Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin: Biting off more than she can chew

For Governor Palin, it could be "BLACK THURSDAY" later on this week if she fails to convince a very concerned electorate that her Foreign Policy experience is more than just living close to the Russian border and meeting a few world leaders at the United Nations last week after a crash course on International Relations from former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Indeed, the lipstick has worn thin, the designer glasses are going out of vogue, the red bathing suit doesn't impress, she didn't sell the jet on eBay, Congress was the first to cancel the Bridge to Nowhere, and the moose steaks are starting to taste a little bit stale now.

Sarah Palin has also championed herself as the reinvented modern feminist political figure but has dismissed the concerns and agenda of her would-be White working Moms constituency as "irrelevant;" that is, compared to her own personal ambitions. The "OCTOBER SURPRISE" might be Governor Palin's minimal knowledge of the issues which are of concern to a lot of women such as Healthcare, The Economy, Education, Equal Pay for Equal Work, Family Leave, Childcare, and Women's Reproductive Rights; among a few others. If the so-called Alaskan Hockey-Mom/Pit Bull/Barracuda doesn't do well in her first serious televised debate, she will have about as much of a future in National Politics as a 'dog catcher.'

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 29, 2008