Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Does “race” affect the success of President Obama’s legislative agenda or is it something else?

Eugene Robinson: Washington Post (rebuttal)

You had an Op-Ed in the Tacoma News Tribune on November 2, 2010 in which it read that "Race" was the reason for so much animosity toward President Obama. This reality certainly cannot be ignored in America because of its past history and into modern times, but how do you explain Barack’s overwhelming election to the nation's highest office and despite the fact of the nation's woes, he still has a high approval rating as far as people liking him? Let me suggest another reason, which was mentioned during the 2008 presidential campaign by none other than Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Sarah Palin, among quite a few others, namely, "EXPERIENCE," or lack thereof. In the Nevada Democratic Primary exit polls of 2008, voters felt that Hillary Clinton would be better at dealing with the Economy (9 percentage points higher than Barack’s), Health care (13 percentage points over Barack), but interestingly, when it comes to bringing about the needed CHANGE to Washington D.C., respondents gave Barack a 60% confidence vote to Hillary's 29%.

Now the flip side of this is that pertaining to Experience, Hillary Clinton received a whopping 87% confidence vote compared to Barack's 7%, and herein is the main reason for President Obama getting so bogged down in the economic and domestic muck and mire, so to speak. Say what you will about former President George W. Bush and Tea Partyer, Sarah Palin, at least they had broader experience than Barack Obama, since both of them served as Governors of their respective states. Hillary Clinton's tenure as NY Senator as well as being married to former President Bill Clinton and as First Lady of Arkansas would certainly be assets for her serving as the President. The idea that a junior Senator from Chicago who hadn't fully served 2 years in the U.S. Senate and whose prior Community Organizer skills and Harvard Law degree could somehow manage to navigate through all the complex domestic and international issues; irregardless of his intellectual gifts, personality, oratory, and passion, it just might be a little bit too much to expect of him. It's not about AUDACITY but rather IRRATIONALITY to look for anything more.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 3, 2010