Saturday, July 11, 2015

Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage not the end of the debate

The Supreme Court decision on June 26, 2015 affirming marriage equality for same-sex couples as guaranteed under the “Due Process” of the Fourteenth Amendment. Should have settled the matter, but did it? One could argue for all practical reasons that the 5-4 split decision has legalized same-sex union in all fifty states, and is a slam dunk for all gay/lesbian couples as well as their supporters. However, I think that there are other sociological, anthropological, psychological, historical, cultural and religious concerns that are beyond the Court’s authority to remedy a redress of grievances. For one thing, what becomes of marriage- or rather should it be redefined as a ‘genderless’ institution, and by what right or authority should it be thus rendered? Does or will this change the meaning of what constitutes a family? Let’s start our search into the dim past and work our way to the present, letting Nature be our guide.

In all or nearly all biological forms, especially in the Animal Kingdom, there are complementary pairings of opposites (male/female). The Plant Kingdom may be somewhat different because of ‘parthenogenesis’ as well as the cell divisions of certain organisms without a skeletal system. The process of reproduction allows for the continuity of the species and is an evolutionary survival mechanism. Humans are at the highest stage of brain development and organizing complex social structures (ants and bees might challenge the last point, though). Anyway, humans progressed from primitive hunter-gather nomads to more advanced pastoralists, and then agriculturalists, who banded together as clans, tribes, building villages, towns, city-states, kingdoms and empires. Resource allocation and labor became essential among groups who now had interests as members of the same family apart from and separate of the communal group. The continuity of the family as far as inheritance and property rights became of paramount importance and procreation, whether in marriage or not, became essential and this could only occur between a male and female. Of course not all women can have children as some were infertile (“barren”) and there were high levels of infant mortality. Some women had miscarriages, stillborn babies, and some men could not impregnate women because of some type of dysfunction (no Urologist back in those earliest of days).

So, where am I going with this? I am simply stating that it is consistent in Nature, with very little variation, if any significant measurable level,  that there is a mutual attraction or affinity between opposites which complement each other and leads to the species continuing to  replenish, grow, and exist. The entire human historical records has shown evidence of people who experienced same-sex relationships and gender classifications that were not strictly limited to binary constructs but were more diverse to include masculine females, feminine males, and even those who were  referred to as having “two-spirits” (Hermaphrodite??). There were doubtless some kind of ceremony of joining between two persons of the same gender identity (biology notwithstanding) in a lifelong commitment of love and mutual devotion. Now, let’s rejoin the discussion or debate in the present time. I think one of the reasons that make same-sex marriage or even the broader subject of “gay rights” is the religious dimension. All the biblical texts (ten or so), at least in the Christian bible, that seem to identify and condemn homosexuality, some of the best theologians and scholars are split on the interpretation of these passages as pertaining to the experiences, especially regarding marital unions, as the such are experienced in modern times.

It is rather dubious that the term translated “sodomite” or individuals engaged in temple prostitution to worship a pagan god (deity) with a temple pries/priestess of the same gender of the petitioner or supplicant, specifically refer to same-sex marital unions nowadays. The song by Lady Gaga “Born this Way” has some relevance in this matter, and a one-size-fits-all approach does not work as it is insulting, mean-spirited, and ignorant. Studies in Sex and Gender Sociology reveal that roughly 1%-2% of all births in America are sexually indeterminate- the non-clinical meaning is that the person is IN THE WRONG BODY. The population in this country is around 330 million people, so that amounts to about 3.3 to 6.6 million persons went through some kind of gender assignment intervention when they were born, or that certainly they will have to make some decision about their gender identity because of the way their body developed or will in the future, because such is not consistent with their biological appearance. Anyway, the best approach is that of compassion and understanding, not condemnation and ridicule.
It is not a choice and I certainly cannot process how a male can be romantically attracted to and fall in love with another male, and the same goes for a female- as well as seeing gay couples engage in PDA’s (Public Displays of Affection), but that’s my problem to deal with, not theirs. Having said all of this and to wrap up this article, this last part is probably the thorniest and most difficult to write but I would not be honest with myself and the reader if I did not include it- so here goes. I believe that marriage is ‘gendered’ and a judicial edict by the nation’s highest Judiciary in interpreting the Constitution cannot rewrite history, tradition, and sociocultural experience. When one thinks of marriage, it is the union of two persons (male and female) as bride and groom to become husband and wife. In a more practical sense the two become Mr. and Mrs., and as much as it is difficult for me to say this, two women and two men cannot ever have this experience; no matter how passionately or powerfully they want to. In a family structure where there are children, is having to mommies or two daddies as parents the SAME as having a mom and a dad?

This last part is even more sensitive because of the controversy surrounding gay adoption. Since this is a rather new and fairly recent social experience it will be interesting to see what social scientists and mental health experts have to say in about twenty years or so because I am not so sure that it will be the same as expert opinions deemed as harmless for the present time. The human brain doesn’t fully develop until around age twenty four and that don’t just mean intellectual faculties, but emotional and mental as well. I am not sounding the alarm about the negative influence on the physiological development of a child raised in a same-sex family or the Gay Rights Movement as a whole on American society and just because a majority approves a particular practice there is still no way to predict the future consequences.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt B11
Tacoma, WA 98402
July 11, 2015