Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are Tacoma Mayoral Candidates Closet Christians?

Have we become so cynical, sensitive, and politically-incorrect that the mere mention of a word such as "spiritual" conjures up visions of bible-toting demagogues preaching messages of hell-fire, brimstone and eternal damnation who browbeat sinners (those who don't embrace their particular theology) to repent and accept God's salvation; while at the same time they talk about God's Love as they practice intolerance, hatred, and judging other people. Some fail to see that the word 'spiritual' has meaning in a number of different religions besides Christianity; not to mention among other philosophical teachings and disciplines.

It seems that Tacoma, WA Mayoral candidates Marrilyn Strickland and Jim Merritt may face the political equivalent of being thrown into the arena before latter-day Romans who smell blood just because of their "Faith." Being a Christian is not about adherence to some rigid, outdated dogma, but rather, it is about the freedom to live a virtuous life of the highest ideals of moral integrity, honor, compassion, justice, championing human rights, and unselfishlessly desiring to serve others for the common welfare of all people. It is not about political labels but rather to seek consensus, and to build bridges and bi-partisan support among those with whom you may fundamentally disagree on some policy issues or decisions.

The thing that is most important is for a candidate to be honest, transparent, and to stand firmly behind their word. Having a religious background, whether Christian or any other, if it embraces these principles, should not disqualify someone who seeks to be chosen for a non-partisan elected office.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 3, 2009