Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Christine O’Donnell may just be her own worst enemy

Perhaps Karl Rove, former GOP political strategist and brilliant architect of two George W. Bush presidential terms, hit the nail on the head when he said that Christine O’Donnell has a history of saying, “nutty things.” This could not be any clearer than at her first opportunity to publicly explain what her agenda is, she uses the time to explain her past involvement in “witchcraft,” instead. It would seem that she just shot herself in the foot and greatly diminishes voters taking her seriously to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

Notwithstanding her previous statements about “masturbation and pornography” are adultery, using condoms are “anti-human,” or about her academic record, and misappropriating campaign funds for personal use, certainly Ms. O’Donnell may have to clear up for voters the part about dabbling in the occult arts. The outcome in November will be more than just reading tea leaves or wiggling her nose because people aren’t looking for a magic act or a “wack-job,” but for someone who can do the job of being a great legislator who seeks bi-partisanship support and has a good plan on how to bring solutions to Washington D.C, instead of using the same old, stale anti-Liberal, anti-Big Government, anti-Womens Choice, anti-Gay Rights, we are the true "patriots" and family-values standard bearers rhetoric.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 5, 2010