Sunday, November 6, 2011

America is just as "race-sensitive" as ever

Herman Cain played the “race” card recently to deflect some of the ever-increasing scrutiny about allegations of sexual harassment from at least three different women; which happened over twelve years ago. He was quoted earlier as saying, “I don’t believe racism in this country holds anybody back in a big way.” Now Herman Cain has used the line made famous by Supreme Court Clarence Justice at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judicial Committee, “This is nothing more than high-tech ‘lynching’. . .” And there you have it, using “White Guilt” for political points and using the liberal media as slave master to put in check another ‘uppity’ Negro who has forgotten or doesn’t know his place in the society. President Obama used the ‘race’ card continually throughout his campaign through playing up the part about his white mother from Kansas as well as her parents [his grandparents]. He even made the comparison to not looking like one of the faces [White] on the dollar bill. Heck, it wasn’t until he was practically elected President that he introduced his Indonesian step-sister. There have been other elected offices throughout the country where one of the candidates, namely a white person, had injected the issue of “race” time and time again to gain victory. Even the redistricting and gentrification of certain neighborhoods and regions in various cities or urban areas across America have more to do with race than social class or creating economic empowerment zones. To be sure, Herman Cain’s problems are those of his own making but it will be interesting to gauge the fallout when one of the victims to whom he has alleged to have engaged in “conduct unbecoming” happens to be a White female? If such turns out to be true, his supporters will disappear faster than rats fleeing out of a burning barn.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
November 5, 2011