Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shaken and Stirred: Romney loses South Carolina Primary

This is not about how British super spy, James Bond, Agent 007, likes to have his martini served but rather a description of the two leading GOP Presidential nominees. Mitt Romney has been shaken by the recent reversal of fortune regarding his frontrunner status when he was almost guaranteed to be eventual presidential nominee over the other Republican rivals. Instead of winning the Iowa caucus as previously announced, when the last votes were counted, it was Rick Santorum who was announced the winner, instead of Romney. Add to that, following the New Hampshire primary, polls showed that Romney was enjoying a double digit lead among the electorate, however, because of negative campaign ads, especially from the Gingrich camp in particular, not only did his commanding lead rapidly began to erode but much of that support migrated to the Gingrich camp instead, and helped propel him to victory.

For Romney this has to be quite a devastating blow, irregardless of the statements he makes in public. For Gingrich, it as if new life has been breathed into his campaign and like a man on a mission, he is fired [stirred] up even more and will continue to launch a barrage of attack ads against his arch-rival and political nemesis Mitt Romney. Strange as it seems, Newt Gingrich used to be the "Angry White Man" but now it is itt Romney who is out for blood while Newt seems as innocent-looking as the Pillsbury dough boy. As a final thought, the Florida Primary should be a critical test, do-or-die for Romney as well as Gingrich because it is an "open primary" (voters can belong to any political party, or none at all), and will serve as a measure of support throughout the political spectrum; much like in a General Election. Since Florida has mail in ballots we may get a preview of voter preference before the January 31st deadline.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
January 23, 2012