Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bill and Monica: The President and the Intern

The recent PBS documentary on former President Bill Clinton brought back memories of Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Linda Tripp and who can forget a starry-eyed twenty-one year old White House intern named Monica Lewinsky. The ensuing political intrigue, controversy, sex-lies and blue dress [will it be sold on eBay or donated to “The Smithsonian Museum” after being dry-cleaned?], as well as cast of characters is a Hollywood director’s and screenwriters dream-come-true. For First Lady Hillary Rodham-Clinton and Daughter Chelsea it was the painful public humiliation and betrayal of trust. Looking back on that time, it seems everyone came out of it relatively unscathed; that is, except poor “femme fatale” Monica Lewinsky, who had to leave America and take up residency in England. President Clinton has a private global Foundation in his honor which he runs; Hillary Clinton became a Senator from New York, and is currently Secretary of State in the Obama Administration; and Chelsea Clinton practically gets anything she wants.

Loyalty has its rewards except when it comes to former “Valley Girl” Monica Lewinsky, who could have profited financially by writing a tell-all book about her ‘tryst’ with President Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton. However, one should not feel too sorry for Ms. Lewinsky because she was a former spokesperson for "Jenny Craig" and obtained a Masters degree in Social Psychology, and was an entrepreneur for awhile by launching a line of stylish handbags, but interest in them dried up and she went out of business. Nowadays, Monica manages to find available employment and lives in London in various condominiums owned by family friends and doubtless has an active social life. As a final thought, former President Clinton apologized to the country in 1998 after his impeachment hearing and took some degree of responsibility for his inappropriate actions but hopefully he also apologized to Ms. Lewinsky, who, at the time was an impressionable young woman, who noticed a man occupying the world’s most powerful elected office checking her out, and the temptation was just too great to say no to; even if she knew better.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 22, 2012