The ironic shooting death of an African-American security guard, Stephen Tyrone Johns, at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D. C. on July 11, 2009, underscores once again the irrationality of ‘HATE.’ Much has been made of the affiliation to a White Supremacist group by the 88- year-old assailant, James von Brunn, but not as much attention and coverage was given to the slain man’s grief-stricken family, friends, co-workers or relatives. Experts from the FBI, college professors and Advisory Council or Public Policy Institutes have all weighed in on this issue and reached conclusions that are once again, OLD NEWS. This act is just another violent symptom due to fear of further polluting the so-called “pure” White race and as well as witnessing the gradual demise of old White Men [the status quo].
Some will point to the election of Barack Obama, a non-White man as the tipping point to trigger more such outbursts based upon an increase in Internet chat rooms toward harming the First-Family which have most certainly been censored, sanitized, and filtered through the media by Government officials; and any domestic assassination attempts, threats, and conspiracies were doubtless thwarted through surveillance and eavesdropping on private communications by the FBI, Homeland Security, and Justice Department.
While this incident is unfortunate, President Obama is not the scapegoat for all of this rage which will incite White people to ignite a “RACE WAR.” Attempting to use Barack Obama’s opposition to the NRA’s attempt to overturn the Law banning the sale of Assault [automatic] Weapons does not deprive those avid gun enthusiasts, sportsmen, Aryan Nation, Skin Heads, Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists of their First Amendment Right to Bear Arms; and to say he wants to is ridiculous. Also, excuses such as blaming the high crime rates in some impoverished urban communities is a threat to Whites is not credible because the Law Enforcement statistics for Black on White victimization show that such incidences are very low.
Another common grievance is the Immigration issue, which is meant to mean “illegal aliens or those with Spanish surnames who supposedly keep wages low by working in occupations, industries, and on jobs that native-born and naturalized citizens don’t want to. This is troublesome for Whites, mostly the males, especially when the Economy is contracting and in a Recession. These hard working, albeit undocumented men and women are accused of avoiding paying Federal Income taxes but it is conveniently ignored about the billions of dollars they spend in the Economy from their employment on goods and services. Adding to this paranoia is the fact that within a few decades, Hispanics will be the majority population in the United States. Not only that, but bi-racial families are the fastest growing segment in American society, outpacing, if not replacing, the traditional social experience or expectation.
For those who would predict America will go down in flames among the conflagration of an ‘Apocalyptic’ Race War, don’t hold your breath because it just ain’t gonna happen! Nor will using the universal, pathetic, anguished and hateful cry of all-time, “Blame it On the Jews.” So then, what is at the heart of an underlying root for the frustration, powerlessness, and disorientation besieging White men desperately needing an answer to losing one's job, health care insurance, home, standard-of-living, retirement benefits, and confidence; causing them to lash out in unprovoked maniacal and criminal actions towards those who look differently from them?
There is a name for this ‘PAIN’ but it is not the ‘Black Man.’ Indeed; it might be a lot closer than he is willing to admit or look. Besides, who are the ones taking most of the good jobs; it’s certainly not the Blacks, Jews, Arabs, or even the 2% outsourced to Asia. Even if all the facts are never fully known or disclosed, still, there is no excuse or justification for this kind of bigotry, hatred, viciousness, callousness and murder.
This kind of warped mentality isn’t unlike what motivated the killing of Dr. George Tiller, whose body was found shot to death in the foyer of a Lutheran Reformation Church in Wichita, Kansas about two weeks ago. This physician who performed thousands of abortions had received death threats by PRO-LIFE anti-abortionists whose twisted logic ardently value the sanctity of Life for an unborn immature fetus [a human in-becoming] but for some reason, have little or no regard for that same preciousness of Life when an abortion clinic is bombed, placing medical staff, assistants, office personnel, and the pregnant female in harm’s way; or a doctor shot to death because to them, these people deserve whatever they get coming to them.
What these two extreme examples have in common is a delusional state-of-mind driven by intense passions, devoid of reason, dedicated and fixed upon one single objective, namely, to eradicate the perceived affront to one’s core beliefs, and driven by an obsessive, albeit, convincingly unbalanced sense of what seems to such a person, of ‘doing the Right thing.’
Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
June 13, 2009