Saturday, June 27, 2015

America does not have a race problem?

William Johnson wrote an interesting article in the Tacoma Weekly newspaper on June 26, 2015 in Section A page 8, under the heading RACE IN AMERICA: LET’S TALK ABOUT JOBS. According to the writer, the United States does not have a race problem and race is the ugly collateral of an economic problem. Mr. Johnson starts off by mentioning slavery briefly as more of an economic engine but little else. The thing is, though, slavery had everything to do with “race” and slavery was just the institutionalization of human bondage and cheap labor. Before the Africans were subjected to the cruelty of slavery they had to be declassified or reclassified as sub human, closely linked to the family of primates, who although having human features and social relationships, were not truly human in the same way a White person was. This attitude was ingrained into the mentality of White society by so-called scientific or taxonomic classification systems as well as religion. Normally science and religion are at opposite ends of the spectrum but when it came to the African person; both disciplines were apparently on the same page in this matter.

Another point included in the article was “White Privilege” where there is an imagined dialogue with the Black community where the writer asks, “Do you people believe that society just [merely] hands everything to White people because of their color?” The short answer is, “No we do not.” I found that mock query to be the most insulting and infuriating part of the entire article, and betray a kind of intellectual dishonesty because I doubt that any Black person with an ounce of common sense believes such nonsense- let alone have ever thought it, or said it and meant it in any serious way. Following that point Mr. Johnson includes the rejoinder about Blacks who decry  the discrimination they face in housing, bank loans, employers, landlords, public accommodations, etc. “except” when under-qualified minorities are hired over more qualified Whites due to government-sponsored affirmative action initiatives [quotas, set asides,  or preferential treatment programs]. What about the many White females who benefitted from such programs to gain employment in non-traditional male-dominated industries/occupations as well as allowing them to attend college? Not only that, but hardly anyone [White] wants to acknowledge the numbers of Blacks who were denied jobs or promotions when they were just as qualified, if not even more so than their White counterparts. Since in his thinking, ‘affirmative action’ means “incompetence” then it must apply to every White person who receives government assistance, because they did not have the ability or the resources to lift themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Here is the real ‘zinger’ in the article when Mr. Johnson mentions his minority friends, many of them military veterans; a “Band of Brothers” who despite their color, were equal in status because of the job-[I wonder does he really believe that]. It gets deeper because, drumroll please, they had the economic opportunity or ability to live and work in the same places and community. I guess the writer never heard of “redlining,” spatial housing segregation, restrictive covenants or the “6 percent RULE” where if more than a certain number of Blacks or racial minorities move into a White neighborhood FOR SALE signs spring up in front yards of homeowners as Whites move to another ‘Whitetopia.’ As a final thought, the only thing I am in agreement with is that American oligarchs have the working classes, especially those in the bottom 80% fighting each other [White and non-White] over the table scraps of limited resources, and who will work for the cheapest labor cost, and along with shrinking benefits.

So, to reiterate my earlier disdain, the notion that America doesn’t have a race problem but rather an economic or class-based one is ludicrous and ignores any rational experience with reality. As a last point, if America is post-racial or race neutral then why has Barack Obama, president of the United States been called the “N Word” not only in a few newspapers but by a couple members of Congress as well.

Does America have a race problem- as Sarah Palin used to say, “You betcha!”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt B11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 26, 2015