Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Republican’s early holiday gift to Barack Obama

Call it an early Christmas present but the GOP candidates for the nation’s highest elected office is a house divided. Instead of engaging in robust discussions regarding some of our most daunting challenges as a nation the political theatre has mainly produced a two-act play pitting two main actors against each other in a real-life dramatization about who is an “authentic” Christian. For Mitt Romney, who is Mormon, this is déjà vu or like the movie “Groundhog Day” where he relives his past over and over again. He is slick and polished, and honest-looking, like a used car salesman but as the Latin phrase goes, “caveat emptor.” Rick Perry is an Evangelical Christian whose religious dialogue with God and faith experience is uncannily similar to that of his gubernatorial predecessor and former President of the United States, George “Dubya” Bush. Michelle Bachmann was “Cinderella” until the clock finally struck midnight and one minute later she has been as relevant as a ‘Raggedy Ann’ doll.

Newt Gingrich imploded from the start like an errant WMD whose target was itself. Ron Paul, the darling of the Lyndon LaRouche crowd is like a lone tree falling in the forest that if nobody is there, who hears the sound that it makes? And then there is John Huntsman who is the perfect gentleman, but he has about as much charisma as former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis. Not to forget about Governor Chris Christie, who initially received a little sympathy support to throw his hat into the ring but decided against it; perhaps he looked less like the usual politician and more like a contestant on “The Biggest Loser.” Hermann Cain, the former Godfather Pizza magnate (Mr. 9-9-9) was asked to comment about whether he thought ‘Mormonism’ was a cult on CNN’s “State of the Union” last Sunday and said that he was not going to compare Mormonism vs. Christianity, but by the mere fact that he mentioned it in that way means he had already considered it as a “cult” and not Christian. Even Sarah Palin has decided not to campaign for President but thinks that she can better serve the American people by being our voice and championing our concerns by holding the Washington D.C. politicians feet to the fire on the hot button issues. For President Barack Obama, it seems that his only “real” opponents to a second term in office are THE ECONOMY, House Majority Leader, Representative John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 13, 2011