured their positions of power through bribery, intrigue, murder, betrayal, etc.

VI. Islamic Laws are Totalitarian [not Democratic] in nature; no separation of CHURCH and STATE and not consistent with American life and values in a Representative Democracy.
FACT: Ancient Israel was to live under God’s rule and even the secular government was under subjection, and it was a THEOCRACY where it was God’s way or the highway. In reality, it was more limiting than that because the Law [Torah] of God was religious/spiritual in nature and covered all aspects of society. The penalty for violating the commandments of God was not administered by the civil authorities but by the religious leaders and the people as authorized by the LORD Himself. So the Islamic “Shria Law” is really no different in principal than what the ancient Israelites lived under.

VII. Islam not compatible with Democracy and human rights, especially with regards to its attitude, subordination and treatment of women.
FACT: In spite of America being a Christian nation founded upon Bible principles by offering freedom, equality, and Democracy to all who walk upon her shores, yet, this country has subjugated, mistreated, and discriminated against women and people of color throughout most of its history.

VIII. A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion and apostasy is punishable by death.
FACT: The ancient Israelites certainly were not allowed to apostatize [reject the LORD God for one of the pagan gods] without dire consequences. Even throughout the early history of Christendom, apostates were dealt with harshly [banishment, torture, confiscation of personal property] and even some put to death if they did not recant their treasonous blasphemy and pledge their loyalty to the True Faith and Mother Church.

XIX. Deep is Islamic teaching and culture is an irrational fear and loathing of the West [America and other Western nation’s cultural values, freedoms, independence]
FACT: Where is this found in the Koran [Sura. . .]?

X. Islam is a weapon of Arab Imperialism and Colonialism.
FACT: American has more military bases in more countries or geographical regions than any other nation or all nations on the planet. America has exploited the wealth of Third World and Middle Eastern countries than any other nation and just because it says it is a Christian nation and has the holy Word of God does not make it God-like. In fact, in the short history of this Republic, American has probably been involved in more wars than many nations who are centuries older than it is.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2010