Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is John Edwards Affair Forgiven and Forgotten??

Now that the Beijing Olympics and the Democratic and Nepublican National Conventions are over, is the John Edwards/Reille Hunter Affair back on the table? There has been relative since the "National Enquirer" broke perhaps the biggest story of the political season; aside from that of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin being selected as John McCain's Vice-Presidential running mate. Is it out of sympathy for cancer-striken Elisabeth Edwards and their family that the print and broadcast media has decided to lay off or is there just no more interest as it is a non-event; that is, because the General Election is well under way with only about two months to go until the election of the next President of the United States. There are still some lingering unanswered questions about the affair such as when did it really occur, how long did it last, when did it end, who was the baby that John Edwards was shown holding in the "National Enquirer" photo (perhaps doctored), why Reille Hunter won't confirm the paternity of her baby, and the Million dollar question; is John Edwards really the father?

Perhaps this is all just the public's insatiable curiosity with the salacious and scandal-ridden lives of celebrities and political figures who should know better or do we have a right to know when those who might be role models are exposed when their private and personal indiscretions become exposed in the public arena of ridicule, scorn, and shame. Bristol Palin's pregnancy became an issue in the media for a few days at least and not because of a gender bias but due to the diligence of Internet bloggers who wanted to find out everything about a here-to-fore not well known Governor from Alaska who had shocked the political world by being announced as John McCain's running mate. Unfortunately for Bristol, she became a sort of collateral damage, an incidental innocent bystander in the frenzy to quickly amass as much information about the Palin family as soon as possible; and Bristol's pregnancy somehow became the attention of that search.

There is an old saying which goes like this, "Let a sleeping dog lay," and so perhaps it is best to move on to more important things or just sit back and wait for the "National Enquirer" to reopen the investigation or lay the next bombshell because instead of being just a supermarket 'rag,' they have a little credibility now. Besides all that, most reporting is "Tabloid Journalism" anyway.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2008