Thursday, October 4, 2018

It seems WA State teachers strikes becoming all too familiar

The next most difficult and challenging profession to being a parent is teaching. It goes without saying that anyone who takes upon themselves the commitment and responsibility for teaching our youth should be well-paid, but how do you determine adequate compensation? The WA State McCleary decision of January 2012 mandated the state fully fund K-12 public schools, as required by Article IX of the state Constitution; which includes 1 billion dollars for teacher salaries.

The minimum requirement to qualify for a teacher is a Bachelor's degree and earning a starting salary of $53,353. The earnings vary by city, county, school district or population. Edmonds has a population of 42,623 but the starting teacher salary is $58,262. Mukilteo 's population is 22,034 with a starting salary of $67,540. Contrast this with a Seattle population of 776,013 and a teacher salary of $59,174; and the median income is $38,211 in King County. Is this adequate? Puyallup teachers are on strike but the average income in Pierce County is $27,446 and the city of Tacoma, with a population of 218,511 pays teachers $53,611.

The average teacher salary across the entire U.S. is $58,950 but the starting salary is $38,617; so the issue is more about not being competitive with other industries in the private sector or working for state or federal agencies.That is always an option, and doubtless some teachers could get a job but many of them might not because their particular degree, experience or skill set might not be in demand. I wonder if the education of our children is not being politicized by the teachers unions and the real victims in all of this are our kids. There is something wrong in our society when every few years teachers walk the picket lines. Is it the teachers, their unions, the state department of education, or the politicians? In the meantime, thousands of schoolchildren would be waiting and want to be in class.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
September 7, 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Is president Trump and Evangelical supporters on the wrong side of the Immigration debate?

Donald Trump as president-Elect promised to build a Wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. A little over a year and nothing but a few larger-than-life pillars, but no 'wall.' And besides all that, our southernmost neighbor says they aren't going to pay for it. The thing is, though, militarizing our borders is not the answer and setting immigration policy is the purview of Congress (Article 1, Section 8); not by presidential Executive Order. “Wikipedia” mentions that the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) administered federal immigration laws and regulations including the Immigration and Nationality Act (Title 8, United States Code). 

In the early 1900s Congress's primary interest in immigration was to protect American workers and wages. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was formed in 1933 by a merger of the Bureau of Immigration and the Bureau of Naturalization; both agencies were under the Department of Labor. President Franklin Roosevelt moved the INS from the Department of Labor to the Department of Justice in 1940. On March 1, 2003, most of the INS functions ceased to exist, becoming 3 new entities as they are today- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) – within the newly created Department of Homeland Security. 

Now that the historical part of immigration has been established, let's look at some passages from the Old Testament for the benefit of Christian Evangelicals who don't support amnesty for DACA (“Dreamers”) as well as are hardened to the breakup of families and want protection from dangerous persons (criminals, drug dealers, rapists), migrant laborers, hospitality industry/service workers).

Genesis 20: 1
Abraham moved south to the Negev and lived for a while between Kadesh and Shur, and then he moved on to Gerar. While living there as a foreigner (undocumented illegal/resident alien). NLT

Genesis 21: 34
After this, Abraham resided as a foreigner in Philistine territory for a long period of time. ISV

Exodus 12: 49
The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you." NIV

Exodus 22: 21
"You must not mistreat or oppress foreigners in any way. Remember, you yourselves were once foreigners (illegal aliens) in the land of Egypt. NLT

Leviticus 19: 33-34a
When a stranger (foreigner/illegal alien) resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong (injustice).The stranger (legal resident/undocumented citizen??) who resides with you shall be to you as the native (or naturalized citizen; in the modern sense) among you,

Deuteronomy 24: 14
"Never take advantage of poor and destitute laborers, whether they are fellow Israelites or foreigners living in your towns. NLT

Deuteronomy 27: 19
'The one who denies justice to a resident alien, a fatherless child, or a widow is cursed.' And all the people will say, 'Amen!' CSB

1 Chronicles 22: 2
So David gave orders to gather the foreigners who were in the land of Israel, and he set stone cutters to hew out stones to build the house of God.

NOTE: Some of these resident aliens were highly skilled Masons, which means they knew mathematics, engineering, architectural drawing, blueprint reading, calculus and not criminals or low-skilled manual laborers.

2 Chronicles 2: 17
Then Solomon counted all the resident aliens who were in the land of Israel, after the census of them that David his father had taken, and there were found 153,600. ESV

NOTE: Resident/illegal aliens were not “undocumented citizens” as they were included in the national census; sounds like prudent government policy to a wise King Solomon.


Eastons Bible Dictionary:
a foreigner, or person born in another country, and therefore not entitled to the rights and privileges [as a native/indigenous citizen or resident] of the country where he resides.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
April 5, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gun control and using good moral judgment

I think one of the issues regarding sensible gun control is whether someone is responsible enough to own a gun. It is not about an age requirement or having a mental illness, but how do you determine if a person has the social maturity? Owning a gun means that you are saying that you are willing to take a human life; to kill someone in a situation where there is a threat of serious bodily injury or to preserve and protect life.

You are saying that there was no reasonable alternative and that such a dire act was necessary; barring any other duty to retreat or mitigate the situation, that such an effort failed or was impractical or impossible. You are admitting that you can make a split-second Life and Death decision without premeditation, malice, intent, recklessness, or negligently AND that you can live with the consequences without any apology or second-guessing; with a 'clear conscience' and in a similar situation, would do exactly the same thing.


Nine Reasons to own a gun/firearm:
1. The Second Amendment.
2. It is my God-given right.
3. I belong to a hunter-gather society/culture and do so for survival.
4. To fight off a Martian invasion.
5. To hunt animals for sport.
6. To protect personal property.
7. I want to be armed for the coming “Race war” between Blacks and Whites.
8. To protect life or against serious personal/bodily injury.
9. For no other reason but, simply because I can and want to.

There is no test, qualification or legislation that can determine who will exercise 'reasonable' moral judgment/discernment under duress and stress when confronted with a life and death decision. Police officers are specially trained in the use of firearms but even they make mistakes. It is one thing to hit the bulls eye or near center mass on a cardboard target that is not shooting back, but it is quite another when facing a situation where a weapon is directed towards you which could end your life. If law enforcement officials, who face unknown, unpredictable, dangerous and potentially dangerous situations on a daily basis, fail to always act rationally, then how can the average citizen be expected to do so? It is not about the NRA, Congress, your family and friends, but you. Can you pass the test or do you even want to take it? There are no make-up exams because once you fail this test, somebody dies; do you want this on your conscience for the rest of your life? You decide.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
March 27, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

Time-traveler's claim just a big waste of Time?

A video of a time traveler claiming to be from the year 6000 AD was on ApexTV lately. He says: Human government will cease to exist in 6000 AD. This is going to really upset those Christian believers who are looking for “The Rapture” and Jesus' return soon (in this generation). It seems that A.I. units takes over human government because they are more efficient and do not make emotion-based decisions. I can think of several movies about the machines taking over. I wonder how much shares of stock in A.I. start-up companies will be worth in four-thousand years? Humans will achieve near-immortality by downloading their consciousness in computers or virtual reality worlds (sounds familiar??). I suppose this is an option or alternative of going to Heaven or Hell after death?

Humans and cities will be shrunk down. I guess it's more efficient and economical that way, and resources last longer. This sounds like someone met the living-computer called “Brainiac” from Superman's (Kal-El) planet Krypton, who's LEVEL-10 super-intelligence created a shrinking ray, unleashing it on the city and inhabitants of 'Kandor.' Either that, or someone stole the formula of Dr. Henry Pym's “Pym particles” (used by Ant-Man/Giant-Man). As proof of time-travel the visitor provided a hazy-looking photo, supposedly showing a futuristic city but says time-travel distorted the picture. He might have had me convinced up until that point. Four-thousand years of advancement and he could not preserve photographic evidence or other proof except a fuzzy picture that even the technology of today could do a better job.

He brought no scientific devices or instruments from the future; not even a data recorder; something or anything that might have made his claims more believable. He did not even say if Donald Trump would be reelected as POTUS, or not. I guess we'll just have to wait for the next time-traveler to show up, or until the year 2028, when according to this visitor from the future, the government will finally reveal its time-traveling program; something to look forward to; I guess. Oh, I almost forgot, since he's from the future, he knows, or should know I am writing this article, so if he wants to prove me wrong, I am waiting. Well, nothing yet; so, I guess I'm right, then.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 19, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Reflections on the Stoneman Douglas HS mass shooting

The recent mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL has left parents, teachers, law enforcement, local as well as federal legislators struggling to find answers to the growing and alarming rise in these deadly incidents. This tragedy evokes strong passions, but the reality is somewhere in America, another troubled, young male is planning the next mass shooting. You don't need an AR-15 to kill a lot of people; any automatic or semi-automatic model is just as deadly efficient. Dallas sportscaster Dale Hansen said about the FL mass shootings “If it was a Muslim or a Mexican [non-White] doing the shooting, how many new laws and how much money would we spend then to stop the madness?” Is he saying what many people really feel but are afraid to admit it? Black or Hispanic shootings are usually gang or drug-related (robbery), gambling debts, and sometimes deadly violence happens due to arguments and fights over a female.

So, instead of looking at the problem from the outside in, why not consider a view from the inside out. On the show “Criminal Minds” federal agents from the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) profile perpetrators of the most horrific crimes by establishing a profile of the unidentified suspect (“unsub”) so that they can understand the motive and pattern to predict when and where the next attack is likely to happen. I think the same kind of process can be utilized in these cases in an attempt to intervene before a series of events turns into an active shooter situation. The first thing to consider is what are the most important and powerful influences in a young persons life. Let's start with the environment where they are socialized or learn their values, and the second, and in some cases the most important is, “peer group” pressure.

Has the person learned empathy or sensitivity to the pain or suffering of others; or is such a one indifferent to anyone experiencing it? There are kids who grow up taking pleasure in killing insects, torturing or enjoying seeing animals undergoing such things. Another indicator is how a child treats toys, or to put it another way, are the toys mangled or are dolls heads ripped (twisted) off or hair ripped out, etc. Does a child beat the stuffings out of a soft toy? This is different from the normal rough play or wear-and-tear that kids have with their playthings. Sadistic tendencies develop quite early and should not have gone unnoticed. Does the person have siblings, and if so, what is their level of interaction- close or distant? Is he being raised by a female single- parent and does she work long hours where he has a lot of time to himself? Does the male have a relationship or contact with his father? Or are the parents or legal guardian spending quality time as a family or too busy working?

Now let's look at school; This is probably a socially isolated male with very few friends, who is not popular or in the mix. This male is not playing sports, or is athletic, and it is doubtful that he is dating or ever had a girlfriend; and if he did, they broke up. He might not be a total 'nerd' but is probably someone that avoids crowds and usually talks with 1 or 2 male classmates on occasion. There is a lot of time spend online posting what might be considered a manifesto (diary) of what he thinks about or rather what he wants the world to know; it may not even be what he really believes but what he wants others to believe he does. The most important question to ask is, “What triggered this act;”What is the “traumatic event” that set things in motion where someone planned to kill (murder) innocent people without a cause? Is this an act of revenge, or why target the people that he did? Is this person preoccupied with all things pertaining to death or mas shootings?

Former classmates of the suspect Nicolas Cruz say they weren’t surprised to discover he was the alleged gunman.“I can’t say I was shocked,” Joshua Charo “From past experiences, he seemed like the kind of kid who would do something like this.” “I think everyone had in their minds if anybody was going to do it, it was going to be him,” Dakota Mutchler,“A lot of people were saying it was going to be him,” Eddie Bonilla, another student, “A lot of kids joked around like that, saying that he was going to be the one to shoot up the school. But it turns out everyone predicted it.” “All he would talk about is guns, knives and hunting,” Charo said. “He used to tell me he would shoot rats with his BB gun and he wanted this kind of gun, and how he liked to always shoot for practice.” Mutchler said Cruz often boasted on Instagram about killing animals and that “he started progressively getting a little more weird.” “He was that weird kid that you see,” Daniel Huerfano, another former classmate, told the AP. “Like a loner.” The question is, why didn't these students contact law enforcement because these were serious concerns?

Continuing further: Broward County Commissioner Beam Furr told CNN that Cruz had been receiving treatment at a mental health clinic, but stopped going about a year ago. Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that he did not know of any threats posed by Cruz to the school- But Jim Gard, a math teacher at the school, told the Miami Herald that administrators had identified Cruz as a potential threat Gard remembered that the school administration had previously sent out an email warning teachers about Cruz.“We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him,” Gard said. “There were problems with him last year threatening students, and I guess he was asked to leave campus.” Did school administrators contact the parent or guardian about the reason for the expulsion and was the sheriff's department notified about the threats? Was the parent or legal guardian aware that Nicolas was not taking his medication or receiving treatment at the clinic?

BuzzFeed  reports that in September, a YouTube user Ben Bennight alerted the FBI that a commenter posted an alarming remark on one of his videos.“I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” wrote the commenter named Nikolas Cruz. According to Bennight, FBI agents conducted an in-person interview with him the following day. “They came to my office the next morning and asked me if I knew anything about the person,” Bennight said. “I didn’t. They took a copy of the screenshot and that was the last I heard from them.” Protocols were not followed on information received by Public Access Line (PAL) tip line regarding Nicolas Cruz. The staff and supervisor associated with that department should be severely reprimanded and terminated because this is a failure of epic proportions.

What purpose does it serve or satisfy to take someone's life; to shed innocent blood? Is it merely or simply to become “famous?” I think “Columbine” is like a pole vault event of school mass shootings where the bar is set so high and like an athletic completion, these sociopath or psychopath entrants want to pass over the bar; thereby setting a new record. Their legacy and purpose in life is to go down in the annals of history as one of the biggest mass murders in America; what a legacy. Sounds far-fetched?? EVERETT, Wash. - An Everett teen is under arrest Wednesday after police found evidence that he was in the advanced stages of plotting a shooting at his high school, writing in his journal that "I can't wait to ... to blow all those (expletive) away," court documents state.

The investigation into the 18-year-old ACES Alternative High School student began when his grandmother called 911 on Tuesday to report what she believed were credible threats by her grandson to shoot other students at the school, according to the court file. Excerpts from the teen's journal that said, in part, "I'm preparing myself for the school shooting. I can't wait. My aim has gotten much more accurate. ... I can't wait to walk into that class and blow all those (expletive) away," police reports say. The teen continued by writing, "I need to make this shooting/bombing ... infamous. I need to get the biggest fatality number I possibly can. I need to make this count. … I'm learning from past shooters/bombers mistakes, so I don't make the same ones," according to the case file. Everett police said. Detectives served a search warrant at the grandmother’s house and seized the grandson's journal, semiautomatic rifle, military-styled inert grenades and other items.

This is not a political issue, nor does it have to do with mental health, but if our children are acting this way it is an indictment against our entire American society and values. The American Dream is turning into a waking nightmare as teenagers, especially males, are in pain, crying out for help, and because “WE” have failed them, they see no way of escape but to end their lives and murder others along the way. When will we as adults finally hear the terrifying screams and wake up from our self-induced coma to bring healing to our kids and ourselves before it is too late and there is nothing left to save.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA98402
February 14, 2018

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The U.S. government planning to borrow a record-setting 1 trillion dollars

It was another crazy news week, so it's understandable if you missed a small but important announcement from the Treasury Department: The federal government is on track to borrow nearly $1 trillion this fiscal year — Trump's first full year in charge of the budget. That's almost double what the government borrowed in fiscal year 2017. Here are the exact figures: The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscal year, according to a documents release Wednesday. It's the highest amount of borrowing in six years, and a big jump from the $519 billion the federal government borrowed last year.

Treasury mainly attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt. In a report this week, the CBO said tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law. The uptick in borrowing is yet another complication in the heated debates in Congress over whether to spend more money on infrastructure, the military, disaster relief and other domestic programs. The deficit is already up significantly, even before Congress allots more money to any of these areas. “We're addicted to debt,” says Marc Goldwein, senior policy director at Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He blames both parties for the situation.

What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president, says Ernie Tedeschi, a former senior adviser to the U.S. Treasury who is now head of fiscal analysis at Evercore ISI. Under Reagan, borrowing spiked because of a buildup in the military, something Trump is advocating again. Trump didn't mention the debt or the ongoing budget deficits in his State of the Union address. The absence of any mention of the national debt was frustrating for Goldwein and others who warn that America has a major economic problem looming. “It is terrible. Those deficits and the debt that keeps rising is a serious problem, not only in the long run, but right now,” Harvard economist Martin Feldstein, a former Reagan adviser, told Bloomberg.

The White House got a taste of just how problematic this debt situation could get this week. Investors are concerned about all the additional borrowing and the likelihood of higher inflation, which is why the interest rates on U.S. government bonds hit the highest level since 2014. That, in turn, partly drove the worst weekly sell-off in the stock market in two years. The belief in Washington and on Wall Street has long been that the U.S. government could just keep issuing debt because people around the world are eager to buy up this safe-haven asset. But there may be a limit to how much the market wants, especially if inflation starts rising and investors prefer to ditch bonds for higher-returning stocks.

Fiscal policy is just out of control,” says Peter Davis, a former tax economist in Congress who now runs Davis Capital Investment Ideas. The Federal Reserve was also buying a lot of U.S. Treasury debt since the crisis, helping to beef up demand. But the Fed recently decided to stop doing that now that the economy has improved. It's another wrinkle as Treasury has to look for new buyers. Tedeschi, the former Treasury adviser to the Obama administration, calls it “concerning, but not a crisis.” Still, he says it's a “big risk” to plan on borrowing so much in the coming years. Trump's Treasury forecasts borrowing over $1 trillion in 2019 and over $1.1 trillion in 2020. Before taking office, Trump described himself as the “king of debt,” although he campaigned on reducing the national debt.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget predicts the U.S. deficit will hit $1 trillion by 2019 and stay there for a while. The latest borrowing figure — $955 billion — released this week was determined from a survey of bond market participants, who tend to be even faster to react to the changing policy landscape and change their forecasts. Both parties claim they want to be “fiscally responsible,” but Goldwein says they both pass legislation that adds to the debt. Politicians argue this is the last time they'll pass a bill that makes the deficit worse, but so far, they just keep going.

The latest example of largesse is the GOP tax bill. It's expected to add $1 trillion or more to the debt, according to nonpartisan analysis from the Joint Committee on Taxation (and yes, that's after accounting for some increased economic growth). But even before that, Goldwein points to the 2015 extension of many tax cuts and the 2014 delays in Medicare reimbursement cuts. “Every time you feed your addiction, you grow your addiction,” says Goldwein. There doesn't seem to be any appetite for budgetary restraint in Washington, but the market may force Congress' hand.

YOUR family share $242, 553

REFERENCE: The Washington Post (article quoted in its entirety)

U.S. Government debt- is the total outstanding borrowing of a central government, comprising of internal debt (owing to national creditors) and external debt (owing to foreign creditors), incurred in financing its expenditure.

U.S. Government deficit- The amount by which a government's expenditures exceed its tax revenues. The difference is made up for by borrowing from the public through the issuance of debt. also called Federal Debt.

COMMENTARY: The $1.5 trillion dollar “tax cut” means that amount of revenue will not be used to pay government expenditures; which means that the amount will be added to the federal deficit. Either the government will have to slash government expenditures (which is highly unlikely) or have to borrow the money by selling government securities to “buyers” (Federal Reserve, foreign investors/central banks, etc.) to pay its bills. It is curious that president Trump hasn't said anything about the national debt or the deficit; nor have any members of Congress-why??

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 2, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

AFL-CIO president weighs in on president Trump's SOTU speech

Donald Trump, even as a candidate talked about how much he cares for the blue collar American worker in the manufacturing sectors in “Rust Belt” states, but AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says president Donald Trump has “actively hurt” U.S. Workers. Trump “joined with corporations and their political allies to undermine the right of workers to bargain collectively and made our workplaces less safe. Trump wants to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure, but would include only $200 billion in federal funds – with the rest coming from states, cities and private-public “partnerships.” Critics fear that most of the private-public money would wind up in Wall Street’s pockets, rather than fixing the nation’s roads, bridges, railroads, airports and Internet infrastructure. Tax credits would go to private developers and investors, who will line their pockets by issuing bonds for toll roads through rich communities, while refusing to fund new water pipes in poor neighborhoods. Let's look at a run down of the SOTU speech:

TRUMP: Created 200,000 manufacturing jobs.
FACTS: 93,000 manufacturing jobs have been outsourced.

TRUMP: New tax plan ($1.5T tax cut).
FACTS: The law will make it tax-free for employers to create overseas subsidiaries.

TRUMP: I did away with more regulation than any other president.
FACTS: Trump eliminated regulations that protected workers health and safety. Companies lose 150 workers daily lost to occupational injuries and disease. Trump proposes a budget to slash safety research dollars that eliminate safety and health training for workers. Employers are not “required” to record injuries anymore (or that the occurrences/incidents are not reported as such). Delays standards to protect worker health and safety like silica or mine safety inspections.

TRUMP: Rising wages for American workers.
FACTS: Actually Trump's plan lowered wages by taking away OT or the way employers calculate it for about 5 million workers.

TRUMP: $200B for infrastructure projects ($20B for 10 years).
FACTS: The Society of Civil Engineers say that over 3 trillion dollars are needed to repair our old infrastructure and create a new system well into the next century.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
February 1, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

president Donald Trump's 2018 State of the Union Address

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 6:00 EST, Donald Trump gave his first SOTU speech as POTUS. His discourse lasted 1hour and 20 minutes, covering a variety of issues important to the American people and members of Congress. It is not unusual for presidents to embellish a little and try to spin a narrative that shows them in the best light, and that their policies and leadership is better than the previous administration or political party. It is now time to Fact-Check some of these claims to see whether they are true or not; as below in the following:

TRUMP: "We enacted the biggest tax cuts and reform in American history."
FACTS: Valued at $1.5 trillion over 10 years, the plan is indeed large and expensive. According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, president Trump's is the eighth biggest since 1918. As a percentage of the total economy, Reagan's 1981 cut is the biggest.

TRUMP: "After years and years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages."
FACTS: Average hourly pay rose 2.5 percent in 2017, slightly slower than the 2.9 percent increase recorded in 2016 under President Barack Obama.

TRUMP: The unemployment rate stands at a 17-year low (4.1%).
FACTS: True. The last time unemployment was this low, in the late 1990s, average hourly pay was rising at a 4 percent pace.

TRUMP: "We have ended the war on American energy."
FACTS: Advances in hydraulic fracturing before Trump became president made it economical to tap vast reserves of natural gas. Oil production also greatly increased, reducing imports. Before the 2016 presidential election, the U.S. for the first time in decades was getting more energy domestically than it imports.

TRUMP: "We are now very proudly an exporter of energy to the world."
FACTS: Nothing new here because the U.S. has long exported all sorts of energy to other parts of the world. If Trump means a “net” importer, the U.S. Energy Information Agency projects that the U.S. will become a net energy exporter in the next decade, primarily because of a boom in oil and gas production that began before Trump's presidency.

TRUMP: "We slashed the business tax rate from 35 percent all the way down to 21 percent, and these changes alone are estimated to increase average family income by more than $4,000.
FACTS: This figure comes from Trump's chief economist, Kevin Hassett, but many mainstream economists poked wide holes into this claim. The problem with the $4,000 claim is that Trump is essentially promising $500 billion in income gains across the entire economy from tax cuts that are a small fraction of that total on an annual basis.

TRUMP: "Since we passed tax cuts, roughly 3 million workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses — many of them thousands and thousands of dollars per worker."
FACTS: This is mostly true, but according to Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative group, about 3 million workers have gotten bonuses, raises or larger payments to their retirement accounts. That's about 2 percent of the more than 154 million Americans with jobs. The Labor Department said before the tax package was signed into law that 38 percent of workers would probably get some form of bonus in 2017. Few companies have yet granted across-the-board pay raises, though.

TRUMP: "Many car companies are now building and expanding plants in the United States, something we haven't seen for decades."
FACTS: As Alec Baldwin would say, “Wrong.” Toyota opened its Mississippi factory in 2011. Hyundai's plant in Alabama dates to 2005. In 2010, Tesla fully acquired and updated an old factory to produce its electric vehicles. Trump also declared that "Chrysler is moving a major plant from Mexico to Michigan” but actually, Chrysler announced it will move production of heavy-duty pickup trucks from Mexico to Michigan, but the plant is not closing in Mexico. It will start producing other vehicles for global sales and no change in its workforce is anticipated.

TRUMP: "We repealed the core of the disastrous Obamacare — the individual mandate is now gone."
FACTS: Alec Baldwin says, “Wrong;” again. No, it's not gone. It will expire in 2019. People who go without insurance this year are still subject to fines. Congress did repeal the unpopular requirement that most Americans carry insurance or risk a tax penalty, but that takes effect next year. Significant parts of ObamaCare (“AHA”) of the overhaul remain in place, including its Medicaid expansion, protections for people with pre-existing conditions, guaranteed "essential" health benefits, and subsidized private health insurance for people with modest incomes.

TRUMP: "Our massive tax cuts provide tremendous relief for the middle class and small business."
FACTS: Most Americans will pay less in taxes this year. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that about 80 percent of U.S. households will get a tax cut, with about 15 percent seeing little change and 5 percent paying more. Middle-class households — defined as those making between roughly $49,000 and $86,000 a year — will see their tax bills drop by about $930, the Tax Policy Center calculates. That will lift their after-tax incomes by 1.6 percent. The richest 1 percent, meanwhile, will save $51,140, lifting their after-tax incomes by 3.4 percent, or more than twice as much as the middle class.

TRUMP: “I am proud to report that the coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated very close to 100 percent of the territory just recently held by these killers in Iraq and in Syria and in other locations, as well.”
FACTS: Although it's true that the Islamic State group has lost nearly 100 percent of the territory it held in Syria and Iraq when the U.S. began airstrikes in both countries in 2014, Syria remains wracked by civil war, with much of that country controlled by the government of Russian ally Syrian President Bashar Assad and not by U.S.-allied groups. he progress cited by Trump did not start with his presidency. The U.S.-led coalition recaptured much land, including several key cities in Iraq, before he took office. And the assault on Mosul, which was the extremists' main stronghold in northern Iraq, was begun during the Obama administration.


Associated Press writers Josh Boak, Matthew Daly, Josh Lederman, Robert Burns and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar contributed to this report.
Find AP Fact Checks at

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St Apt 701
Tacoma, WA 98402
January 30, 2018