Sunday, October 31, 2010

Will it be Trick or Treat for the Republicans on Tuesday?

Although HALLOWEEN was on Sunday, the real bewitching hour will be after the polls close on Tuesday, November 2, 2010, when it will be known who will get the political “TRICK OR TREAT” goodies of this mid-term election. It isn’t just President Obama and the Democrats who have a lot at stake, but also people like Rep. John Boehner, RNC Chairman Shelby Steele, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sen. Mitch McConnell, and last but not least, Sarah Palin. If the Democrats manage to retain the majorities in both the House and Senate, this will send a resoundingly strong message to the GOP and Tea Party that in spite of all the unprecedented mean-spirited and hateful politics of personal destruction launched primarily against President Obama, still, the American people are willing to continue trusting in the ‘CHANGE’ that he has promised as opposed to the “PLEDGE TO AMERICA” offered by the Republicans.

If this indeed happens and instead of the ‘Thrill of Victory,’ the political Right experiences the ‘Agony of Defeat,’ and have to swallow that bitter pill again, surely they will want to blame this unexpected outcome on somebody, and guess who will be the scapegoat; none other than former Alaska Governor and face of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin. The Republicans took a gamble on her endorsements of candidates, betting that her folksy appeal and catchy phrases would translate into votes across the wide political spectrum, including those undecided Independents, who would sweep out the incumbent Democrats in Washington D.C., thus repudiating Barack Obama’s presidency and leadership. To President Obama and the Democratic Congressional majority, the ‘people’ have spoken and they had better be listening very intently this time.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 31, 2010