Saturday, September 17, 2016

Is the term “racist” mostly overblown?

If there is one word besides the notoriously provocative and socially-offensive ‘N’ word then ‘racist’ would be a close second. Hardly a day goes by that someone isn’t accused of using this term, so maybe it is time to find out what the word means. According to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, racism (n) 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capabilities, and that racial differences produce an inherent (natural) superiority [or inferiority??] of a particular race. 2: racial prejudice or discrimination. Let’s try to unpack this meaning within the context of social interaction and experience. So, is it a necessary or essential requirement for White people to love Black people or vice-versa? If a White person or some member of a racial, religious or ethnic nationality thinks their group is at the top rung of human cultural evolution, or social as well as economic development, is such an attitude ‘racist’? Even if it is, who cares but them; and what’s the harm?

I think what should concern everyone is not so much with what a person says or thinks but rather the exercise of power, as demonstrated by what a person does and those institutions in society that reinforce the maintenance of these systems of discrimination, and which denies the same privileges and immunities to all citizens. I do not care what David Duke, the John Birch Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, Knights of Columbus, or any other White supremacist group of individual thinks or says about those they disparage in one way or another- I only care about acts of violence and physical harm because in America freedom of speech and assembly is a constitutional right, no matter how extremist their views might be. You know, when I was in elementary school there was this jingle that went like this: “Sticks and bones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Well, I guess they really can after all, especially in times like we live in today.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St #701
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 17, 2016