Monday, September 15, 2008

Is Sarah Palin Ready for the Job?

Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave ABC News unprecedented access to her over the last several days. Sarah Palin was featured on ABC News, 20/20, and NIGHTLINE where she was asked a number of questions ranging from National Security to Domestic Issues. Veteran Correspondent and ABC News Anchor Charlie Gibson peppered the Vice-President Elect with the effectiveness of a Prosecuting Attorney, and the result was quite a far cry from the Sarah Palin of the Republican National Convention. Sure, Governor Palin answered all the questions that she was asked, along with the usual tenacity and firm conviction that all of America has come to expect of her; but was it convincing? According to the latest MSNBC opinion poll (“LIVE VOTE”) which was taken after all the interviews, a significant majority of 70% of respondents believe that Sarah Palin is NOT qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, let alone possess the requisite knowledge in Foreign Affairs, especially the so-called “Bush Doctrine,” to be part of the Executive Branch of the Government.

Ironically, it was Sarah Palin herself who scoffed at Barack Obama’s Celebrity status and political shallowness except that he delivers great speeches; yet she seems to be his counterpart. It is not enough to defend Sarah Palin by saying that she is ONLY running as Vice-President and not President, but when Charlie Gibson asked her about that possibility also, she said “I am ready for the Job.” To Sarah Palin, it doesn’t matter to her whether it is as Vice-President or President, she feels qualified just the same; however, nothing could be further from the truth. By Sarah’s answers to some basic questions on key policy issues, Governor Palin has shown inadequate knowledge, preparation, reflection, and even honesty to her responses elicited by Charlie Gibson. Sarah Palin wanted to reframe the specific intent of the questions to mask her weaknesses and to repeat familiar rhetorical themes of her knowledge in Energy matters and Reform Theology; politically-speaking.

It appears that major print and broadcast media are afraid to criticize Governor Palin for fear of incurring the wrath of and offending White women, who comprise nearly half of the electorate. This is reminiscent of the delicate way Barack Obama was treated in the Primaries and is still in evidence for the most part since the beginning of the General Election. The McCain camp may continue to argue until they are blue in the face that Governor Palin was not a last minute choice for Vice-President, but clearly, it is not a strong position that they can honestly continue to defend. The die is cast and one cannot go back to the drawing board after putting forth Sarah Palin’s name into nomination. So far the Republican Conservative Evangelical Christian base is energized for the moment, but Governor Palin has yet to really portray herself as someone who will appeal to Independents, Reagan Democrats, and to the rest of voters as someone who would seek bipartisan support if she were ever, due to unforeseen circumstances to occupy the Oval Office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 12, 2008