Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain Chooses Sarah Palin as Vice-President

In the movie “Forrest Gump,” veteran actor Tom Hanks played the unpredictable character and in one segment he said those unforgettable words, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll find inside.” Well, John McCain’s choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a big surprise to everyone because no one ever saw it coming. Most political pundits and the GOP standard bearers had more or less narrowed the Vice-Presidential short list down to Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge, Democratic/Independent Senator of Connecticut Joseph Lieberman, or former Minnesota Governor Mitt Romney. It is unlikely that Mitt Romney had a serious chance because during the Primaries, exit polls indicated that a significant majority of Americans who considered themselves Evangelical Christians would not support a Mormon Presidential candidate, and it is doubtless that the numbers would have changed significantly in the choice for Vice-President.

John McCain, who relishes being referred to as the ‘Maverick’ has made an interesting first decision as the next future President of the United States. All of John McCain’s much talked about experience has led him to choose a running mate, though very talented, has barely less than two years experience as Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin is a strong anti-abortionist while McCain is not and when Sarah Palin was told about being selected as the Vice-president, she asked, “What exactly does the Vice-President do on a daily basis.” This is coming from the one person who will be one step away from becoming President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the military might of the most powerful nation on earth. Much has been made about George W. Bush’s decision-making ability, but not even he would not chosen so poorly. Not only that, but Sarah Palin is Chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which might be seen as a conflict-of-interest especially with America’s focus on energy independence not only from foreign Middle Eastern oil reserves but from petroleum-based fossil fuels anywhere in the world.

If this is Senator McCain’s answer to the Obama/Biden ticket of the Democrats then America might just be on the verge of a real “Change” in this nation’s political life because it seems that McCain/ Palin ticket will be ‘McFailin.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary’s Big Night at the Democratic National Convention

It was the night that had supporters of Barack Obama a little nervous and uncertain as to how Hillary Clinton would address the delegates in Denver on Tuesday at the DNC. Her debut was preceded by a visual montage of her life and political speeches and it seemed at times as though she was presenting a video resume of the reasons why she should be the one to be the party’s nominee. After former First-Daughter Chelsea Clinton introduced her mom, Hillary was greeted with a standing ovation and a raucous applause that seemed as though it would never end. Even though Barack Obama’ s oratory skills are praised by nearly everyone, Hillary Clinton is just as good, if not better in some instances. Hillary, as expected urged unity among the different factions within the Democratic Party, but several themes were missing.

Hillary Clinton never referred to Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief, nor did she mention his experience. Hillary stressed electing a Democrat, the Party’s Nominee, namely Barack Obama because he identifies with the same policies that she does; but not necessarily because he [Barack] is the ‘best qualified’ candidate. Interestingly, Hillary Clinton did mention Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s experience. Hillary Clinton showed tremendous grace and deference to Barack Obama by a powerful speech that should help heal the wounds that still persist among the Obama and Clinton camps. Only time will tell if her delegates were voting for her or for the issues that she championed.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Barack Obama’s Gold Medal Moment at the Convention??

The Olympics held in Beijing, China just concluded on Sunday, August 24th, and by all accounts it appears to have been a great success. Following that Larger-Than-Life spectacle is another ‘OLYMPICS;’ but instead of athletes competing against one another, it will be political speeches competing for the hearts of voters. Michelle Obama will be the featured speaker on Monday, August 25, 2008, the first night of the Democratic National Convention amid the theme of “One Nation.” This is quite an ironic starting topic because earlier in the presidential campaign Michelle Obama created a little controversy when she was quoted as saying, “I have never be more proud of my country until now;” and not only that, but it seems that the Democratic Party itself might still be fractured because of Hillary Clinton’s army of 18 million strong disaffected supporters, those Angry White Female Voters who feel that she was mistreated during the Presidential debates.

Besides all that and the expected contention at the Convention, Barack Obama’s moment will come Thursday, when he will have to score a Perfect ‘10’ by giving the best performance of his political career. This will be a gold medal moment and there aren’t any silver or bronze medals. All preliminaries are over and this is the final event to introduce himself to the American people. It isn’t about making another eloquent speech because we have already heard one after the other. This opportunity is for all the marbles and has to be more than just another appearance before the cameras like a movie star celebrity or in front of a microphone like a Rock Star. Barack Obama has to do like Hillary Clinton did in one of the earlier Primaries, and that is, to find his [inner] voice. Barack has to show emotion, depth, passion, and conviction and present it with powerful words that will touch the heart, mind, and soul of even his most skeptical cynics and detractors.

Barack has to deliver one of those speeches that when you hear it, the words send shivers up one’s spine. Barack has to mesmerize the delegates, invited Convention guests, the National and International print and broadcast media, internet bloggers, the American electorate and International audiences; just like the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics did for all the athletes, the Chinese people and the rest of the world who watched. It is not enough just to blame everything on the Republicans or to say that he isn’t George Bush or John McCain because we have already heard that before. Barack must connect with the voter, the average struggling blue-collar [predominantly ‘White’] American whom earlier he cynically said was bitter, and clung to religion, guns, etc.

Not only must Barack Obama talk about “CHANGE,” but he must represent the living embodiment of that change and use the podium as a bully pulpit to talk about the American values that once made this country great and the envy of the world. It is an enormous challenge and since Barack has raised the bar so high perhaps even he cannot meet the expectation. Barack’s political Ads always mention ‘CHANGE’ that we can believe in, but is he a “LEADER” that we can believe in? This is Barack’s glorious moment in history and will he become an Olympic champion and win the gold medal or will he stumble before he crosses the finish line.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 25, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why the Big Fuss Over Barack Obama’s V.P. Choice??

The Vice-Presidential choice for Illinois Junior Senator and Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama is like waiting to open a Christmas package after the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve. The much anticipated event will be sent as a text message on cell phones throughout the world on Saturday, August 23, 2008, and as with anything of this magnitude it is bound to overwhelm the capabilities of the telecommunication service providers. Besides all that, the choice of Vice-President, though intriguing as the first step in signaling the direction and tone an Obama Administration might go, it is not necessarily the most crucial. The Secretary of State is the representative of American Foreign policy on the International stage and it is very important that Barack gets this selection right. On the domestic front the Attorney General is crucial as this individual will head up the Justice Department and will be in a position to represent the Executive branch of the government before the United States Supreme Court. Since September 11, 2001, American citizens have experienced an erosion of their right to privacy due to anti-terrorism as well as Civil Rights, and therefore whoever will ultimately fill this position is important also.

Unlike the 1970’s Pop/Folk Music singer Carly Simon’s song, “Anticipation,” most Americans are not holding their collect breath to find out who Barack Obama will choose as his running mate. In fact, a new MSNBC poll taken recently shows that only 4 out of 10 people are even interested in this outcome; probably because most of them are watching the Beijing Olympics. Many of the political pundits, major network news commentators, and syndicated newspaper columnists seem to have narrowed the field of choices down to a narrow list to include Joseph Biden, Tim Kaine, Phil Breseden, and Republican Senator Chuck Hagel. If its one thing that this political season and pollsters have shown and that is, the ‘experts’ have blown it almost every time. Supposedly, Barack’s choice is going to be a surprise, so maybe Colin Powell or even Ralph Nader might just fit rather nicely in the ‘shock and awe’ of presidential politics.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 22, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Michael Phelps: Turning Olympic Gold into a Marketing Goldmine??

There is no question that Michael Phelps is one of the greatest athletes of all time, and what he has accomplished in the sport of swimming is almost inconceivable; but can he capitalize on the almost unlimited financial opportunities that come with winning 8 gold medals at the Beijing Olympics. Michael has numerous endorsements and solicitations from other companies eagerly wanting to hitch themselves to the Phelps bandwagon, but the big question is how marketable is he in the long run. There is an old saying that ‘fame is fleeting,’ and one wonders if Michael will be talked about as much six months from now as he is presently. Bob Costas, at the NBC Sports Center in Beijing, China interviewed Michael Phelps several times and in every instance, Michael didn’t have a lot to say that was any different from previous times. This is certainly understandable because what he accomplished in the field of spots competition would leave anyone in a state of shock and at a loss for words. Be that as it may, Michael will have his greatest and perhaps most challenge yet, and that is, to let people know a little bit more about his personality.

It has been estimated that Michael has the potential to earn somewhere around 100 million dollars in lifetime earnings based upon what is perceived to be his market value, but that is based on more than just showing videos and replays of his amazing victories in the pool. Michael has the rare opportunity that very few athletes have and how he capitalizes upon it depends to a great extent upon who he is as a person. Becoming a marketable commodity and the object of a slick Madison Avenue advertising campaign is more than possessing near superhuman athleticism, rock hard abs, and yes, even eight gold medals, but rather can the consumer identify you with a particular company’s product brand name, logo, or service. Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods achieved the success they did because they were able to ‘sell’ themselves along with the right product label that matched their popularity based upon certain social and economic demographics and mass appeal.

Of course, swimming isn’t exactly one of those events that has always drawn as much interest in Olympic competition like ‘track and field,’ ‘gymnastics,’ or ‘basketball,’ and even the great swimmer Mark Spitz, whose Olympic record Michael Phelps broke, didn’t really enjoy the lucrative commercial endorsements he could have although he accomplished a feat just as amazing as Michael did, nearly forty years ago. There are certainly other candidates who could be promoted just as heavily as Michael Phelps, namely, Misty May-Traenor and kerri Walsh, who, if they should win the gold medal in ‘beach volleyball,’ will set a record that will probably not be broken in a very long, long time.

Also, one cannot forget fellow women’s swimming phenom Natalie Coughlin, who although not getting as many gold medals as Michael Phelps, essentially achieved for the American women what Michael did among the men. When the closing ceremonies for the Beijing Olympics concludes and Michael appears as a guest on nearly every show on television, it will be interesting to see whether he will be the marketing once-in-a-lifetime-dream-come-true, or will he instead be just a formerly bullied, ADHD son of a single parent who was enrolled in a swimming class to counter his boredom and restlessness who discovered through escaping from his pain and inner isolation that a watery world of wonder and imagination welcomed him. It was within the swimming pools and countless hours of grueling training and the crucible of athletic competition and extraordinary athletic ability and the drive to get better and better that an Olympic champion was forged. And now after all that Michael has accomplished, does Michael want his picture to be displayed on larger-than-life billboards or marquees in Times Square N.Y., on boxes of cereal, candy bars, sports drinks, athletic apparel, etc., or is he just a 23 year old male who wants to hang out with his friends, play video games, and listen to Lil’ Wayne and some ‘Techno’ on his Ipod.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 19, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Is the Old Soviet Union on the Comeback?

On the eve of the Beijing Olympics last Friday, August 8, 2008, Russian missiles and bombs have destroyed significant parts of the Republic of Georgia’s infrastructure. Russia essentially has the country cut off and controls the borders as well as the airways and harbors. Though the United States is an ally of the Republic of Georgia, it seems that Georgia was making military attacks within its own territory, in the provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The military incursions placed Russian peacekeepers or troops in the-line-of-fire, so in response the Russians used that action as an excuse to retaliate inside the Republic of Georgia. It is interesting to hear the rhetoric coming from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

What kind of pressure can the United States realistically exert on Russia, who is enjoying a somewhat reviving economy based upon earning nearly 600 billion dollars from oil revenues; of which undoubtedly a great portion of it will be used on updating its military arsenal? Also, not only that, but Russia is still a major nuclear power and the United States still needs Russia as a major player on the world stage to use its leverage or influence in the Middle East; most notably in negotiations with Iran. Telling Russia that there will be serious consequences or threatening to exclude it from the G-8 Summit or from an organization like the WTO might not be enough to dissuade the emerging spectre of a possible resurrected ‘Soviet Union.’

President George Bush said that “Bullying in the twenty-first century is unacceptable,” and Republican Senator John McCain said that “In the twenty first century nations do not invade other nations.” Isn’t that a little disingenuous to the Russians because the United States invaded Iraq without support from the United Nations, as well as over the protestations from Russia, North Korea, and China; among others. But then of course, America was justified because of September 11th, and this is an entirely different situation. Do we really know all the facts about this conflict and what kind of government does the President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili impose over the people? Although the Republic of Georgia is reportedly Democratic, is there ‘freedom of the press’ without censorship, and how are political rivals treated, and what is the role of the military in the lives of ordinary citizens? Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated “this is not 1968,” meaning that this is not the ‘COLD WAR,’ which is true, but if we are not careful it just might turn into something that we as a country just might not be ready to deal with at this time.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 13, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Gold: Competitive Advantage or “Technological Doping??"

The swimming records at the Beijing Olympics are falling like dominoes, and as such, the shattering of world records continues to add more fuel to the fire regarding the use of the High-tech swimsuit, the SPEEDO LZR in this Olympic competition. The technologically advanced swimsuit was designed by NASA engineers to enhance buoyancy and to reduce the drag-coefficient and surface tension of the water has some critics complaining about “competitive advantage.” Of course, civilization has come a long way from the first ‘OLYMPIAD’ held in Elis, off the peninsula of Peloponnesus in 776 BCE; the very first Olympic champion was a naked runner named Coroebus who completed a run of 192 meters (210 yards). A lot more is known about body mechanics, nutrition, and Sports Physiology than the ancient Greeks but the one thing that hopefully will continue to be part of any athletic and competitive sports participation, and that is, to ensure the ‘integrity’ of the sport and to make sure it is “pure.” If champions are to be crowned and records broken, and as athletes continue to improve from advances in the newest and more rigorous training methods, discipline, sacrifice, their accomplishments cannot be tarnished by the slightest doubt that they earned it by nothing but hard work and dedication.

In the 1984 LA Summer Olympics, a barefoot South African named Zola Budd entered the 3,000 meter race amid claims that she competed unfairly by not wearing track shoes. This is an interesting point because what if other athletes decided to compete barefooted? Or better yet, let’s say, ‘NIKE’ scientifically engineered and designed a track shoe with materials which ‘significantly’ reduced the torque and stress on the ankle and knees, as well as the surface tension between the sole of the foot and the running track or pavement, dissipating the heat and perspiration from inside the shoe, and was so lightweight that wearing the shoe feels like ‘walking on air’? And as a result of adding this feature, new world records in track, the high jump, and the broad jump were occurring in almost every national and International meeting.

In the 2008 Olympics from Beijing, China, there is one named that is ‘LARGER-THAN-LIFE,’ towering above the rest, namely, swimming ‘phenom’ Michael Phelps (a.k.a. “Aquaman”). There is no question that Michael Phelps is one of the greatest swimmer’s, if not one of the greatest athletes in the history of Olympic competition; and if Michael competed in the glory days of Greece, he might have received a wreath of victory from one of the gods of Olympus themselves, most notably, the Father of the Seas, Poseidon. It is also true that in all the races that Michael Phelps competed in so far, he was the best of all the swimmers. The question is not so much about his athleticism or any of the other extraordinary swimmers from all the countries, but rather, does wearing the SPEEDO LZR allow the wearer to experience less ‘natural’ drag from the water, thereby enhancing performance even if it’s by fractions of a second, leading to breaking a record that the individual might not have achieved otherwise.

The I.O.C. approved wearing the swimsuits but one wonders if they had ever thought as many world records in swimming would be broken at a single competition by several different competitors; let alone by some of the expected favorites. The athletes are tested for ‘doping’ or illegal performance-enhancing substances after every event but what about “technology,” how do you test for that? Even the State-of-the-Arts 200 million dollar Water Cube and swimming pool at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing, is scientifically engineered to produce faster swim times. No doubt the controversy about wearing the new swimsuit won’t go away, at least for now, but it will be interesting to see what other scientific improvements will be introduced into sports in general as well as the next Olympics.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 13, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

John Edward’s National Confessional on “NIGHTLINE”

The number 8 is supposed to be symbolic for luck, prosperity, and good fortune, but for former Senator John Edwards, it may prove to be a bad omen of things and unforeseen consequences that are yet to come. John Edwards laid it all out on the line, at least as much as he was willing too publicly, in an exclusive interview with ABC News Correspondent, Bob Woodruff on Friday, August 8, 2008. John Edwards wanted to face the music alone, take his lumps like a 'real' man, and not have to as with other elected officials who were caught in sexually-compromising situations, put on public display the hurt, wounded, and yet supportive wife by his side. The 'affair' which wasn't but ultimately admitted as 'was,' simply came down to a "matter of poor judgment?" This sounds like a referee or umpire at a baseball game where a batter was called 'out' on a bad pitch or a base runner colliding with a catcher at home plate was called 'safe'; or something like that.

Does Rielle Hunter feel that the brief sexual tryst or fling that she and John Edwards had, including the laughter, the intrigue of sneaking around, the late-night or otherwise clandestine rendezvous, being sexual playthings for each other, dinner and lunch dates, all of this was just a 'mere' Oops? It is interesting that with all this political baggage from two years ago on his shoulders, even telling Elisabeth about his indiscretion, how could John Edwards even think of running for the Presidency and more importantly, how could his wife have supported him in this quest; both of them knowing full well that the truth was going to come out eventually?

The more John Edwards explained his case, which certainly showed exceptional courage and strength, seemed a bit disconnected at times because on the one hand he repeated over and over how much he loved his wife; but yet not owning up to the 'fact' that “love doesn't behave in this fashion." John Edwards appears to be in some sort of denial and perhaps there is a deeper pathology than what he shows on the surface; which he eluded to it when he said, “I became egotistical, narcissistic, and I felt that I could do anything and get away with it.”

All of us have that "inner child" within us, at least according to the social scientists, and perhaps Elisabeth can forgive and love her husband because she knows that part of John Edwards which is hidden from public view; the one who is vulnerable, uncertain, devoted, needing and wanting attention, to be understood and accepted, and the one who in spite of the serious and painfully deep emotional wound hurt that he has inflicted upon her, still, Elisabeth knows in her heart that John really, really, loves her; despite his moral failings and short comings. If Elisabeth is willing to forgive her husband then who are the rest of us that have the audacity to sit in judgment. As Jesus told the crowd of Pharisees who brought before Him a woman who was caught in the very act of adultery, and they told him, "the Law commands that such a person be stoned," to which He replied, "those of you without sin be the first to cast a stone at her.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards Finally Admits to Extra-Marital Affair

It is not an easy thing to admit to the world about sexual indiscretion but eventually, when the truth finally comes out, you have to do just that. So, former Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards decided to confirm reports by the National Enquirer, which he previously denounced and said was not true, that he had been unfaithful to his wife of over thirty years, Elisabeth Edwards. It is interesting that a so-called 'tabloid,' grocery store checkout, sensationalist, and to many, non-journalistic 'rag' could out do the major, reputable news sources on this "BIG STORY." If, as it has been reported, that the news departments of print and broadcast media knew of this alleged affair several months ago, why did they not mention it? Was it out of concern for the Edward's family, especially Elisabeth Edwards, because of her ongoing battle with cancer?

Quite a few years ago, Senator John Edwards publicly scolded former President Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky had no idea that he would eventually be involved in an adulterous relationship with Rielle Hunter. Of course, one can wonder about the moral compass of Ms. Hunter who not only had sex with a married man whose wife suffered through her difficult battle with cancer, but within two years she gives birth to a daughter where the paternity of the father is unnamed as of yet. Perhaps these kinds of things should not surprise anyone because elected officials are more vulnerable to the sexual allurements and enticements that wielding a position of civil power and authority can attract.

It is interesting however, to take note of the wording that these betrayers of marital oaths and the public trust use when they confess their wrongs. There is an almost predictable pathology to it all because first comes the denial, followed by outright lying; whether under Federal Grand Jury oath or not (Bill Clinton). Later, when pressed to give a definitive answer, there is the clever 'legalese,' such as with Bill Clinton, "It depends on what the meaning of the word [sex] is." With John Edwards, it was, "Everything that the National Enquirer reported about his involvement in an affair was a lie."

There is never a sense of remorse or contrition but rather an explanation, almost a justification for the act. Bill Clinton and John Edwards exercised poor judgment, and when the former President appeared on "Oprah," Bill Clinton said, "I did it because I could." John Edwards essentially said the same thing because he admitted to becoming egotistical, narcissistic, and thinking that he could do anything he wanted [even having an illicit sexual liaison with another woman]. Maybe it is too easy just explaining it away and move on with your private lives because the American people are so forgiving; but that might only be the half of the story. No one is really confronting infidelity as violation of a sacred covenant before God by the man and woman.

If one fails to honor that agreement then the offended person in the 'absolute' sense is the Creator; who established this institution in the first place. When an individual acknowledges that they have "sinned," this puts the focus where it should be in the first place. God is forgiving as well as merciful, but there is always a consequence for every act of rebellion or arrogance. John Edwards is still a decent human being and although he did a shameful thing, still he was courageous enough to try and protect his family from this scandal and in some ways, to make it go away, but he couldn't.

It is true that timing is everything and with The Beijing Olympics coverage starting this week, how much will the media allocate resources to this 'story' when the world will be concentrating on the Olympics as well as the military fighting, possibly all out war that just erupted between the 'Republic of Georgia' and the former 'Soviet Union.' Elisabeth Edwards recently issued a statement to the media asking for people to respect their privacy during this difficult time, and considering the devastating blow it must be for she and the children, it is the least anyone of us can do, as well as keep all of them in our thoughts and prayers.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 8, 2008

What Do the Clinton's Want From Barack Obama?

Bill and Hillary Rodham-Clinton are scheduled to speak at the Democratic National Convention, the political coronation for Senator Barack Obama as the leader in the delegate count and nominee for President of the United States. Ironically, if Barack Obama hadn't entered the race, Senator Hillary would in all probability be crowned as the "belle of the ball." There was some bad blood spilled between Barack Obama and the Clinton's during the Caucuses and Primaries, and it is a foregone conclusion that Hillary's name is not on the short list for 'Veep,' so why are Hillary and Bill Clinton willing to rally the troops and extol the virtues of the candidate who cost them some measurable amount of political clout? What can Obama promise to offer Hillary Clinton, who is one of the more influential Senators in Congress, and would she accept a position in Barack's Cabinet; and if so, what office would she want to hold, other than the Oval Office? Are the Clintons able to put aside all of this ill will towards Barack Obama in the interest of political solidarity, although the Clintons don't like to lose and would rather go down swinging their fists than to capitulate.

It is rather generous and unselfish of the Clintons to honor Senator Obama with their heartfelt blessing but one would be naive to believe that there isn't another reason besides what is told to the media. Hillary Clinton says that she is going to campaign for Barack Obama but that remains to be seen. Hillary's disaffected angry White female supporters (AWFS) don't seem to be willing to budge from their intrascience in not wanting to support the nominee; either threatening to not vote at all in November or vote for Republican contender, Senator John McCain. It should be an interesting Convention as the Florida and Michigan Delegates seek to have a 'voice' and this just might be one of those rare events of Party disunity and discord; a gift you might call it, sweet music to the eagerly anticipating ears and eyes of the GOP, Karl Rove, and of course, John McCain.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 7, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Obama's Odyssey Unsettling for Many

Response to New York Times Columnist David Brooks Op-Ed ("T-N-T" 7/8/08)

Dear David:
I think you had some fairly plausible points about Barack Obama, and I wanted to add my two cents also. Blues singer B. B. King had a song entitled, "The Thrill is Gone," and this is the case with Obama. It's like the excitement while attending a Rock concert and watching a surreal, LARGER-THAN-LIFE performance, but when you leave the event, return home, discuss it with friends and family and you live in that 'moment;' but tomorrow you return back to your normal, mundane, everyday life. The illustrious junior Senator from Illini' has lost the ‘mojo,’ his campaign has stalled, and Senator Obama has been found to be shifting on some of the issues (like the leaning tower of Pisa), and outside of mentioning the War in Iraq, he hasn't offered any new, creative, and realistic plans dealing with the things most Americans are more concerned about at the moment, which is: jobs, mortgages, gas prices, retirement security, health care insurance, and a few others.

You briefly eluded to 'race' in your commentary, and although earlier in Obama's presidential candidacy, the broadcast news media mentioned 'race' too often, I don't think the American people, mostly the White majority, are as troubled about Senator Obama being Black, but rather that White people become incensed when they perceive a Black as "uppity." Of course, to be politically-correct, the media cannot use such a word because it carries obvious racial overtones but there is a correspondingly appropriate acceptable word called 'elitist.' African-Americans have a word that means essentially the same thing, which is called 'boussie' (bourgeois), and it is quite a surprise that so many have embraced him when in the not too far distant past, this is exactly what he would have been called.

As far as the polls showing the once double digit lead that Barack Obama had over John McCain (in some states) are roughly statistically even, it is not because of anything from the McCain campaign that has damaged Obama, but rather due to Obama himself. The overseas trip was a big political risk that didn't pay off, except negatively. To some of the electorate, Obama is like a political 'fix,' similar to a drug and when people don't continue to get their 'high' as it were, they suffer withdrawal pains; which in a manner of speaking, is exactly what's happening. Maybe Hillary Rodham-Clinton and John McCain are right in one regard, and that is, Obama is great at making speeches but is there any real substance [in the way of policy formulation] to all the beautifully eloquent rhetoric. Well, it seems that maybe the people are asking that very same question among themselves, and only time will tell to see what the final answer is.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 7, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Barack Obama Acting Like George W. Bush??

For the past several months Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has been repeatedly and doggedly hounded by broadcast and print media journalists and correspondents to answer their persistent and lingering question of him, and that is, “Why won’t you admit that the ’Surge’ is working? Barack Obama has continually praised the performance of the troops in Iraq while doing so under very difficult and dangerous circumstances, as well as their bravery, patriotism, heroism, and other such platitudes, but not once has he admitted that the ‘Surge’ is succeeding. Senator John McCain was in support of the Surge and Sen. Barack Obama was not in favor of it. Instead of Barack admitting that he is not ‘Nostradamus’ and no one can predict how these things will eventually turn out; still he will not acknowledge that he didn’t get this one right. In fact, the success in Iraq has nothing to do with McCain or Obama but with the successful implementation of military strategy at the Pentagon level and by the Field-Commanders and soldiers in Iraq.

For Barack Obama, the issue may be one of ‘character’ because the American people have been through 8 years of a President who never admitted to mistakes and now it seems, we might be on the verge of electing another man to sit in the Oval Office who is unwilling to admit that he can’t be wrong, also. Senator Obama has to realize that he isn’t going to get it right every time, but he needs to have the moral courage, fortitude, and integrity to admit this to himself, learn the lessons from unforeseen consequences and make better decisions in the future. It is not a matter of McCain wins and he loses because we all lose if Barack is the type of man who is driven by ego, and relishes in his own almost international Rock-Star, Celeb-type political high as opposed to a life of humble public service and leadership. Barack Obama has to accept the responsibility that he has raised the bar in American political discourse and he is going to have to live up to some very lofty expectations; and if he cannot, then he has no one else to blame but himself.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 30, 2008