1992 to 1994, approximately 96.5% of all federal crack prosecutions were
non-White. The U.S. Sentencing Commission Report (1992) determined that only minorities were prosecuted for
crack offenses in over half of the federal judicial districts that handled
crack cases. In a survey taken by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA),
between 1991 and 1993 Whites were twice as likely to have used crack nationwide
than Blacks and Hispanics combined. Ironically, powder cocaine was used among
upper class and affluent Whites, especially celebrities, with very little
concern or interest among the police. When powdered cocaine started being cut
into “crack” rocks and made more affordable and accessible to Blacks,
especially in the inner cities, then it became a priority target of politicians
and law enforcement agencies. As a result, this emphasis helped to initiate a
series of aggressive and punitive drug prosecution and sentencing laws that hit
the Black community especially hard.
Wiekel, Los Angeles Times reporter wrote the article, “War on Crack
Targets Minorities over Whites” (May, 21, 1995), in which his investigation
revealed that not a single White offender has been convicted of crack cocaine
offenses in federal court in the LA metropolitan area since 1986, despite the
fact that “Whites are majority crack users.” He goes on to say that many
African-Americans were low-level dealers [small time hustlers], first-time
users or accomplices [non-violent??]; not the heavy traffickers in the drug
trade with major distribution networks. Also, a 1993 report by NIDA found that
African-Americans only comprise 13%
of all drug users but account for 39% of all the arrests. Researchers James
Lynch and William Sabol found a significant incarceration rate among non-poor
Black drug users increased six-fold, while the rates for their White
counterparts were the exact opposite (Mauer and Huling 11). The U.S. Sentencing
Commission found that Blacks accounted for 84.5% of all federal crack
possession convictions in 1993 (Welch and Argulo 9).
numbers are even direr for females, especially those who are arrested for drug
convictions, and crimes committed to support a drug habit. Nationwide, the
number of women in state prisons increased 433% between 1896 and 1991. Black
women were sentenced on drug offenses overall, with half of the charges
stemming from crack offenses; compared to 5% for Hispanic women and 7% for
White women. In a study of Black women crack users, Mindy Fullilone and her
colleagues at Columbia University School of Public Health, their research found
a complex pattern associated with depression and trauma resulting from
physical, sexual and mental abuse that were the driving factors leading to drug
abuse. So, to wrap this up, the question that needs to be asked is this: Is
there an implicit and inherent bias in the criminal justice system that not
only disproportionately but deliberately targets non-Whites (esp.
African-Americans) with unfair criminal sanctions leading to unfair prosecution
and excessive sentencing terms? This is
not only an Eight Amendment issue but also violates the “Due Process/Equal
Protection” clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. U.S. District Court Judge
Consuela B. Marshall, said: “We do see a lot of those [crack] cases, and one
does ask why some are in state court [Whites??], and others are being
prosecuted in federal court [Blacks??]. . .
and if it’s not based on race, [then] what’s it based on?”-Good
question. (Weich and Argulo 9).
Later,” The Sentencing Project, October 1995, pp. 1-36
Jeffrey T, Kurlchek, Megan C, and Kramer, John H (2007). Prosecutorial
Discretion and the
Imposition of Mandatory Minimum
Sentences. Journal of Research in Crime
and Deliquency,44.4, 427-459
Weich, Ronald and Argulo, Carlos (2012 November 21). Racial Disparities in the American Criminal
Justice System. Retrieved October 26, 2013 from
Dan, ‘War on Crack Targets Minorities over Whites.” The Los Angeles Times May
21, 1995:
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October 7, 2016