Sunday, August 2, 2009

President Obama: Why won't you set the record straight?

It seems that minor controversies continue to nip at the heels of the 44th President of the United States. There have been accusations of shady character acquaintances such as millionaire slumlord Tony Rezko, ‘domestic terrorist’ William Ayers of the “Underground Weathermen,” religious firebrand Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the organization ACORN, and several Presidential Cabinet appointees who were revealed to having had tax troubles, conflicts-of-interest or other issues which disqualified them from being an officeholder. The one recurring interest which resonates with some Americans and is being kept alive by the “birthers” is Barack Obama’s citizenship; and this goes right to the heart of his legitimacy to be occupying the Oval Office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

This is a serious issue that one should not take lightly or dismiss outright because it has to do with that cherished document and bedrock of our Democracy as a representative Republic, namely the Constitution of the United States. According to Article II, Section 1, it states: NO PERSON EXCEPT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, OR A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS CONSTITUTION, SHALL BE ELIGIBLE TO THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT. . . The funny thing is that no copy of Barack Obama’s ‘original’ birth certificate has been made available nor facsimile thereof. Although under the Freedom of Information Act anyone can request to have a copy of this document, it doesn’t guarantee that the petitioner will be granted what they seek.

Hawaii State Law forbids the release of an original birth certificate to anyone without a “tangible interest” in obtaining this personal information from the State Department of Health and Director Dr. Chiyone Fukino has resisted all attempts and pleadings to produce a copy of Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate; thereby averting a violation of State Law. The thing is though, it is not a matter of curiosity but rather whether there has been an abrogation of the Constitution. It does not satisfy the requirement of Law to merely post a so-called “official-looking” copy of President Obama’s Birth Certificate with critical information that is missing and saying that it is proof positive that he is a natural citizen and born on American soil.

It is surprising that no one has brought a lawsuit in behalf of the American people against the Hawaii Department of Health (Vital Records Department) and Dr. Fukino for a copy of the “original” birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama because it is in the “vested interest” of all Americans and to neglect this duty tends to undermine the Constitution, and if this is not done we might be living under the leadership of an “illegitimate” President (Imposter-in-Chief”). Also, the Legislative Branch in Congress as well as the Supreme Court should be involved in this matter, too; especially the Supreme Court because it is the Chief Justice who swears in the President by administering the Oath of Office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
August 1, 2009