Thursday, October 30, 2008

The “Palin Effect” in One Word: S-E-X-Y

Finally, someone has dared to reveal the ‘TRUTH’ about Governor Sarah Palin’s popularity, and it’s in print (Kathleen Parker Op-Ed in “T-N-T” Section B-7, 10/26/08); namely, her enormous popularity is based upon, not surprisingly, primal “sex appeal.” It doesn’t matter if she butchers the English language or drops her “g’s,” just as long as she looks ‘HOT’ in the process. It goes without saying that the Alaska Governor is the favorite political eye candy of most men, irrespective of party affiliation, and which one of us wouldn’t want to get a hug from the Republican Vice-presidential nominee.

In a strange twist-of-fate, John McCain’s political Ads likened Barack Obama to a celebrity such as Paris Hilton but Sarah Palin has become the Republican equivalent; although Paris has probably been to a foreign country, at least. In fact, if you think about it, both of them are sexy and their lives mirror each other as some sort of ‘Reality TV’ show. Paris Hilton is dogged by the paparazzi and the same can be said for Sarah Palin’s coverage by the media.

When John McCain is around Sarah Palin he seems more invigorated, like receiving a charge from the “Energizer Bunny.” It is worth noting how the Alaska Governor’s designer glasses and her apparel has received some much attention while poor Cindy McCain can wear a $200,000 ensemble outfitted with matching diamonds and pearls, yet it barely rates more than a big “yawn” in the press. About twenty years ago when Hillary Clinton burst on the political scene she was attractive in a plain sort-of-way, but she definitely did not make any of the testosterone-driven observers want a pinup of her.

So, yes, like the famous “PLAYBOY” magazine interview in which former president Jimmy Carter admitted to having ‘lusted in his heart,’ to wit, many of us would doubtless plead “The FIFTH” [Amendment against self-incrimination]. In a week or so the voters will decide who the next President and Vice-president of our country will be, and Sarah Palin will be missed because for the past two months she was to reason to watch more “SNL” with Tina Fey, David Lettermen, Jimmy Kimmel, FOX News, CNN, CBS News with Katie Couric, McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, and any other media source that was interested in her. She will be missed; the most beautiful, sexy, charming, Hockey Mom-Moose-skinning, pit-bull with lipstick, politically scatterbrained person in modern times.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain-Palin’s Other Secret Weapon

The Republican Presidential campaign has been given an unexpected gift in the person of Barack Obama’s presidential running mate, Delaware Senator Joseph Biden. The unflappable member of Congress has made some untimely political gaffes which Barack Obama has had to do some damage control, downplay, or ignore altogether. John McCain and Sarah Palin are making some inroads with small businesses and blue collar working class Americans with their poster boy “Joe the Plumber,” and it seems, they are getting an extra bonus with “Joe the Bumbler.” Some of the more memorable political fodder for the Republicans to use has been comments such as: “It is patriotic to pay taxes; Hillary Clinton is more qualified than I am to be Vice-President, FDR got on television and addressed the American people about the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and within six months an international incident will test the presidency of Barack Obama.”

Never mind all the attacks from Governor Sarah Palin, mostly, that Barack Obama doesn’t share our values, that he is a friend of terrorists, an elitist, he is a socialist (will redistribute wealth), he will raise taxes on the struggling middle class and small businesses, he will increase the size of government and increase federal spending; he voted to give big tax breaks to oil companies, he supported the Bush-Cheney Energy Plan, his earmarks are substantially larger than John McCain’s, and that Barack Obama places his own political aspirations to be President above the interests of the American people and the safety of our troops.

When every political point counts in a very close election, with all the scrutiny and criticism of Governor Sarah Palin’s oddball answers to reporter’s questions, still she is a dynamo in front of a lectern. With Senator Joe Biden, on the other hand, it’s no telling what might come out of his mouth. Since picking the Vice President is the first major policy decision of the incoming Presidential nominee, the more Joe Biden speaks, at least as of late, the better he makes Sarah Palin look. For Barack Obama, with a friend and running mate like this, who needs enemies?

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 24, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain Finally Get's Some Fire in the Belly at Last Debate

In the third and final Presidential debate for 2008, which was televised on Wednesday, October 15, 2008, Republican Senator John McCain finally showed “True Grit.” It was like watching the final bout of a heavyweight title fight, some sheer political pugilism with the underdog on the scorecard throwing some pretty good jabs; but once again, he was not able to land any solid blows or deliver that ‘haymaker’ or knock-out punch to buckle Barack Obama’s knees and sending him face first onto the canvas. In what has been described as one of the dirtiest and meanest Presidential political campaigns in American history with each side accusing the other of distorting the other’s record, lying, and dishonesty.

The last two weeks has seen its share of some of the lowest points, especially at Republican rallies featuring V.P. nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin who gets the crowds riled up and worked into a frenzy amid denunciations of “He doesn’t share our values, He is a friend of terrorists, He will raise taxes on the Middle Class, all amid the cries in the audience of, “Liar, Abomination, and Off with His Head.” Also, just as disturbing is a statement within the past week by longtime Civil Rights activist and elder statesman, Congressman John Lewis of Atlanta, GA who likened the activities of the McCain/Palin campaign’s racist attacks (albeit very subtly, if at that) to the character exhibited by former Jim Crow Segregationist, Governor George Wallace of Alabama. This is what it all has descended to with all the partisan name-calling but the stakes have never been higher with both Obama and McCain vying for this country’s highest office and leader of one of the most powerful nation’s on earth.

To Senator McCain’s credit, he did get in a memorable ‘zinger’ when he said to Barack Obama, “I’m not George Bush and if you wanted to run against President Bush you should have done so four years ago.” Perhaps for McCain, it is too little too late in this ‘Eleventh and a half hour’ of his run for the Presidency. Also, with the recent admittance of Vice-President into the hospital for the third time for his heart condition, this may raise concerns in the minds of the voters about John McCain’s overall health, age, and fitness to be Commander-in-Chief and the thought of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin running the country terrifies a lot of people of all political persuasions. John McCain is right when he says that he is not George Bush, but there are similarities. Several years ago, President Bush was criticized for focusing so much on the “War on Terror” that he essentially had no Domestic Policy.

Senator McCain had focused so much on keeping to troops in Iraq for as long as it takes, until ‘Victory is Won,’ caused him to be so preoccupied with that single goal, along with supporting “The Surge” that he became shortsighted when it came to the economy, too. In a very important way, this became an ‘Albatross’ for McCain because during one of the earlier Republican Presidential Primary debates, Senator McCain was asked a question about the economy, and he said, “I haven’t thought about it very much, so I guess I will have to read up on it.” About a month ago, John McCain was speaking in Jacksonville, FLA, which he uttered words that have ominously haunted him ever since when he said, “The fundamentals of the economy are strong.” About a week later to the very day was the “MELTDOWN on WALL STREET.”

To add a bit of “irony of ironies” to this political Shakespearean drama, Senator Hillary Clinton, though not surprisingly, was seated among the audience at ‘Hofstra University’ in her adopted State of New York. One can only wonder what thoughts must have been going around inside her head as she watched the verbal exchanges between her Democratic presidential rival, Senator Barack Obama and Senate colleague Republican Senator John McCain. It must have been surreal as well as painful because she undoubtedly winced as she disagreed with some of the answers to the questions posed by CBS News veteran Correspondent and Moderator for the debate, Bob Schieffer. In the back of Hillary Clinton’s mind, she knows that she is more knowledgeable and qualified than either Barack Obama or John McCain, and it is apparently bittersweet as she replays over and over again in her mind the title from a popular song by the Soul group of the 1970’s, Gladys Knight and the Pips, “It Shoulda Been Me.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 17, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The McCain-Palin Campaign In Need of a Bailout Plan

With only about four weeks to go until the curtain closes on the 2008 Presidential Election, this partisan political drama is about to run its course. In the waning moments before the final conclusion, John McCain has decided to take the kid gloves off and unleash the Alaskan pit-bull terrier, Governor Sarah Palin to maul Barack Obama before the November deadline. With the first of the "Baby Boomers" about to retire, the Financial and Mortgage Crisis, tightening of credit, bank failures, nearly one million jobs lost since January, equities in 401-k, IRA and pension funds down nearly 35% or more in value, millions of Americans are uninsured or under-insured, and unprecedented numbers of families that have to shop at the GOODWILL STORES and feed their families by accepting donations from food banks, Sarah Palin wants to chastise Barack Obama for attending a political fundraiser hosted by former domestic terrorist William Ayers. The Republicans must really be desperate and are looking for the political 'Hail Mary' pass, another Lee Atwater inspired 'WILLIE HORTON' interlude that will scare the HELL out of white people; but it won't work this time. Americans are not going to fall for the race-baiting that effectively worked in other elections, whether Senatorial or otherwise.

Barack Obama is right on the money when he says that John McCain is OUT OF TOUCH, OUT OF IDEAS, and RUNNING OUT OF TIME. The time is past for demagoguery because the issues are too important and it will take a long time for things to get back to a sense of normalcy, so why are McCain-Palin wasting their resources on bringing up the past? During the Vice-Presidential debate, when Senator Joe Biden linked John McCain to President Bush's failed economic policies and leadership, the same Governor Palin talked about looking ahead instead of back in the past; but she must have forgotten about all of that. What's next on the agenda: Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or whether Barack is a Muslim, Tony Rezko, or perhaps making an issue of Barack's middle name of Hussein? These matters have already been addressed, and besides all that, what does all of this have to do with the really important things anyway? There was a duet sung by Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams in 1977, which went by the title, "TOO MUCH, TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, and it seems so appropriate as a post-mortem for the McCain/Palin political life cycle because there is so much to do and so little time to accomplish it in, and their time has just about run out.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 7, 2008