Friday, February 26, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton won’t be president

The history of America is rooted in the notion that you can be anything you want, as long as you play by the rules and compete fairly. This indomitable spirit, self-determination and grittiness had led to becoming one the greatest nations in modern history, and certainly it can be argued that the United States is the envy of the world. America likes to break the mold as far as social progress, and especially when it comes to its historical legacy. A nation that at one time subjected men of color to a lifetime of servitude has stepped forward out of the national Apartheid from generations  past to elect a Black man to be leader of this country; not once, but twice. Was this part of the reality leading to a dawning of the ‘Age of Aquarius’ and a post-racial America envisioned by MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech, or was it something far less substantial and enduring?

Before anyone ever heard of a two year junior Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama the country was run by George W. Bush, and needless to say it was as the old saying goes, “It was the best of times and the worst of times” and I would wager that an overwhelming majority of Americans would say that it was more of the latter. In fact, after 9/11, the Iraq War, Osama bin Laden, the war in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hurricane Katrina, the Patriot Act (Attorney John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzalez), Gitmo, FISA courts, Abu ghraib, and waterboarding, people have had enough. President Bush, in his 2002 State of the Union address, used the term “axis of evil” to describe the countries of Iran, Iraq, and N. Korea but some Americans considered his administration the “Evil Empire” that was run by the sith lord Dick “Darth” Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, and other lesser officials from the dark side who siphoned off the ‘force’ (votes) from the electorate to achieve objectives that were not in the best interests of the American people.

The consequence of this invasion into our private lives as well as mounting threats to individual liberties, the road was paved for a rebel with a cause, one that people could believe in, a man who was not a warrior, a Jedi knight, or a fighter but rather a great orator, the “Chosen One” who came to give a message of “CHANGE” and hope we could believe in the midst of despair and apathy. In point-of-fact, the real reason that Barack Obama got elected as president in the first place is because of the acronym ABB (anyone but Bush). More importantly, he was essentially a sure bet to win the nomination because Oprah anointed him publicly as her president; much to the chagrin as well as surprise of her legions of White female supporters who wanted Hillary Clinton. So with this historical backdrop it is time to focus on the main topic, which is why Hillary won’t be president of the United States. Well, for one thing, her best chance was eight years ago when the country seemed to be leaning more in that direction; that was then, this is now. America is more politically Conservative and Republicans are under mounting pressure from more right-wing Tea Party members in Congress.

Also, Hillary Clinton suffers from, among other things, what NY Times syndicated columnist Maureen Dowd in her excellent Op-Ed pointed out regarding Jeb Bush, namely that voters don’t want a ‘trifecta’ political family dynasty occupying the Oval Office; the same rule applies for Hillary as the voters are thumbs down on establishment politicians or political dynasties, of which the Clintons are the Democratic Party’s standard bearers. Hillary Clinton mentioned during one of earlier debates that as president she would have some discussions with First Hubby Bill across the kitchen table but she would make her own decisions. It is rather doubtful that the experience, knowledge, and influence of a former president would not be a valuable asset in policy formation, and not only that, can anyone in their right mind picture Bill Clinton taking a passive role in running the government through his wife? Hillary Clinton has to prove to the doubters that she would not be continuing Bill Clinton’s third term, and since is such a polarizing figure, can she get any meaningful legislation passed into law against the intransience of a partisan Republican-controlled House and Senate?

Another big problem for Hillary Clinton is the perception of lacking honesty, integrity, and authenticity among the electorate. Hillary is a gifted politician and quite knowledgeable about the issues, but even with all of that, her track record as Senator and Secretary of State was unremarkable, and her tenure in both positions did not result in any significant accomplishments of note. On top of that there are still some concerns about her role in the embarrassing Benghazi fiasco, and in all due respects to Bernie Sanders, “what about those damn emails?” The FBI has reported that some Top Secret and classified emails were deleted on her private server, and not only that, why were about thirty-thousand or so that were destroyed or unaccounted for? That amount seems to me to be intentional and not mere random or occasional actions or normal practices. If this is a case of an unintentional oversight and essentially benign, then how can a president Hillary Clinton be trusted to handle matters in which a critical misstep could collapse financial markets, result in a government shutdown, or lead to a potential nuclear disaster? And Hillary Clinton’s usual core constituencies among African-Americans, Latinos, and liberal White women might not be enough to help her secure the presidency.

This last reason might be the simplest, and yet the most sexist and argumentative of all-she is not a White man. Forget Bernie Sanders; he is too old-looking. Here is the reality-the citizens took a chance and bet on a non-traditional candidate to run the country and it seems that many of them feel shortchanged. It is time for America to being led by someone who has the same face as the Founding Fathers, to get the country back on track, and that is for the White man to be in charge again. It is not racist to say this but political reality coming to terms with social reality, and to be honest, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio don’t stand a chance. If the country was experiencing economic growth and advancing in technological innovation, then things might be different, but with Whites becoming more ‘tribal’ living in less ethnically-diverse communities, America becoming less White and with sixty-five percent of them feeling that the United States is heading in the wrong direction, the only man left standing when the dust settles might be Donald Trump; and be careful what you wish for because you just might get it in spades.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt B11
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 25, 2016