Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Will the Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up

There is an old saying that “Fame is fleeting,” and Super Woman-Hockey Mom-Moose Hunting-Lipstick Wearing-Republican Bulldog-Political Barracuda and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin may find that her moment in the spotlight is beginning to lose its radiance under the print and broadcast scrutiny of her background and embellishments of accomplishments mentioned during the Republican National Convention and on the campaign trail. What has come to light is that Governor Palin may not have been as forthright about that so-called “Bridge to Nowhere” and receiving earmarks. Besides the ongoing investigation about “TrooperGate,” there is also Sarah Palin’s term as Mayor of Wasilla where she met with the local Public Librarian to inquire about the banning of certain books which apparently she thought was inappropriate; putting her nose in business matters which should have been none of her concern. Clearly, this overnight sensation of the Republican Party has a lot of explaining to do regarding her values and views within the next couple of months.

What hasn’t been discussed or investigated a lot is about Sarah Palin’s religion and what she believes. There was such a great interest about Barack Obama’s religion, what Church he attended, and what his Pastor taught, then why not afford the same level of scrutiny for Palin? Supposedly, her former Pastor at an Assembly of God Church believes that Alaska’s vast territory will be a refuge for those who will survive “The Great Tribulation,” and who also reportedly is to have warned that those [believers??] who supported former Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry were ‘going straight to hell;’ Not only that, but Sarah Palin has said that the involvement of this country in Iraq is “God’s work.” This sounds eerily a bit like President George Bush who talks to his Heavenly Father in Foreign Policy matters and believes that “Democracy” is God’s gift to the world and America is charged with the responsibility to carry it to every corner of the earth.

Former Governor of New York Ed Koch, a Republican, supports Barack Obama for President, and responding to questions about Sarah Palin, says, “She’s scary.” Although Governor Palin enjoys a remarkable 80% approval rating among the people of Alaska, and that is even with of her support of ‘Aerial Hunting,’ which would doubtless not be so favorable outside of Alaska; offending animal lovers and PETA for sure. No one knows about her track record among the indigenous Tklingit, Inuit, and other Indian tribes and protections of their lands, hunting and fishing rights, as well as respect for their ancient and sacred customs. No one knows about Sarah Palin’s positions on Environmental Protection Laws, Civil Liberties, the Economy, the “Morning After Pill,” Partial-Birth Abortion, No Child Left Behind, Healthcare, Social Security Reform, and the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, etc. The only thing that is known is her unceasing to the point of nausea criticism of Barack Obama, repetitive reminders of not taking earmarks (not true), and threatening to reform Washington D.C. Someone needs to remind Sarah that just as Hope is not a Strategy, “Propaganda is not Policy.”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 9, 2008