Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Real McCain: War Hero or Just Another Politician??

There used to be an old expression about something being genuine, “true blue,” or honest as “The Real McCoy,” and Republican Senator John McCain just might not be in reality what all the hype has said about him. John McCain was a P.O.W. at the “Hanoi Hilton” for five years and his life in “HELL” was the stuff of LEGEND; but does that necessarily make him a HERO? All the prisoners were tortured, some more than others, and there were doubtless a few who succumbed to their injuries and sicknesses who later died.

John McCain told Diane Sawyer in an interview on ABC’s 20/20 on Friday, September 26, 2008, “I was so ashamed that I considered taking my own life.” John McCain’s shame and humiliation is understandable, and who can imagine enduring the horrors that he not only witnessed but personally experienced, yet be that as it may, he was the only prisoner on record who did the bidding of the enemy. When John McCain chose another career path, it made perfectly good sense to go into politics because how could he gain respect from military superiors or subordinates whom he might have to lead into battle if necessary, who, if any of them were ever captured by the enemy, would it be acceptable for them to give in also; what kind of a role model would that be? Now, why this same ‘War Hero’ wants to be the Commander-in-Chief of the entire United States military forces during a time of war, peril, and uncertainty is totally unfathomable. Talk about audacity, John McCain has plenty!

John McCain talks a lot about being a ‘Maverick’ during his nearly thirty years in the Senate, but outside of the McCain-Feingold Bill on Campaign Finance Reform, what other significant things has he done that specifically has his name on it. It is not enough just to say that he disagreed with or was in favor of a particular piece of legislation, or that he opposed his own ‘Party’ when he was in disagreement; anyone could do that. It is not enough to say that he has ‘experience’ if it cannot be quantified as specifically highlighting his own personal values, ability, and success in getting needed resources to the people he wants to help.

What pressing issues were at the forefront and the cornerstone of his long and distinguished political career? Was Senator McCain at the front of the line or did he lead the charge for against the abuses of power, greed, and indifference within the citadels of power in this country, or is this just a more recent interest? What outstanding Bill has John McCain authored, co-sponsored and pushed through the notoriously partisan Senate to eventually become Law? It is not enough to have lived to a respectable age of seventy-two, and although wise from experiencing many things, still it doesn’t qualify as the litmus test to be President of the United States. John McCain talks about having met several world leaders and spent time in a few foreign countries, but it doesn’t mean that he understands the culture or knows them.

Lastly, just to set the record straight about September 1, 2001. It wasn’t so much that terrorists hijacked commercial aircraft and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, and although the loss of 3,000 innocent American lives was tragic, those atrocious criminal acts seemed to be geared towards disrupting the global financial infrastructure, centered in the world's most stable economy, which is the United States of America. It is interesting to hear the Presidential candidates talk about ‘National Security’ but as John McCain chided Barack Obama regarding being naïve or saying “Barack just doesn’t get it,” when in point-of-fact, neither of them gets it! America’s National Security isn’t solely about victory in Iraq, Afghanistan, destroying al-Qaida, or even capturing or killing Osama bin-Laden; but rather quite simply, it’s about having stable and growing financial markets. This Nation’s Armed Forces can vanquish any foe set against them on the battlefield anywhere in the world but Americans can lose the more devastating Economic War at home; with a lot more dire consequences.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 27, 2008