Thursday, October 30, 2008

The “Palin Effect” in One Word: S-E-X-Y

Finally, someone has dared to reveal the ‘TRUTH’ about Governor Sarah Palin’s popularity, and it’s in print (Kathleen Parker Op-Ed in “T-N-T” Section B-7, 10/26/08); namely, her enormous popularity is based upon, not surprisingly, primal “sex appeal.” It doesn’t matter if she butchers the English language or drops her “g’s,” just as long as she looks ‘HOT’ in the process. It goes without saying that the Alaska Governor is the favorite political eye candy of most men, irrespective of party affiliation, and which one of us wouldn’t want to get a hug from the Republican Vice-presidential nominee.

In a strange twist-of-fate, John McCain’s political Ads likened Barack Obama to a celebrity such as Paris Hilton but Sarah Palin has become the Republican equivalent; although Paris has probably been to a foreign country, at least. In fact, if you think about it, both of them are sexy and their lives mirror each other as some sort of ‘Reality TV’ show. Paris Hilton is dogged by the paparazzi and the same can be said for Sarah Palin’s coverage by the media.

When John McCain is around Sarah Palin he seems more invigorated, like receiving a charge from the “Energizer Bunny.” It is worth noting how the Alaska Governor’s designer glasses and her apparel has received some much attention while poor Cindy McCain can wear a $200,000 ensemble outfitted with matching diamonds and pearls, yet it barely rates more than a big “yawn” in the press. About twenty years ago when Hillary Clinton burst on the political scene she was attractive in a plain sort-of-way, but she definitely did not make any of the testosterone-driven observers want a pinup of her.

So, yes, like the famous “PLAYBOY” magazine interview in which former president Jimmy Carter admitted to having ‘lusted in his heart,’ to wit, many of us would doubtless plead “The FIFTH” [Amendment against self-incrimination]. In a week or so the voters will decide who the next President and Vice-president of our country will be, and Sarah Palin will be missed because for the past two months she was to reason to watch more “SNL” with Tina Fey, David Lettermen, Jimmy Kimmel, FOX News, CNN, CBS News with Katie Couric, McNeil-Lehrer News Hour, and any other media source that was interested in her. She will be missed; the most beautiful, sexy, charming, Hockey Mom-Moose-skinning, pit-bull with lipstick, politically scatterbrained person in modern times.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 27, 2008