Thursday, August 20, 2009

Elizabeth Edwards: Don't feel sorry for me

It’s like that old school Heinz ketchup commercial, “Anticipation is making me wait;” Well, the same thing can be said for this latest modern-day Shakespearean tragedy, about a beautiful American family and a talented, charming, and handsome young former North Carolina Senator whose personal life became a political and moral train wreck. Now, according to unsubstantiated reports by the National Enquirer, John Edwards is preparing to announce the baby that former Mistress Reille Hunter gave birth to is in fact his. Maybe this should not come as too much of a surprise because he denied the affair, too. Not only that, but he has said, “the baby is not mine as far as I know and I would be willing to take a paternity test to prove it.” Of course on one level, his defense in this latest embarrassment is understandable, even if it is disgraceful.

Of course, the victim in all of this is Elizabeth Edwards and doubtless the book she authored, called “Resilience” is her way of coping with this betrayal of trust, but also in her battle against incurable breast cancer. It does seem quite appropriate for the crucible of suffering and pain that she is going through but in a sense this entire ongoing struggle has made her strong internally; forged to a very fine degree of mental and spiritual toughness like iron or steel. There is no doubt that Elizabeth has forgiven John in “Love,” which can only come from the grace of God. Perhaps Elizabeth even punishes herself a little bit for John’s indiscretion by blaming it on her health condition which prevented her from being the kind of wife, lover, and partner that she wanted to be and which in her mind at least, John very desperately wanted and needed her to be for him.

Perhaps a lesson can be learned from the famous Mexican painter Frieda Kahlo’s marriage to Diego Rivera, who although her husband was a “Lothario,” nevertheless, in Kahlo’s words, “he was loyal.” It isn’t always about whether someone loves us or is in love with us, but rather, will that person be there when someone needs them. There is no question that in spite of all the sex, lies, and thankfully, no videotape, this imperfect and flawed man can provide the comfort, devotion, and yes, ‘Love’ to Elizabeth that is true, sincere, and constant. When Elizabeth appeared on “OPRAH” several months ago in her first publicly televised interview since John withdrew his name as a Vice-Presidential candidate as well as later revealing the affair with Ms. Hunter, she told Oprah, “No one has left the house yet.” No, and it seems that neither one of them is in a hurry to pack up their suitcases and in-spite of “baby mama” or baby girl, no one is going to be heading out the door anytime soon. John and Elizabeth have something truly special and irrespective what others think or feel about what should be done or who should leave, it seems to work for them; and this is all that matters.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 20, 2009