Thursday, February 2, 2012

Does Mitt Romney really love America?

You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. At a time when America is struggling with allegations about class warfare, a candidate for president from a major political party has the audacity to say, “I'm in this race because I care about Americans. I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there [for them]. You can focus on the very poor, that's not my focus.” Talk about confusing and contradictory. On the one hand Mitt Romney talks about having such love for this country and on the other hand he seems to want to ignore the very people who need the most help and attention; those American citizens living in the deepest grip of poverty. What safety net does the poor have except that which the federal government provides, because almost all state budgets have significant revenue shortfalls and a few are facing possible defaults. Romney wants to shrink the size of the federal government but this would impact the most vulnerable citizens, namely the poor, who depend on programs funded by the government for their survival. Romney is really out of touch with what is going on in the country because he still believes there is a “middle class” in America, which there isn’t anymore. There are the super-rich, multi-millionaires, upper class [some professional occupations and small business owners], blue collar [includes some working poor], the working poor [includes those whose income and family size meet the federal guidelines for poverty].

Newt Gingrich was criticized during the recent Florida debate about putting a colony on the moon but it seems that Mitt Romney is the ‘real’ space cadet because he is so out of touch with what the average person is struggling with, as some of his past statements demonstrate, in the following:
-- "There were a couple of times I wondered if I was going to get a pink slip" (during remarks in New Hampshire)
-- saying that questions about economic inequality are "about envy" (on "TODAY" back in January)
-- and the ultimate release of his 2010 tax returns, which showed him paying an effective tax rate of less than 15%.
–Also, Romney claims to not having received that much in speaking fees for 2011, only $370,000.

Perhaps Mitt Romney feels about the poor like the French Queen Marie Antoinette of the 1760’s, who, when told “the peasants have no bread” is reputedly to have said, “Then let them eat cake instead;” which was a mixture or paste made from oil and flour scraped from bakery pans called, “the poor man’s bread.” As a final point, when Mitt Ronmey later tried to do damage control over his remarks about the poor, this Bible-believing Mormon must have forgotten the words of Jesus, "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12: 34b

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 2, 2012