Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Message to Governor Mark Sanford: Some people never seem to learn from the mistakes of others

The moral authority of the GOP seems to be unraveling among those whose mouths drip with sweet platitudes of devotion, loyalty, patriotism, fidelity, honesty, and family values are falling like a house of cards. The latest embarrassment is Governor Mark Sanford (R-NC), who has admitted to an affair with a woman named “Maria” from Buenos Aires, Argentina. If it is any consolation, the Governor is just the latest inductee into the dishonorable “Hall of Shame.” Former tarnished members include: Former Mayor Eliot Spitzer (R-NY), alias “Client Number 9” had affairs with prostitutes, including, Ashley “Kristen” Dupree. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) had an affair with Judith Nathan, who later became his second wife.

Former Senator John Ensign (R-NV) had an affair with a campaign staffer. Newt Gingrich had an affair with a young Congressional Aide named Anne Manning; although she said it was only “oral sex.” That one sounds vaguely familiar, and it is about as logical as former Senator Larry Craig (R-OH), saying that he wasn’t ‘gay.’ Even the ‘pit-bull’ of the Republican Party, Bill O’Reilly had to settle an out-of-court sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by the former producer of "THE O’REILLY FACTOR,” Andrea Mackris. Even the “Mouth,” Rush Limbaugh has an ongoing affair with the sound of his own voice; not to mention those occasional encounters with ‘oxycontin.’

In order not to appear biased or one-sided, the Democrats have their roll call members, too: NY Governor David Paterson had an affair with several women; including one who was a State employee. Now, saving the best for last: poster boy for Infidelity, former Senator John Edwards who had an affair with Reille Hunter; while his wife Elizabeth was undergoing painfully debilitating cancer treatments, and who was in remission. One thing is becoming increasing clear in these instances, especially among Republicans, which is, the Party that preaches such ‘virtuosity’ ends up practicing the most ‘hypocrisy.’

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 24, 2009