Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Colin Powell Not a “True” Republican?

Former Vice-president Dick “Darth” Cheney appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, May 12, 2009 and extolled the virtues of Rush Limbaugh to moderator Bob Schieffer, while at the same time calling into question former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s loyalty with the GOP ideology. Somehow, supporting the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama has made him seem in the eyes of Mr. Cheney, at least, as something ‘other’ than a Republican. Instead, Dick Cheney thinks that a junkie (“oxycontin”) demagogue who happens to have a radio show as the epitome of a ‘real,’ dyed-in-the-wool, Red State Republican. It seems that anyone who believes in the “Force” of Social Justice, International Law, Human Rights, and Political Integrity is an enemy of the “Dark Side.”

Ever since Barack Obama has become President Rush Limbaugh has been relentless in his verbal tirade and insulting remarks to such an extent that he wants President Obama to ‘fail?’ Now does that make any sense? Does Mr. Limbaugh not want the economy to turn around and people get back to work; or people buying homes again; or America less dependent on Middle Eastern oil and fossil fuels; or people who want to go to college can afford to go; or banks freeing up credit for businesses and personal loans; or to see that every American has affordable Health Insurance; or that every citizen has clean air, drinking water, safer communities to raise our families, pristine lakes and streams, and improvements in our solid waste collection sites; and that our infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, transportation systems) are adequately funded; reinvesting in our schools/institutes of higher learning, and to make improvements to our outdoor recreational areas (parks, beaches, etc.)? This is what an Obama failure may mean and not only that, but as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama said all along that it was not about him, but about the American people; whom he wants to serve.

The Republican Party like to think of itself as the “Big Tent Party” where everyone is welcome but if it is not careful, there tent just might collapse like the one at the Dallas Cowboys Training facility mini-camp in Irving, TX almost a week ago from the political gusts of disdain and recriminations from some more of their more far-to-the Right blowhards besides Cheney and Limbaugh, like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Mary Matalin; to name a few. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania has already left this political “Titanic” because he saw that it has already sprung a pretty good-sized leak and one can only wonder if the two excellent Legislators from the great State of Maine, Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, aren’t far behind.

Since Rush Limbaugh and Governor Sarah Palin are so dear to the hearts of the GOP, maybe they should be the Republican presidential ticket in 2012. Mr. Limbaugh likes to shoot off his mouth a lot and Tina Fey’s doppelganger likes aerial hunting of grey wolves and Caribou in the Alaskan tundra. Not only that, but outside of them and only a few other Americans like Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush, who consider themselves decent, God-fearing, family values, and patriotic who still to this day believe that “water-boarding,” Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and ‘Rendition’ of enemy combatants without the right of “Due process of Law,” believe all of this is good thing; and that it is not in violation of the U.S. Constitution or the Geneva Convention, nor does it betray core American values, tradition, history, and religious beliefs.

The funny thing about being so far to the “Right” is that you forget the world is a circle and the farther away you go from the ‘left,’ by alienating people with some kind of purist mandate or litmus test, sooner or later, you end up on the “Left;” or rather that you may end up being left all by yourself.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 12, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Alaska's First-Daughter an Unlikely Role Model

Bristol Palin, oldest daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, appeared recently on NBC’s “The Today Show” in an interview with host Matt Lauer to talk about her advocacy work in behalf of preventing teenage pregnancy. It seems a bit surreal or perhaps unreal is a better word to describe someone whose pregnancy was paraded onto the national stage along with her then, boyfriend, Levi Johnston, when her mother, Sarah Palin was John McCain’s Vice-presidential running mate. And it is all after-the-fact and in hindsight; like closing the gate to the stall when all the cattle have gone out.

During the interview, there seemed to be a slight disconnect between Bristol and her dad, Todd, who also accompanied her onto the set to answer questions as well and to support his daughter. Bristol said that having 4-month old son, Tripp, was ‘not’ a mistake, but First-Dad Todd said, “Bristol’s job was sharing with other teenagers the ‘mistake’ that she made a year ago, and helping other girls to learn from it.” So, what was the “mistake” that both of them were alluding to, and to which both of them had a different perspective? Was it having sexual intercourse or getting pregnant?

One could not help but feel a degree of empathy for Bristol when last year her personal/private life and youthful predilections became political fodder of sorts on Internet blog sites, major broadcast news networks, cable news, print media, and the International press as well. So, why is Bristol bringing up the issue once again of her self as having been pregnant, but now as an unwed, single-parent? Even on the issue of teen pregnancy, Bristol is sending a mixed message because on the one hand she advocates “abstinence;” but on the other hand she told Matt Lauer, “If you’re going to have sex, I think you should have ‘safe’ sex.” "What! is that what she practiced?” First of all, sex of any kind cannot realistically be called “SAFE” in the strictest sense of the word. If one doesn’t get pregnant, is that considered ‘safe sex’ as opposed to contracting an STD; what about oral sex or masturbation?

Bristol goes on to mention how hard it is to be a mom; well, an even more well-known teenage mom, namely Jamie Lynn Spears could say the same thing; yet you don’t hear about her wanting to go out an be a national spokesperson. Even Big Sis Brittany could go around and talk about how difficult it is to raise children; considering how she lost custody of her kids to Ex-hubby, “K-Fed” (Kevin Federline). Perhaps Hannah Montana’s alter-ego Miley Cyrus (or is it the other way around?), could be a better role model for teenage girls. However, with the sweet, Disney Princess, sixteen year old Christian, and avowed virginal (??),precocious ‘tween’ dating a twenty year old, it is uncertain how long the state of chastity will remain as it presumably is. But, oh what the heck, and not to worry; it not the messenger anyway, but rather the message.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leno's Upcoming Laugh-Fest Just Might Not Be So Funny Afterall

Comedian Jay Leno of NBC’s “The Tonite Show” is the latest celebrity wanting to do something for those unemployed workers in America impacted by the downturn in the economy. Mr. Leno is scheduled to perform before an audience in the town of Wilmington, OH, for what is billed as his “Comedy Stimulus Performance.” According the April 28, 2009 edition of the Tacoma News Tribune, Section A2, an estimated 3,100 of the printed 4, 000 tickets have already been given out to the eagerly anticipatory crowd; much like someone waiting for the government stimulus check from the Internal Revenue Service to come in the mail.

After Jay Leno entertains the crowd with his usual repertoire of jokes, comedy skits, ad-lib, and introductory warm-up monologue, producing belly laughs and a raucous roar of approval and applause from the appreciative crowd, what will this jocular ‘placebo’ really accomplish? It won’t change anything and the same problems that people had before will remain with them after all the playtime is over. Instead of this effort, why not do something that produces real results that are tangible and measurable.

If Mr. Leno was performing at a nightclub in Las Vegas and ticket prices started at say, $55.00, then the 3,100 free tickets given away in Ohio would have made at least $170, 500 at one of those venues in Vegas. So instead of traveling to Wilmington to give the people in financial dire straits a “Feel-good moment,” this money could have been sent there instead, and used to help support perhaps a dozen families to either pay some of their living expenses for a year, medical/ dental bills, or prescription medication costs; especially if they have exhausted all their Unemployment Insurance and are not receiving Public Assistance and have no other resources.

Having said all that, still, Mr. Leno should be commended for his compassion, altruism, and good heart because he does have the right intentions; and like many others, he just wants to help do something in any way that he can or knows how. This kind of unselfishness, civic responsibility, moral decency, and spirit of giving is what makes America such a great country. It is ‘the tie-that-binds’ when a person unconditionally and unsolicited, responds to another’s misfortune, pain, and sense of loss. It is a pity and a shame that more people don’t do the same thing.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 5, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Little Leaven leavens the Whole Lump

This not an article about Culinary Arts or about Religion, but rather about the power of influence exerted by the Oval Office. Inherent within the framework of the US Constitution is the “Separation of Powers” clauses which limit the power of any one particular branch of government. President Barack Obama seems to be coming precipitously close to the edge of violating that necessary protection.

Over 100 days ago, Barack Obama took the Oath of Office, placed his hand on ‘Lincoln’s Bible’ and swore to the American people to, “Uphold, Defend, and Protect the Constitution of the United States,” it seems that he may be in jeopardy of violating that sacred trust. The Constitution of the United States gives the Executive Branch broad and sweeping powers, but there is a limit on these powers as well. For the second time, President Obama has used the influence of his office to cause a shakeup in the corporate boardrooms of an American company; this time he wants the ouster of another executive, Robert Nardelli, CEO of Chrysler. Previously, the hatchet fell on former GM CEO, Rick Waggoner.

It is a little disconcerting when someone as powerful as the president of the United States can become some involved in matters that should be left to the stockholders of these companies or if there is any criminal wrongdoing, then let the FTC, FBI or the Justice Department take care of the matter. As history has borne out, once government gets involved and intrudes into people’s lives, it is very hard to get it out.

Today it is the US Automakers, what will it be tomorrow? Is the “CHANGE” that candidate Barack Obama was promising in the form of a de-facto Autocracy or Monarchy? Are the leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives nothing more than mute, secondary cast members of the Legislative Branch, waiting to be called upon, sitting on the sidelines, and like in a Shakespearean drama, as Cassius tells Brutus: “The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings [to Caesar; or in this case, President Obama].”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

I Now Sentence You to "LIFE"

The ‘recession’ has affected almost all areas of the economy, both in the public and private sectors; amid massive job losses, increasing UI claims from laid-off workers, record numbers of companies filing for bankruptcy, corporate profits down, shrinking market share, the Consumer Confidence Index is at its lowest level in recent memory, and banks are refusing to make loans while raising interest rates on credit cardholders to offset financial losses.

In spite of all the gloomy pessimism, there is one bright spot, and this is in the field of Law Enforcement. It seems that vacancies cannot be filled fast enough and some agencies have even had to advertise for open positions in other states employment listings. This not only pertains to local police departments, but sheriff’s deputies and state patrol officers as well. And because of the constant threat from terrorism, there are positions in Homeland Security, Port Security, Border Patrol Agents, Immigration & Naturalization Agents, and of course, the Military.

But getting back to the main point, it seems that “crime does pay,” or rather provides a paycheck for those who seek employment in the various branches of the Criminal Justice System. While the need to protect the public from harmful acts is an almost instinctive one, and a sacred trust, it is ironic that in the midst of this economic downturn, teachers are being fired but more police officers [or Public Safety Officers; if you prefer] are being hired. Bullets seem to be more important than books and a badge & gun more valued than a High School Diploma or a College degree. Think about it for a moment: The average cost to incarcerate a prisoner is $30,000 or so annually; which could feed a family of four about twelve months. If you take and multiply that amount by the nearly 1.5 million people in jails and prisons, not including those in Juvenile Detention Centers, or in Mental State Hospitals for the Criminally Insane, this comes to a whopping 45 Billion dollars.

Since the rate of ‘recidivism’ is 90%, what’s the point of locking up all these offenders who sit around most of the time without being productive; unless you call using the prison library to become familiar with criminal law precedents so they can work on their appeals, and who sit around and enjoy “three hot’s and a cot” on the taxpayers dime? Now this criticism does not mean that all the floodgates of the prisons and jails should be swung wide open to let out all the murderers, sexual predators, psychopaths, schizophrenics, paranoid delusional, bi-polar, and mentally depraved individuals to wreck havoc on the innocent citizenry. However, it has been argued for decades that the modern penal system, which by the way, was first instituted in the Americas by those peace-loving, charitable, benevolent, and God-fearing Quakers, is now an abject failure.

What is sorely needed is a practical reform of the Criminal Justice/Penal System, the Criminal Courts, and the Legislatures in each State which draft the Criminal law codes to amend the existing laws where only the most heinous, unrepentant or unremorseful, malicious, and wickedly malevolent and deviant individuals are put away where they cannot ever harm another individual. Yet at the same time, there mustn’t be a compromise of the system’s integrity and fairness, to wit; the same justice which the wealthy can afford should also be made available to the poor, as well. It must be kept in mind that the C.J. System derives most of its revenue from the taxpayer and not from fines imposed by the Courts or through Bail/Bonds proceedings.

Since there are roughly about 5 million workers without jobs, this means a shrinking tax base and insufficient revenue to meet the budgets and services as well as projects at the local, county, city, state, and national level. Just like there is an ever-increasing cry for a mandate for the Courts to dismiss frivolous lawsuits, there should be just as much vigor or rigor in addressing the issue of exorbitant sentencing guidelines for seemingly minor or less egregious criminal conduct. This must be done in such a way as to satisfy the ‘ends of the law’ to punish significant criminal behavior while at the same time is humane and sensitive to the aggrieved party as well as to act prudently in the best interests of society as a whole; and early release (‘parole’) or pre-release just might not be the best alternative in all instances.

Perhaps the next time a criminal defendant appears before the bar of justice regarding offenses deemed non-lethal, habitual, premeditated, or depraved, and after all the arguments from both opposing counsel has been heard and evidence [‘Discovery’] is introduced to the Court, the presiding Judge can then look the perpetrator straight in the eyes and say, “I hereby sentence you to ‘LIFE;’ get out of my courtroom, get a job, live responsibly, and don’t appear before my face again because I’m not going to let you off that easy, next time.” Perhaps forgiveness is the best form of rehabilitation, not retribution or punishment.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 1, 2009