Thursday, June 11, 2020

Is defunding the police the answer to racial injustice?

The death of George Floyd at the hands, or in this case, a knee on the back of the neck, by Minneapolis police officer David Chauvin has renewed the anguished cries to abolish police departments across America. This videotaped abuse of police authority in the Murder of a Black man who had no weapon and wasn't resisting officer commands was seen around the world, leading to demonstrations and violent protests. The discussions centering around racial disparity in the criminal justice system and reforming local police departments is not 'new' but what is different this time is all the talk about "defunding" or to some, abolishing police departments altogether. The death of yet another Black man by a White, male police officer has once again ignited a powder keg of racial tension between the P-O-L-I-C-E and communities of color; which is greatly strained and near the breaking point anyway.

Advocates of taking funding generally allocated to police departments and redistributing it in at-risk communities for drug treatment, mental health and other services has merit; but how practical is it in reality? Let's just say this does happen and police departments will be understaffed and overworked and underpaid officers are less likely to perform their job in a professional manner as the public expects. In fact, many offcers already work a second job to provide for their families just like those they are sworn to protect and serve. The few good and ethical officers will quit the force to get a better paying job elsewhere and what's left will be the kind of officers who have the mentality like those who killed George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice,  Jamar Clark, Philandro Castile, Stephon Clark, LaQuan McDonald, Eric Garner, Atatiana Jefferson; and others.

The better answer is to increase funding to police departments so that officers can receive the Best training in de-escalation techniques, psychological (implicit bias) testing, non-lethal arrest procedures, mental health specialists, and more focus on community outreach/liaison officers. The other part of this is what, and it pains me to admit this, what Conservatives say, namely; We as Black people have to the best of our ability, live morally responsibly and within the law. Even if this happens it still doesn't guarantee that there will not be contact with Law Enforcement. If this happens, no matter how inconvenient and uncomfortable the encounter may turn out, we have to keep our cool; follow officer's commands exactly because they are already on edge, anxious, and possibly trigger-happy. Don't give them a reason to get into a struggle with you or verbally assault them, which is justification for a 'legal' arrest.

Defunding the police is ONLY half the problem; the rest, and the other half, is up to us.

Robert Randle
10050 Westpark Dr Apt 1918
Houston, TX 77042
June 11, 2020