Friday, June 5, 2009

Change All of Us Can Believe In

President Barack Obama's speech on yesterday from Cairo, Egypt was not only historic, but it was probably one of his best speeches ever! It's unfortunate that it will do little to move people to act in more humane and compassionate ways toward one another. The real issue is whether or not we as members of one diverse race and family of humanity are ready to beat our swords into plowshears (gardening tools), and not learn the ways of war anymore. There is so much more which we have in common with each other than which separates us, and it is now far past the time for Muslims, Christians, and Jews to "Stop the Insanity."

Barack was correct in pointing out from a reading of the Holy Koran that it is against the teachings to harm or kill the innocent and when al-Qaeda does this, they are violating not only the teachings of the prophet Mohammed but the very word of Allah Himself; this all muslims know in their hearts because afterall, the very word, 'Muslim' means, "submission to the will of God" and the word Islam means, "peace." So, it is troubling when an Imam teaches one to participate in "Jihad," make the holy pilgrimmage to Mecca in one's lifetime, as well as pray 5 times a day while memorizing verses of the Koran, and yet are they not blaspheming the very name of Allah if they are unfaithful to the Truth by slaughtering the innocent; and are themselves no worse off than the very infidels whom they vehemently condemn?

Also, the truth about war needs to be revealed for what it really is, and that being, an insidious attempt to gain wealth and power by exploiting people, lands, and natural resources. It is not strictly about political ideology, religion, or human rights but rather, if there is gold in them thar hills, copper and diamonds in those mines, and how many bbl. of oil or mcf. of natural gas can be extracted from the ground; democracy and christianity are used as just the means to an ends. As an old Indian elder once lamented: "They [the Christian missionaries] had Bibles and we had the land." The missionaries said, "Let us bow our heads, close our eyes, kneel and pray." "When we opened our eyes, raised our heads and stood up on our feet; they had all the land and we got Bibles."

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 6, 2009