Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain Chooses Sarah Palin as Vice-President

In the movie “Forrest Gump,” veteran actor Tom Hanks played the unpredictable character and in one segment he said those unforgettable words, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll find inside.” Well, John McCain’s choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a big surprise to everyone because no one ever saw it coming. Most political pundits and the GOP standard bearers had more or less narrowed the Vice-Presidential short list down to Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge, Democratic/Independent Senator of Connecticut Joseph Lieberman, or former Minnesota Governor Mitt Romney. It is unlikely that Mitt Romney had a serious chance because during the Primaries, exit polls indicated that a significant majority of Americans who considered themselves Evangelical Christians would not support a Mormon Presidential candidate, and it is doubtless that the numbers would have changed significantly in the choice for Vice-President.

John McCain, who relishes being referred to as the ‘Maverick’ has made an interesting first decision as the next future President of the United States. All of John McCain’s much talked about experience has led him to choose a running mate, though very talented, has barely less than two years experience as Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin is a strong anti-abortionist while McCain is not and when Sarah Palin was told about being selected as the Vice-president, she asked, “What exactly does the Vice-President do on a daily basis.” This is coming from the one person who will be one step away from becoming President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the military might of the most powerful nation on earth. Much has been made about George W. Bush’s decision-making ability, but not even he would not chosen so poorly. Not only that, but Sarah Palin is Chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which might be seen as a conflict-of-interest especially with America’s focus on energy independence not only from foreign Middle Eastern oil reserves but from petroleum-based fossil fuels anywhere in the world.

If this is Senator McCain’s answer to the Obama/Biden ticket of the Democrats then America might just be on the verge of a real “Change” in this nation’s political life because it seems that McCain/ Palin ticket will be ‘McFailin.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 29, 2008