Friday, June 3, 2011

Sarah Palin has her own "birther" issue to deal with

The controversy over President Obama’s place of birth has dogged him ever since his presidency amid allegations that he is not an American citizen and is derided by some of his detractors as the illegitimate president. He has been accused of being born in Indonesia or Kenya and then moving to Hawaii. When the president initially released the short form of his birth certificate it was received with suspicion because it lacked some of the more vital information that is contained in more authentic and official looking forms. It is only recently that President Obama sent his personal attorney to Hawaii and petitioned the State Health Director Department of Vital Statistics to release a copy of the long form birth certificate in order to finally silence his critics and put closure on this long overdue distraction that had began to undermine his policy agenda. The dust may have settled on this matter for the president, but when it comes to Sarah Palin, the issue of whether she is Trig Palin’s biological mother has been simmering on the back burner for some time now. Pictures of a supposed 7 month pregnant Sarah Palin as well as her unexpected and hasty return to Alaska while leaking amniotic fluid and suffering contractions, thereby canceling a previously scheduled appearance in Texas, although her condition was unbeknownst to anyone in her inner circle. Sarah has previously chided President Obama about his birth records, however, the former Governor of Alaska and political celebrity has been remiss in producing an official birth certificate of her youngest child, Trig.

When Sarah was John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate, she appeared in public like a Norman Rockwell family portrait hugging a child with Down’s syndrome held lovingly in her arms. Nowadays, the mother of a disabled child can be found hamming it up in front of those same “liberal” media cameras that she has expressed such disdain for; whether she travels to India, Haiti, Washington D.C. or New York to meet with billionaire real estate mogul, Donald Trump, FOX NEWS special contributor, or house shopping for and buying a 1.6 million dollar house in Arizona while most Americans have foreclosed mortgages. Outside of riding on the back of a ‘Harley’ into the Nation’s Capital on Memorial Day or continuing to travel across the country on her self-promoting “ONE NATION” bus ride to show the rest of us Americans how to appreciate our Constitutional heritage; as though we need her guidance. The thing is, the woman who promotes family, faith and all of that, who is taking care of her special needs son? It seems that her husband Todd is part of her entourage and is seen almost as often as she is, so who is taking care of home, which is so important to this pit bull soccer mom and momma grizzly? It might be one thing if she actually was a candidate for political office, then one could support her sacrifice for the public good for time away from her family to take on some of the more challenging issues of talking about health care, the economy and jobs, the federal deficit, national security, pre-K through HS education, college tuition costs, prison overcrowding and crime, campaign finance reform, among other concerns. Be that as it may, the former Alaska Governor, author, reality TV star, and soon to be recipient of an undisclosed sum of money for the rights to make a made-for-television movie about her life, Sarah Palin knows how to pick her battles, the ones that she knows she can win.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 3, 2011