Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards Finally Admits to Extra-Marital Affair

It is not an easy thing to admit to the world about sexual indiscretion but eventually, when the truth finally comes out, you have to do just that. So, former Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards decided to confirm reports by the National Enquirer, which he previously denounced and said was not true, that he had been unfaithful to his wife of over thirty years, Elisabeth Edwards. It is interesting that a so-called 'tabloid,' grocery store checkout, sensationalist, and to many, non-journalistic 'rag' could out do the major, reputable news sources on this "BIG STORY." If, as it has been reported, that the news departments of print and broadcast media knew of this alleged affair several months ago, why did they not mention it? Was it out of concern for the Edward's family, especially Elisabeth Edwards, because of her ongoing battle with cancer?

Quite a few years ago, Senator John Edwards publicly scolded former President Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky had no idea that he would eventually be involved in an adulterous relationship with Rielle Hunter. Of course, one can wonder about the moral compass of Ms. Hunter who not only had sex with a married man whose wife suffered through her difficult battle with cancer, but within two years she gives birth to a daughter where the paternity of the father is unnamed as of yet. Perhaps these kinds of things should not surprise anyone because elected officials are more vulnerable to the sexual allurements and enticements that wielding a position of civil power and authority can attract.

It is interesting however, to take note of the wording that these betrayers of marital oaths and the public trust use when they confess their wrongs. There is an almost predictable pathology to it all because first comes the denial, followed by outright lying; whether under Federal Grand Jury oath or not (Bill Clinton). Later, when pressed to give a definitive answer, there is the clever 'legalese,' such as with Bill Clinton, "It depends on what the meaning of the word [sex] is." With John Edwards, it was, "Everything that the National Enquirer reported about his involvement in an affair was a lie."

There is never a sense of remorse or contrition but rather an explanation, almost a justification for the act. Bill Clinton and John Edwards exercised poor judgment, and when the former President appeared on "Oprah," Bill Clinton said, "I did it because I could." John Edwards essentially said the same thing because he admitted to becoming egotistical, narcissistic, and thinking that he could do anything he wanted [even having an illicit sexual liaison with another woman]. Maybe it is too easy just explaining it away and move on with your private lives because the American people are so forgiving; but that might only be the half of the story. No one is really confronting infidelity as violation of a sacred covenant before God by the man and woman.

If one fails to honor that agreement then the offended person in the 'absolute' sense is the Creator; who established this institution in the first place. When an individual acknowledges that they have "sinned," this puts the focus where it should be in the first place. God is forgiving as well as merciful, but there is always a consequence for every act of rebellion or arrogance. John Edwards is still a decent human being and although he did a shameful thing, still he was courageous enough to try and protect his family from this scandal and in some ways, to make it go away, but he couldn't.

It is true that timing is everything and with The Beijing Olympics coverage starting this week, how much will the media allocate resources to this 'story' when the world will be concentrating on the Olympics as well as the military fighting, possibly all out war that just erupted between the 'Republic of Georgia' and the former 'Soviet Union.' Elisabeth Edwards recently issued a statement to the media asking for people to respect their privacy during this difficult time, and considering the devastating blow it must be for she and the children, it is the least anyone of us can do, as well as keep all of them in our thoughts and prayers.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 8, 2008