Thursday, July 2, 2015

Same-sex marriage is now legal in the United States

The nation’s highest Court issued its much anticipated ruling which made same-sex marriage legal in all fifty states. In a 5-4 split decision, Justice Anthony Kennedy sided with Justices Kagan, Breyer, Ginsberg and Sotomayor to reach this landmark decision. Justice Thomas angrily took issue with Justice Kennedy’s emphasis on the word “dignity” in writing the majority opinion. He goes on to say that slaves didn’t lose their dignity and those placed in internment camps didn’t lose their dignity because the government cannot bestow or take it away-huh? Justice Thomas’ line of reasoning is not based on any legal or constitutional basis, and it is insensitive, incoherent, irrational and utter nonsense. He misses the point entirely because when someone is deprived of a fundamental right that others enjoy, such as life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, or when their self-worth is diminished or devalued, how can it not be said that the person is not robbed of their dignity? There is a level of harm done, and as such the person has the right and the government has the obligation to make the plaintiff whole.

The verdict turned on applying the “Due Process” of the 14th Amendment, not to mention Article 4, Section 1a of the Constitution (the right of Contract). The state, in arguing against same-sex marriage could not put forth a compelling reason, at least from a constitutional standpoint, to deny same-sex couples the right to marry. The state’s contention that it was in the best interest of children to be reared in a heterosexual [traditional] family environment was not deemed a compelling enough reason to uphold the ban on same-sex marriage among some of the states. Chief Justice Roberts expressed his displeasure by uncharacteristically lambasting his colleagues on the bench by referring to them as lawyers who imposed their own personal views on marriage as a matter of Constitutional law. He continues in a judicial tirade by saying, ‘I find the majority position indefensible as a matter of law. It sounds more to me like sour grapes, a tyranny of the majority if you are on the losing side. In a somewhat taunting tone Justice Roberts told the victors, “Celebrate today’s decision-celebrate the achievement of a desired goal-celebrate the expression of a commitment to a partner-celebrate the availability of new benefits; but do not celebrate the Constitution. Justice Kennedy however, sees it differently-to him, “Petitioners seek ‘equal dignity’ in the eyes of the law and the Constitution grants them that right.”

Of course in any legal decision there are winners and losers, and some of the big winners are same-sex couples and their supporters. Additionally, according to the latest Gallup and other opinion polls, roughly 60% of Americans support same-sex unions. President Obama finally came on aboard regarding this issue over the last few years and is on the right side of history, so it seems. Now for the biggest losers, and I am not talking about weight loss. The list includes: the Tea Party and GOP, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Michael Medved, Kirk Cameron, Arianna Huffington, and last but not least, Mike Huckabee. The former Arkansas Governor, Baptist preacher and GOP presidential candidate, after this crushing defeat tried to rally the Conservative, mostly White Evangelical Christian base by channeling the Founding Framers refusal to acquiesce to the imperial British monarchy-he told supporters, “We must not retreat but instead we must resist the imposition of judicial tyranny.” I bet the Red States are really seeing ‘red’ now. This ruling by the Supreme Court should not have come as a surprise because of earlier court cases like Loving v Virginia and Lawrence v Texas, which superseded Bowers v Hardwick.

Since religion seems to play a part in politics, I want to close with a little pun or parody for those who are stuck in the muck and mire of the fire and brimstone judgmental Old Time Religion of the past. Using the example of “Little Red Riding Hood”- the big, bad, evangelical wolf (preacher) says, “I will huff and I will puff (condemn) and I will blow your [presumably immoral, liberal, abominable, secular, humanist, and demonic] same-sex union house down. The theological rains came down, the fiery winds of sermons came and blew against the house, but it did not fall because it was built on a [Constitutional] rock (excerpted from Matthew 7: 24-25 . . . emphasis mine).

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt B11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 2, 2015