Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Colin Powell Not a “True” Republican?

Former Vice-president Dick “Darth” Cheney appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, May 12, 2009 and extolled the virtues of Rush Limbaugh to moderator Bob Schieffer, while at the same time calling into question former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s loyalty with the GOP ideology. Somehow, supporting the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama has made him seem in the eyes of Mr. Cheney, at least, as something ‘other’ than a Republican. Instead, Dick Cheney thinks that a junkie (“oxycontin”) demagogue who happens to have a radio show as the epitome of a ‘real,’ dyed-in-the-wool, Red State Republican. It seems that anyone who believes in the “Force” of Social Justice, International Law, Human Rights, and Political Integrity is an enemy of the “Dark Side.”

Ever since Barack Obama has become President Rush Limbaugh has been relentless in his verbal tirade and insulting remarks to such an extent that he wants President Obama to ‘fail?’ Now does that make any sense? Does Mr. Limbaugh not want the economy to turn around and people get back to work; or people buying homes again; or America less dependent on Middle Eastern oil and fossil fuels; or people who want to go to college can afford to go; or banks freeing up credit for businesses and personal loans; or to see that every American has affordable Health Insurance; or that every citizen has clean air, drinking water, safer communities to raise our families, pristine lakes and streams, and improvements in our solid waste collection sites; and that our infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, transportation systems) are adequately funded; reinvesting in our schools/institutes of higher learning, and to make improvements to our outdoor recreational areas (parks, beaches, etc.)? This is what an Obama failure may mean and not only that, but as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama said all along that it was not about him, but about the American people; whom he wants to serve.

The Republican Party like to think of itself as the “Big Tent Party” where everyone is welcome but if it is not careful, there tent just might collapse like the one at the Dallas Cowboys Training facility mini-camp in Irving, TX almost a week ago from the political gusts of disdain and recriminations from some more of their more far-to-the Right blowhards besides Cheney and Limbaugh, like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Mary Matalin; to name a few. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania has already left this political “Titanic” because he saw that it has already sprung a pretty good-sized leak and one can only wonder if the two excellent Legislators from the great State of Maine, Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, aren’t far behind.

Since Rush Limbaugh and Governor Sarah Palin are so dear to the hearts of the GOP, maybe they should be the Republican presidential ticket in 2012. Mr. Limbaugh likes to shoot off his mouth a lot and Tina Fey’s doppelganger likes aerial hunting of grey wolves and Caribou in the Alaskan tundra. Not only that, but outside of them and only a few other Americans like Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush, who consider themselves decent, God-fearing, family values, and patriotic who still to this day believe that “water-boarding,” Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and ‘Rendition’ of enemy combatants without the right of “Due process of Law,” believe all of this is good thing; and that it is not in violation of the U.S. Constitution or the Geneva Convention, nor does it betray core American values, tradition, history, and religious beliefs.

The funny thing about being so far to the “Right” is that you forget the world is a circle and the farther away you go from the ‘left,’ by alienating people with some kind of purist mandate or litmus test, sooner or later, you end up on the “Left;” or rather that you may end up being left all by yourself.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 12, 2009