In the Bible, it starts out "In the Beginning" and as it pertains to the coronavirus, which has caused the death of over 280,000 Americans along with infecting 12M more; there was a time before this, time. The following is a chronology of events since the "Age of Corona."
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Beginning of the Coronavirus History
March 2020:
(3/4) 129 deaths; 10 deaths in WA state.
(3/6) president tRump signed 8.6B aid bill.
(3/13) tRump called national emergency; signed bill freeing up 50B in federal aid.
(3/20) CA state issues shutdown affecting 40M people. FL beaches closed.
15, 268 cases; 201 deaths.
(3/23) Senate passed 1.8T stimulus relief package.
(3/28) FDA approved a 15-minute coronavirus test. This technology is the same used for rapid flu tests (CNN).
(3/30) 27 states issue stay-at-home orders affecting 225M people; tRump extends order to April 30.
(3/31) 700 deaths in one day.
April 2020:
(4/12) 20,000 deaths; more than in Italy.
(4/14) FDA approved saliva test for emergency COVID-19 testing, the new quick test developed by Rutgers University.
May 2020:
(5/02) FDA approved Ebola drug "remdesivir" to combat coronavirus (CNN).
(5/09) WH staff tested positive for COVID -19; VP Pence's aide and WH valet.
(5/16) tRump fired State dept. IG Steve Linnick because he had been investigating Mike Pompeo for abuse of power.
(5/23) Coronavirus deaths near 100,000 (CNN).
(5/24) tRump orders travel ban against Brazil.
(5/30) New study finds 1 out of 10 coronavirus patients with diabetes die within first week.
June 2020:
(6/03) Defense Secretary Mike Esper stated he does not support invoking the "Insurrection Act" to deploy federal troops to quell violent protests.
(6/10) 12 states seeing increase in coronavirus cases.
(6/25) Two secret service agents tested positive following tRump rally in Tulsa, OK. Dozens of staff told to self-isolate.
(6/29) U.S. citizens cannot travel to Canada for leisure; coronavirus cases in Texas reaches 5,000/day and Gov. Abbot urges residents to wear a mask.
2,500,000 cases in U.S.
July 2020:
(7/03) Two Texas counties sent out alerts urging residents to stay-in-place.
tRump had a rally at Mt. Rushmore and no one wore a mask and practiced social distancing.
Don Jr. girlfriend Kimberly Gilfoyle and 1 of tRump's staff tested positive for COVID-19.
(7/4) 21 states requiring residents to wear masks outside (CNN).
(7/6) FDA Chief Dr. Stephen Hahn announced he will not back tRump's prediction about a vaccine that will be ready by this year.
(7/13) At least 27 states have begun to shut down again, or to require face covering outside.
(7/18) tRump refuses to make mask wearing "mandatory" despite Dr. Anthony Fauci wanting it (CNN).
August 2020:
(8/20) 5.5M cases; 174,000 deaths.
September 2020:
(9/01) 6M cases; 184,000 deaths.
"Lenzilumab" antibody therapy reduced the risk of death by 80% in COVID-19 patients by CA biopharmaceutical company 'Humanigen.'
October 2020:
(10/02) tRump and Melania test positive for COVID-19.
(10/03) 10 people in tRump inner circle test positive for COVID-19.
(10/19) 70,000 new cases in one day; MI and VT saw improvement.
(10/23) 83, 010 cases reported in a day and in the past week there have been 441, 541 cases.
(10/25) 6 aides to Mike Pence tested positive for COVID-19.
(10/30) 94,000 cases in just 24 hours.
November 2020:
(11/01) 9M cases; 230,000 deaths.
(11/11) TX hits 1M cases.
(11/12) 160,000 cases in one day; 10.5M cases; 241,000 deaths.
(11/13) CA hits 1M cases.
(11/15) According to Johns Hoskins University the U.S. reached 11M cases.
(11/16) Moderna announced a vaccine that is 95% effective.
trump's legal team withdraws legal fraud lawsuits from PA, GA, WI, MI.
(11/18) tRump wants "recount" in WI.
(11/20) 12M cases; 250,000 deaths.
(11/23) U.S. vaccine Program announced vaccines may be ready by December 11.
(11/27) Joe Biden received 132 extra votes in Milwaukee, WI after tRump requested a "recount."
Robert Randle
December 7, 2020
Houston, TX 77063
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Is the Republican political Party really racist?
It's time to set the record straight about Democrats and Republicans when it comes to civil/human rights of Black people, descended from slaves brought to American shores from the continent of Africa. The Democrat Party, comprised of Southern states, seceded from the Union, and fought to preserve chattel slavery. The Republican Party fought to end this inhumane practice. In fact, they started out in 1854 WI as the anti-slavery Whig Party, and fought to prevent slavery in the Northern Territories.
After the Union Army won the Civil War, Republicans amended the Constitution to grant newly freed slaves, freedom (13th Amendment); citizenship (14th Amendment); and the right to vote (15th Amendment). In response, Democrats passed Jim Crow laws in their local jurisdictions of southern states to deny Blacks their constitutional rights. The Republican-controlled Congress passed Civil Rights laws during the 1860's to guarantee Blacks the rights they were entitled to.
This legislation occurred during the period of "Reconstruction" under former Union General Ulysses S Grant (R) in 1868, backed by the "Radical" Republicans in Congress. Grant received votes from 450,000 freedmen. The "Moderate" Republican voices in Congress backed Democrat challenger, Horace Greeley. After the 1872 presidential election president Grant wanted more protection of Black rights. The Republican Party was more split along idealogical lines at this time; some who supported Black civil rights, and others who wanted more local self-governance in the South. "Liberal" Republicans backed Horace Greeley.
The presidential election of 1876 between Rutherford B Hayes (R) and Samuel J Tilden (D) was a turning point in American political history. During Reconstruction, federal troops remained in the South, however, in 1874, Democrats took control of the House of Representatives, and Democrat support of the Republican president Hayes was conditioned on assurances that federal troops would not interfere in southern politics. At this time, Republicans controlled the states of SC, LA, and FL. In what was known as "the compromise of 1877" federal troops were withdrawn from All southern states; despite "Republican" protests over the treatment of Black voters.
When Grover Cleveland (D) became president in 1892, the Democrat Party took over both Houses of Congress, and in 1894 passed the Civil Rights Repeal Act; which overturned the civil rights laws of the 1860's. Although there were 3 Republican presidents following this time, from 1896-1912 (William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft. Woodrow Wilson (D), who was a racist and segregationist became president in 1912, despite having large support from Black voters who thought he was a 'different' kind of politician.
Woodrow Wilson probably would not have become president if Theodore Roosevelt, who wanted to be re-elected, split the Republican Party; forming his own Bull Moose "(Progressive") political Party. Afterwards, there were another 3 Republican presidents from 1920-1928 (Warren G Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover). After 1928, the political landscape began to change as Democrats carried the 12 largest cities (in the North).
The "Great Depression" started under Hoover, and not surprisingly, Franklin D Roosevelt (D) became president in 1932. Democrats also controlled Congress. The 1936 presidential election was a pivotal period for African-Americans, who had traditionally voted Republican, switched to FDR in "record numbers" with 71% support.
NOTE: FDR is the only president in United States political history to be elected to 4 terms (1932, 1936, 1940, 1944). He died in office in 1945.
Harry S Truman (D) became president in 1948 against Thomas E Dewey (R), who, despite having a solid record on civil rights, tried to appeal more to White southern Conservatives. Truman received 77% of the Black vote and was the first president to desegregrate the military. The Democrat Party adopted a strong Civil Rights platform, however, southern delegates walked out, forming the States Rights Party ("Dixiecrats") of which such political figures were: George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, and Robert Byrd.
At this time, 40% of Blacks moved out of the South and lived in the North (mostly, NY, IL, PA, OH, and MI), which was about 1.6M people. Truman said that Northern Negroes were the road to the presidency. Former WWII General and Head of Columbia University, Dwight D Eisenhower (R) becane president in 1952 over Adlai E Stevenson (D). After his re-election in 1956, he said that "segregation" is a threat to national security and sent the 101st Airbourne to protect Black children going to segregated White schools in Arkansas. Eisenhower received 40% of the Black vote.
Let's fast forward a little further to the 1960's: It was Senator Everett Dirksen (R) who championed the Civil Rights legislation of 1957, 1964, 1965, and 1968; although reluctantly, at first, and was instrumental in getting it passed through Congress. Ironically, both John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, as members of the Senate, "opposed" the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Senator Barry Goldwater (R) supported the Bill and opposed it in 1964 on Constitutional grounds because he felt it involved too much goverment overreach into local state jurisdictions; he later regretted that position until his dying day. Also, it was a little known fact that Goldwater was a lifelong member of the NAACP.
John F Kennedy (D) was elected president in 1960, beating out Richard M Nixon (R), who basically held the "same" position on Civil Rights as JFK. Nixon, unlike JFK and LBJ, voted for the 1957 Civil Rights Act, and received 32% of the Black vote. After JFK's assassination, Lyndon B Johnson ran against Barry Goldwater in 1964, and defeated him; receiving 94% of the Black vote. At this time "most" Blacks were prevented from voting in the south by "Jim Crow" Defacto laws by Democrat legislators or Dejure practices.
Goldwater wanted to eliminate Social Security, increase bombing in North Vietnam, and said that there is hardly a "difference" between Republican Conservatives and Southern Democrats. LBJ became the "first" president from a southern state since Andrew Jackson.
NOTE: After Barry Goldwater, Blacks fled the Republican Party in droves to the Democrats for good!!
In 1968, Richard M Nixon (R) ran for president against George McGovern (D), and won. At this time southern Democrats were responding favorably to Republican Party ideas about big business, less government regulation, personal responsibility, and government non-intervention in the matter of integration and school busing; as opposed to civil rights for Blacks. Despite Nixon's "Law and Order" mandate, he started the first 'Affirmative Action' groundwork with the 1969 "Philadelphia Plan" crafted by Black Republican Arthur Fletcher; which was intended to undo federal job discrimination policies by "Progressive" Democrat president Woodrow Wilson.
The election of Jimmy Carter (D) as president over Gerald Ford (R) coincided with Democrat contol of Congress from 1968-1976. Carter received 83% of the Black vote as the Democrat Party tried to deepen ties with African-Americans. Ronald Reagan (R) served 2 terms as presudent (1980, 1984); and George H.W. Bush served 1 term before Bill Clinton (D) beat him in the 1992 presidential election. In 1996, Clinton ran against Bob Dole (R) of Kansas, and won re-election; although he only carried 4 southern states.
In the following presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, the Democrat Party has NOT carried a single southern state-why?? Democrats have controlled the South for over 100 years, and Democrat policies in Black communities for well over the past 60 years have left behind impoverished, crime-infested, drug dealing, economically-devitalized urban jungles (da' hood), food insecure islands, high unemployment, failing schools in a social wasteland and crumbling infrastructure in cities like Detroit, South Chicago, and Baltimore. More cities could be added to the list; along with communities of color in states like, again, NY, IL, PA, OH, MI, etc. So, who are the Real 'racists'? I think the evidence is clear, however, it is up to you to decide for yourself.
Robert Randle
Houston, TX
November 20, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Is defunding the police the answer to racial injustice?
The death of George Floyd at the hands, or in this case, a knee on the back of the neck, by Minneapolis police officer David Chauvin has renewed the anguished cries to abolish police departments across America. This videotaped abuse of police authority in the Murder of a Black man who had no weapon and wasn't resisting officer commands was seen around the world, leading to demonstrations and violent protests. The discussions centering around racial disparity in the criminal justice system and reforming local police departments is not 'new' but what is different this time is all the talk about "defunding" or to some, abolishing police departments altogether. The death of yet another Black man by a White, male police officer has once again ignited a powder keg of racial tension between the P-O-L-I-C-E and communities of color; which is greatly strained and near the breaking point anyway.
Advocates of taking funding generally allocated to police departments and redistributing it in at-risk communities for drug treatment, mental health and other services has merit; but how practical is it in reality? Let's just say this does happen and police departments will be understaffed and overworked and underpaid officers are less likely to perform their job in a professional manner as the public expects. In fact, many offcers already work a second job to provide for their families just like those they are sworn to protect and serve. The few good and ethical officers will quit the force to get a better paying job elsewhere and what's left will be the kind of officers who have the mentality like those who killed George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Jamar Clark, Philandro Castile, Stephon Clark, LaQuan McDonald, Eric Garner, Atatiana Jefferson; and others.
The better answer is to increase funding to police departments so that officers can receive the Best training in de-escalation techniques, psychological (implicit bias) testing, non-lethal arrest procedures, mental health specialists, and more focus on community outreach/liaison officers. The other part of this is what, and it pains me to admit this, what Conservatives say, namely; We as Black people have to the best of our ability, live morally responsibly and within the law. Even if this happens it still doesn't guarantee that there will not be contact with Law Enforcement. If this happens, no matter how inconvenient and uncomfortable the encounter may turn out, we have to keep our cool; follow officer's commands exactly because they are already on edge, anxious, and possibly trigger-happy. Don't give them a reason to get into a struggle with you or verbally assault them, which is justification for a 'legal' arrest.
Defunding the police is ONLY half the problem; the rest, and the other half, is up to us.
Robert Randle
10050 Westpark Dr Apt 1918
Houston, TX 77042
June 11, 2020
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