Saturday, February 17, 2018

Reflections on the Stoneman Douglas HS mass shooting

The recent mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL has left parents, teachers, law enforcement, local as well as federal legislators struggling to find answers to the growing and alarming rise in these deadly incidents. This tragedy evokes strong passions, but the reality is somewhere in America, another troubled, young male is planning the next mass shooting. You don't need an AR-15 to kill a lot of people; any automatic or semi-automatic model is just as deadly efficient. Dallas sportscaster Dale Hansen said about the FL mass shootings “If it was a Muslim or a Mexican [non-White] doing the shooting, how many new laws and how much money would we spend then to stop the madness?” Is he saying what many people really feel but are afraid to admit it? Black or Hispanic shootings are usually gang or drug-related (robbery), gambling debts, and sometimes deadly violence happens due to arguments and fights over a female.

So, instead of looking at the problem from the outside in, why not consider a view from the inside out. On the show “Criminal Minds” federal agents from the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) profile perpetrators of the most horrific crimes by establishing a profile of the unidentified suspect (“unsub”) so that they can understand the motive and pattern to predict when and where the next attack is likely to happen. I think the same kind of process can be utilized in these cases in an attempt to intervene before a series of events turns into an active shooter situation. The first thing to consider is what are the most important and powerful influences in a young persons life. Let's start with the environment where they are socialized or learn their values, and the second, and in some cases the most important is, “peer group” pressure.

Has the person learned empathy or sensitivity to the pain or suffering of others; or is such a one indifferent to anyone experiencing it? There are kids who grow up taking pleasure in killing insects, torturing or enjoying seeing animals undergoing such things. Another indicator is how a child treats toys, or to put it another way, are the toys mangled or are dolls heads ripped (twisted) off or hair ripped out, etc. Does a child beat the stuffings out of a soft toy? This is different from the normal rough play or wear-and-tear that kids have with their playthings. Sadistic tendencies develop quite early and should not have gone unnoticed. Does the person have siblings, and if so, what is their level of interaction- close or distant? Is he being raised by a female single- parent and does she work long hours where he has a lot of time to himself? Does the male have a relationship or contact with his father? Or are the parents or legal guardian spending quality time as a family or too busy working?

Now let's look at school; This is probably a socially isolated male with very few friends, who is not popular or in the mix. This male is not playing sports, or is athletic, and it is doubtful that he is dating or ever had a girlfriend; and if he did, they broke up. He might not be a total 'nerd' but is probably someone that avoids crowds and usually talks with 1 or 2 male classmates on occasion. There is a lot of time spend online posting what might be considered a manifesto (diary) of what he thinks about or rather what he wants the world to know; it may not even be what he really believes but what he wants others to believe he does. The most important question to ask is, “What triggered this act;”What is the “traumatic event” that set things in motion where someone planned to kill (murder) innocent people without a cause? Is this an act of revenge, or why target the people that he did? Is this person preoccupied with all things pertaining to death or mas shootings?

Former classmates of the suspect Nicolas Cruz say they weren’t surprised to discover he was the alleged gunman.“I can’t say I was shocked,” Joshua Charo “From past experiences, he seemed like the kind of kid who would do something like this.” “I think everyone had in their minds if anybody was going to do it, it was going to be him,” Dakota Mutchler,“A lot of people were saying it was going to be him,” Eddie Bonilla, another student, “A lot of kids joked around like that, saying that he was going to be the one to shoot up the school. But it turns out everyone predicted it.” “All he would talk about is guns, knives and hunting,” Charo said. “He used to tell me he would shoot rats with his BB gun and he wanted this kind of gun, and how he liked to always shoot for practice.” Mutchler said Cruz often boasted on Instagram about killing animals and that “he started progressively getting a little more weird.” “He was that weird kid that you see,” Daniel Huerfano, another former classmate, told the AP. “Like a loner.” The question is, why didn't these students contact law enforcement because these were serious concerns?

Continuing further: Broward County Commissioner Beam Furr told CNN that Cruz had been receiving treatment at a mental health clinic, but stopped going about a year ago. Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that he did not know of any threats posed by Cruz to the school- But Jim Gard, a math teacher at the school, told the Miami Herald that administrators had identified Cruz as a potential threat Gard remembered that the school administration had previously sent out an email warning teachers about Cruz.“We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.” Did school administrators contact the parent or guardian about the reason for the expulsion and was the sheriff's department notified about the threats? Was the parent or legal guardian aware that Nicolas was not taking his medication or receiving treatment at the clinic?

BuzzFeed  reports that in September, a YouTube user Ben Bennight alerted the FBI that a commenter posted an alarming remark on one of his videos.“I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” wrote the commenter named Nikolas Cruz. According to Bennight, FBI agents conducted an in-person interview with him the following day. “They came to my office the next morning and asked me if I knew anything about the person,” Bennight said. “I didn’t. They took a copy of the screenshot and that was the last I heard from them.” Protocols were not followed on information received by Public Access Line (PAL) tip line regarding Nicolas Cruz. The staff and supervisor associated with that department should be severely reprimanded and terminated because this is a failure of epic proportions.

What purpose does it serve or satisfy to take someone's life; to shed innocent blood? Is it merely or simply to become “famous?” I think “Columbine” is like a pole vault event of school mass shootings where the bar is set so high and like an athletic completion, these sociopath or psychopath entrants want to pass over the bar; thereby setting a new record. Their legacy and purpose in life is to go down in the annals of history as one of the biggest mass murders in America; what a legacy. Sounds far-fetched?? EVERETT, Wash. - An Everett teen is under arrest Wednesday after police found evidence that he was in the advanced stages of plotting a shooting at his high school, writing in his journal that "I can't wait to ... to blow all those (expletive) away," court documents state.

The investigation into the 18-year-old ACES Alternative High School student began when his grandmother called 911 on Tuesday to report what she believed were credible threats by her grandson to shoot other students at the school, according to the court file. Excerpts from the teen's journal that said, in part, "I'm preparing myself for the school shooting. I can't wait. My aim has gotten much more accurate. ... I can't wait to walk into that class and blow all those (expletive) away," police reports say. The teen continued by writing, "I need to make this shooting/bombing ... infamous. I need to get the biggest fatality number I possibly can. I need to make this count. … I'm learning from past shooters/bombers mistakes, so I don't make the same ones," according to the case file. Everett police said. Detectives served a search warrant at the grandmother’s house and seized the grandson's journal, semiautomatic rifle, military-styled inert grenades and other items.

This is not a political issue, nor does it have to do with mental health, but if our children are acting this way it is an indictment against our entire American society and values. The American Dream is turning into a waking nightmare as teenagers, especially males, are in pain, crying out for help, and because “WE” have failed them, they see no way of escape but to end their lives and murder others along the way. When will we as adults finally hear the terrifying screams and wake up from our self-induced coma to bring healing to our kids and ourselves before it is too late and there is nothing left to save.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA98402
February 14, 2018