Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Little Leaven leavens the Whole Lump

This not an article about Culinary Arts or about Religion, but rather about the power of influence exerted by the Oval Office. Inherent within the framework of the US Constitution is the “Separation of Powers” clauses which limit the power of any one particular branch of government. President Barack Obama seems to be coming precipitously close to the edge of violating that necessary protection.

Over 100 days ago, Barack Obama took the Oath of Office, placed his hand on ‘Lincoln’s Bible’ and swore to the American people to, “Uphold, Defend, and Protect the Constitution of the United States,” it seems that he may be in jeopardy of violating that sacred trust. The Constitution of the United States gives the Executive Branch broad and sweeping powers, but there is a limit on these powers as well. For the second time, President Obama has used the influence of his office to cause a shakeup in the corporate boardrooms of an American company; this time he wants the ouster of another executive, Robert Nardelli, CEO of Chrysler. Previously, the hatchet fell on former GM CEO, Rick Waggoner.

It is a little disconcerting when someone as powerful as the president of the United States can become some involved in matters that should be left to the stockholders of these companies or if there is any criminal wrongdoing, then let the FTC, FBI or the Justice Department take care of the matter. As history has borne out, once government gets involved and intrudes into people’s lives, it is very hard to get it out.

Today it is the US Automakers, what will it be tomorrow? Is the “CHANGE” that candidate Barack Obama was promising in the form of a de-facto Autocracy or Monarchy? Are the leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives nothing more than mute, secondary cast members of the Legislative Branch, waiting to be called upon, sitting on the sidelines, and like in a Shakespearean drama, as Cassius tells Brutus: “The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings [to Caesar; or in this case, President Obama].”

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 2, 2009