Thursday, May 7, 2009

Alaska's First-Daughter an Unlikely Role Model

Bristol Palin, oldest daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, appeared recently on NBC’s “The Today Show” in an interview with host Matt Lauer to talk about her advocacy work in behalf of preventing teenage pregnancy. It seems a bit surreal or perhaps unreal is a better word to describe someone whose pregnancy was paraded onto the national stage along with her then, boyfriend, Levi Johnston, when her mother, Sarah Palin was John McCain’s Vice-presidential running mate. And it is all after-the-fact and in hindsight; like closing the gate to the stall when all the cattle have gone out.

During the interview, there seemed to be a slight disconnect between Bristol and her dad, Todd, who also accompanied her onto the set to answer questions as well and to support his daughter. Bristol said that having 4-month old son, Tripp, was ‘not’ a mistake, but First-Dad Todd said, “Bristol’s job was sharing with other teenagers the ‘mistake’ that she made a year ago, and helping other girls to learn from it.” So, what was the “mistake” that both of them were alluding to, and to which both of them had a different perspective? Was it having sexual intercourse or getting pregnant?

One could not help but feel a degree of empathy for Bristol when last year her personal/private life and youthful predilections became political fodder of sorts on Internet blog sites, major broadcast news networks, cable news, print media, and the International press as well. So, why is Bristol bringing up the issue once again of her self as having been pregnant, but now as an unwed, single-parent? Even on the issue of teen pregnancy, Bristol is sending a mixed message because on the one hand she advocates “abstinence;” but on the other hand she told Matt Lauer, “If you’re going to have sex, I think you should have ‘safe’ sex.” "What! is that what she practiced?” First of all, sex of any kind cannot realistically be called “SAFE” in the strictest sense of the word. If one doesn’t get pregnant, is that considered ‘safe sex’ as opposed to contracting an STD; what about oral sex or masturbation?

Bristol goes on to mention how hard it is to be a mom; well, an even more well-known teenage mom, namely Jamie Lynn Spears could say the same thing; yet you don’t hear about her wanting to go out an be a national spokesperson. Even Big Sis Brittany could go around and talk about how difficult it is to raise children; considering how she lost custody of her kids to Ex-hubby, “K-Fed” (Kevin Federline). Perhaps Hannah Montana’s alter-ego Miley Cyrus (or is it the other way around?), could be a better role model for teenage girls. However, with the sweet, Disney Princess, sixteen year old Christian, and avowed virginal (??),precocious ‘tween’ dating a twenty year old, it is uncertain how long the state of chastity will remain as it presumably is. But, oh what the heck, and not to worry; it not the messenger anyway, but rather the message.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
May 7, 2009