Monday, October 13, 2014

Race is no longer an issue in America?

There is sign carried by one of the members for Veterans for Peace that reads: THE FIRST CASUALTY OF WAR IS TRUTH and nothing could be more appropriate than to lead the discussion on this important topic of race. There has always been differentiation or segmentation of human beings since primitive hunter/gathering tribal groups migrated out of the African savannah millennia ago. It is not my intention or interest to teach a course on Cultural Anthropology, Biblical Archaeology, Biology, Sociology, Microbiology, Genetics, or even History, but rather to mention these disciplines as a possible starting point when it pertains to understanding race; so let’s begin. Any cursory reading of our nation’s most cherished document, the Constitution, will reveal in plain language that “race” was an issue from the founding of the Republic. This problem was a concern that Thomas Jefferson addressed in his personal letters, as well as those of the “Great Emancipator” Abraham Lincoln. The color line on race, especially as it pertains to the American experience, was drawn a long time ago and was exported by the colonial settlers from Europe (old, medieval, renaissance, or classical, etc.); it doesn’t matter which era.

Christianity played no small role in the formation of a hierarchy or strata of people based on interpretation of the Bible relative to geography, cultural traditions, language, and physical characteristics. Not only that, color schema throughout Holy Writ depict ‘white’ as something holy, pure, virtuous, light, good, saintly, heavenly and more like God. On the other hand, blackness/darkness is considered evil, corrupt, defiled, rejected, hellish (outer darkness, the blackness of darkness), pain, misery, death (Sheol/the grave), and God separated the Darkness from the Light; there is no fellowship between light and darkness, though your sins be as scarlet (crimson red) they shall be as white as snow; and so on. The implicit meaning is one of “otherness” and doubtless may have influenced the cultural foundation for instituting a system for racial discrimination based on the distinctiveness of skin pigmentation due to phenotype. The scientific research only served as a backdrop to justify social attitudes that had already been inculcated among the masses of the White majority, even if it was on a subconscious or subliminal level. Race is a cultural construct but it has deep meaning in the society, eliciting emotional and physiological reactions because of constant and unrelenting exaggerated stereotype propaganda. Of course, it doesn’t necessarily have to be negative but it is an identifying marker for certain group behavior that supposedly is measured against the values and normative lifestyle of the dominant control group against whom everyone else (the ‘other/s’) are measured. There was, and the attitude might still linger among Whites, that no matter how worse off your circumstances you are still better than any Black person (or non-White for that matter)-simply because of having White skin. White skin privilege, physicality, or intellectual superiority is a myth that has been shattered long time ago but statistics have to be skewed and history deconstructed in a revisionist version to perpetuate this false belief.

Be that as it may, race is a convenient lie, an invention created by those who exert power in society and control the factors of production as well as all the other systems and institutions-to safeguard their propertied interests. The thing that is real is physical biology, and even those attributes aren’t all that significantly different among exogenous and endogenous groups. Since race is an illusion then the idea of a ‘pure’ race or some kind of inherent racial superiority divinely bestowed upon a particular people of European stock based on “Manifest Destiny” is also not true as well. In attempting to deconstruct this inherited fallacy of race I almost forgot to address the main purpose for the article, namely, to raise a serious question as to the absurdity of those proponents of an America where ‘race’ is no longer a concern. I can understand if mainstream media talks about a post-racial America but when Black intellectuals advocate this lunacy then I have to take notice. This reminds me of the lyrics to a song by Curtiss Mayfield of the soul group ‘The Impressions’ back in the 1960’s where he says “educated fools from uneducated schools. . .” So, to the individuals who cling to the neoliberal diatribe that class has replaced race, I have a little exercise for you, although in point of fact you take it every day-but here goes: When you walk out of your residence and come in contact with any person while engaging in some type of transaction for a product, service, or whatever it might be, do you notice class or race? What class, or is it race, that comprise the people that you interact with at the supermarket, bank, department store, restaurant, car dealership, or on your job? What class is in the majority of nearly every institution or organization in America-or is it no longer race? I could go on and on but I think the point has been made. No, race is still an issue in this country as it was from its foundation and will continue to be for as long as people continue to be spoon-fed on a steady diet of lies, half-truths and distortions. Yes, we are different but it is not because of ‘race’ but rather differentiation in our genetic markers. These changes and adaptations were necessary evolutionary mechanisms for survival as members of one race of Homo sapiens whose primordial ancestors made serial migrations away from our common place of origin from the African continent. Our diversity as far as phenotype is a badge of triumph in overcoming environments that were hostile, deadly and threatened our continuity as a human species, and of which we should celebrate instead of getting bogged down in the miry quicksand of race delusion.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
October 7, 2014