Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The McCain-Palin Campaign In Need of a Bailout Plan

With only about four weeks to go until the curtain closes on the 2008 Presidential Election, this partisan political drama is about to run its course. In the waning moments before the final conclusion, John McCain has decided to take the kid gloves off and unleash the Alaskan pit-bull terrier, Governor Sarah Palin to maul Barack Obama before the November deadline. With the first of the "Baby Boomers" about to retire, the Financial and Mortgage Crisis, tightening of credit, bank failures, nearly one million jobs lost since January, equities in 401-k, IRA and pension funds down nearly 35% or more in value, millions of Americans are uninsured or under-insured, and unprecedented numbers of families that have to shop at the GOODWILL STORES and feed their families by accepting donations from food banks, Sarah Palin wants to chastise Barack Obama for attending a political fundraiser hosted by former domestic terrorist William Ayers. The Republicans must really be desperate and are looking for the political 'Hail Mary' pass, another Lee Atwater inspired 'WILLIE HORTON' interlude that will scare the HELL out of white people; but it won't work this time. Americans are not going to fall for the race-baiting that effectively worked in other elections, whether Senatorial or otherwise.

Barack Obama is right on the money when he says that John McCain is OUT OF TOUCH, OUT OF IDEAS, and RUNNING OUT OF TIME. The time is past for demagoguery because the issues are too important and it will take a long time for things to get back to a sense of normalcy, so why are McCain-Palin wasting their resources on bringing up the past? During the Vice-Presidential debate, when Senator Joe Biden linked John McCain to President Bush's failed economic policies and leadership, the same Governor Palin talked about looking ahead instead of back in the past; but she must have forgotten about all of that. What's next on the agenda: Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or whether Barack is a Muslim, Tony Rezko, or perhaps making an issue of Barack's middle name of Hussein? These matters have already been addressed, and besides all that, what does all of this have to do with the really important things anyway? There was a duet sung by Johnny Mathis and Deniece Williams in 1977, which went by the title, "TOO MUCH, TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, and it seems so appropriate as a post-mortem for the McCain/Palin political life cycle because there is so much to do and so little time to accomplish it in, and their time has just about run out.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 7, 2008